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İngilizce - Türkçe

sıklık sırası: 916






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FLOW = [flou] verb
1 (sıvı) akmak * eşanlamlı : run, pour, stream, spurt, gush
İngilizce örnek : The River Amazon flows into the Atlantic Ocean.
Türkçe çevirisi : Amazon Irmağı Atlantik Okyanusu’na dökülür.
İngilizce örnek : The river flowed smoothly between its banks.
Türkçe çevirisi : Nehir kıyıları arasında şırıl şırıl aktı.
2 sallanmak, sarkmak
3 çıkmak, doğmak * eşanlamlı : issue, arise, spring, emanate
¤ noun
1 akış, akıntı * eşanlamlı : stream, current, outpouring, flood
İngilizce örnek : They controlled the flow of the river.
Türkçe çevirisi : Nehrin akışını kontrol altına aldılar.
2 akın
3 met, kabarma * eşanlamlı : tide

FLOW = (flow nedir; flow Türkçesi) Finansal değerleri oluşturma, değiştirme, tebdil etme, transfer etme veya ortadan kaldırmayı mümkün kılan işlem akışı.

ilgili sözler / related words

absolute radiant heat flow abundant flow actual maximum flow line adiabatic flow adjustable flow rate adjustable flow rate air diffuser aerodynamic flow of wind after-tax cash flow aggregate flow diagram air and flue gas mass flow air entraining flow air flow air flow bench air flow control air flow direction air flow flap air flow gauge connector air flow indicator air flow path air flow pattern air flow permeability air flow rate air flow rate controller air flow resistance air flow restriction device air flow reverser air flow selector air flow sensor air flow sensor connector air flow sensor plate air flow sensor signal air flow sensor value air mass flow rate air traffic flow management air traffic flow management centre air traffic flow management unit air volume flow rate allowable air flow anchor and text flow orientation angle of current flow angle of flow angular flow pump annual flow annular flow approach flow system aquifer flow area of artesian flow area of gas-lift flow arrival flow rate artesian flow ash flow aspiration flow rate associated flow rule atmospheric air flow over a mountain area audience flow augmenting flow automatic constant flow offtake regulator automatic semi-constant flow offtake regulator average air traffic flow management average air traffic flow management unit average annual flow average flow average stream flow axial flow axial flow blower axial flow combine harvester axial flow combines axial flow compressor axial flow fan axial flow impulse turbine axial flow pump axial flow turbine axial steam flow back flow back flow valve balanced back flow valve balanced flow base flow basic circular flow of economic activity basic flow beforetax cash flow bidirectional air flow bidirectional flow bimodal flow blood flow blood flow chart bottom flow boundary layer flow bowing of flow bubble flow bulk flow bulk of flow by the flow of canal flow rate capillary blood flow capillary flow capillary flow of water capital flow carburizer flow scope panel carrier primary flow cash flow cash flow analysis cash flow chart cash flow forecast cash flow from operations to current liabilities ratio cash flow from operations to total liabilities cash flow hedge cash flow problems cash flow rate cash flow risk cash flow statement cash flow table cavern flow central flow management unit centrifugal flow engine cerebral blood flow channel flow choked flow choking flow circular flow circular flow diagram circular flow of income circulas flow of income circulating flow circulating water flow circulation flow circum flow circumpolar flow citation flow clay flow closed conduit flow closed table of input-output flow cocurrent flow cold flow color flow doppler mapping combine harvester by material flow completely-mixed flow compressible flow concentrated flow erosion concentration of flow lines condensate flow confined flow confused flow of words constant flow pump continious flow distribution continuity of flow continuous cash flow continuous flow continuous flow distribution continuous flow irrigation continuous flow mode continuous flow solution culture continuous flow stirred tank reactor continuous flow technique contra flow kerb side lane control flow control flow analysis control flow diagram control flow graph control flow path control flow testing control system flow fault convection flow conventional flow clean room converging flow coolant flow cooling flow rate cooling liquid flow rate cooling water flow rate copious flow cost flow cost flow concept counter current flow counter flow counter flow circulation counter flow heat exchanger counter-current flow countercurrent flow creep flow critical flow critical flow phenomena critical flow rate critical flow velocity critical flow venturi cross flow cross flow circulation cross flow fan cross flow heat exchanger cross flow tower cross-border capital flow cross-border flow cumulative flow current flow diagram current flow method curved flow line cyclonic flow daily flow dangerous flow path data flow data flow analysis data flow chart data flow control data flow coverage data flow diagram data flow diagram data flow graph data flow testing dead-end flow debris flow debris flow deposition demand flow rate denetim akış çizgesi (control flow graph) density of heat flow rate design air flow designed air flow designed maximum flow line determinate flow direction diagnostic flow chart diffusion flow direct flow direct flow valve direction of air flow direction of current flow direction of flow direction of steam flow discharge flow discontinuous flow discounted cash flow discounted cash flow method dispersed flow disturbed flow diverging flow domectic flow domestic flow doppler flow indices doppler flow mapping double flow route double flow water cooling tower down flow type central furnace drag flow driven flow driving flow drown flow drowned flow dry weather flow ductile flow dynamic flow diagrams earnings flow earth flow ebb and flow ebb and flow spring eccentric flow channel eddy currents flow detection eddy flow effective flow effective radiant heat flow elastic flow electro-endoosmotic flow electro-osmotic flow electrograph of the brain flow electrolyte flow rate electron flow emulsion flow energy flow energy flow in eco-systems energy flow in ecosystems enhanced tactical flow management system environmental flow regime equations of multiphase flow equipotential flow equivalent annual cash flow et flow evaporative cooling unit water flow rate evaporator air flow every flow must have its ebb exhaust flow exhaust side flow exhaust steam flow expanded flow external material flow extraction steam flow fan air flow feed flow rate financial flow flexible duct flow area flood flow flow adjuster valve flow adjustment flow all together flow amplifier flow approach flow arca flow area flow around flow around a body flow around fuselage flow away flow banding structure flow banding texture flow block flow brazing flow breccia flow brightening flow button flow capacity flow cell flow channel flow characteristic flow characteristics flow chart flow chart block diagram flow chart symbol flow charts flow classes flow cleavage flow coating flow coating application flow coefficient flow coeficient flow colorimeter flow conditions flow conducting works flow conductor flow configuration flow connection flow constriction flow control flow control operation flow control orifice flow control pressure flow control valve flow control valves flow course line flow cross section flow cup flow cups flow current flow curve flow cycle flow cytometer flow cytometry flow cytometry method flow depression flow detachment flow diagram flow diameter flow direction flow distributing rack flow distribution chamber flow distributors flow diversion flow divider flow drag flow duration flow duration curve flow energy flow equaliser flow equalizer flow equation flow exponent flow factor flow failure flow fatigue resistance flow fold flow formulae flow frequency flow from flow function flow gauge flow gauging flow governor flow guide vanes flow hart flow heater flow heavily flow in flow in abundance flow in flood flow in material flow in streams flow in the collector flow in torrents flow index flow indicator flow indicators flow injection analysis flow integrated curve flow into flow irrigation flow jig flow landslip erosion flow like water flow limit flow limit valve flow limits flow line flow lines flow loss flow management position flow management unit flow mass curve flow measurement flow measurement structure flow meter flow meters flow metrics flow monitor flow monitoring flow net flow net analysis flow noise flow noisily flow nozzle flow of air flow of capital flow of clay flow of co-financing resources flow of energy flow of feeling flow of funds flow of funds accounts flow of funds analysis flow of funds statement flow of migration flow of seepage flow of students flow of trade flow of traffic flow of transactions flow of veneer flow of water through the voids flow off flow out flow over flow past flow path flow pattern flow phase flow pipe flow point flow pressure flow process flow process chart flow processes flow production flow profile flow promoter flow rack flow rate flow rate control device flow rate controller flow rate measurement flow rate pressure characteristic flow reactor flow recorder flow recorders flow regime flow regulating valve flow regulation flow regulator flow relay flow research flow resistance flow resistance at elevated temperature flow resistant flow restrictor flow reverses flow section flow sensor flow separations flow sheet flow shop flow shop manufacturing flow sight glass flow slide flow slide position flow soldering flow speed flow spreaders flow spreading hump flow straightener flow stress flow structure flow system flow table flow temperature flow tempering flow test flow test equipment flow through flow thru flow time flow timers flow totalizers flow transmitter flow type landslide flow unit flow value flow valve flow variable

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