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İngilizce - Türkçe

sıklık sırası: 525

adjective / sıfat 11

adjective / sıfat 11

adjective / sıfat 12

adjective / sıfat 16 – economics

adjective / sıfat 19

belirteç / adverb 2

belirteç / adverb 3

belirteç / adverb 4

belirteç / adverb 5

STRONG = [strong] adjective
1 güçlü, kuvvetli * eşanlamlı : powerful, mighty, muscular, athletic, robust, hardy, tough * karşıtanlamlı : weak
İngilizce örnek : Is he strong enough to carry the suitcases?
Türkçe çevirisi : Valizleri taşıyacak kadar güçlü mü?
İngilizce örnek : He speaks French with a strong accent.
Türkçe çevirisi : Fransızcayı güçlü bir aksanla konuşuyor.
İngilizce örnek : There are strong undercurrents in this part of the sea.
Türkçe çevirisi : Denizin bu kısmında güçlü dip akıntıları vardır.
İngilizce örnek : The banking system in Turkey is strong.
Türkçe çevirisi : Türkiye’de bankacılık sistemi güçlüdür.
2 metin * eşanlamlı : firm, solid, durable
3 sağlam * eşanlamlı : resistant, solid, sturdy * karşıtanlamlı : fragile
4 (tadı, kokusu) sert, koyu * eşanlamlı : sharp, hot, pungent, piquant

Strong (Meaning: Physically Powerful):

Strong Man: A man who possesses great physical strength and participates in strength competitions.

Definition: Strong men often showcase their power through lifting and carrying heavy objects.
Example: The local gym hosted a competition for the strongest man in the region.
Strong Woman: A woman with remarkable physical strength and endurance.

Definition: Strong women may excel in sports like weightlifting or bodybuilding.
Example: She admired strong women athletes who broke records in powerlifting.
Strong Athlete: A sports competitor who exhibits exceptional physical strength and performance.

Definition: Strong athletes excel in events requiring power and stamina.
Example: The strong athlete set a new world record in the shot put.
Strong Grip: A powerful grasp or hold on an object, often used in activities like rock climbing.

Definition: A strong grip is essential for safety and control in various sports.
Example: The rock climber relied on his strong grip to ascend steep cliffs.
Strong Endurance: The ability to sustain physical effort or exertion for an extended period.

Definition: Strong endurance is crucial for long-distance runners and triathletes.
Example: She trained diligently to build strong endurance for the marathon.
Strong Core Muscles: Well-developed muscles in the abdomen and lower back.

Definition: Strong core muscles provide stability and support for the body.
Example: Regular core exercises can lead to a strong core and better posture.
Strong Biceps: Muscles located in the upper arm, responsible for arm strength and flexibility.

Definition: Strong biceps are often associated with weightlifting and bodybuilding.
Example: His strong biceps enabled him to lift heavy weights with ease.
Strong Legs: Powerful leg muscles that are vital for activities like running and cycling.

Definition: Strong legs provide the foundation for mobility and physical strength.
Example: Cyclists need strong legs to pedal long distances efficiently.
Strong Back: Muscles in the upper and lower back responsible for posture and lifting.

Definition: A strong back is essential for preventing back pain and injuries.
Example: She focused on exercises to maintain a strong back for her physically demanding job.
Strong Heart: A healthy and robust cardiovascular system that efficiently pumps blood.

Definition: A strong heart is vital for overall health and endurance.
Example: Regular aerobic exercise contributes to a strong heart.
Strong Lungs: Healthy and efficient respiratory organs responsible for oxygen intake.

Definition: Strong lungs support stamina and overall well-being.
Example: Smokers often experience reduced lung capacity, while athletes maintain strong lungs.
Strong Muscular Build: A physique characterized by well-defined and powerful muscles.

Definition: A strong muscular build is achieved through exercise and proper nutrition.
Example: He worked diligently in the gym to achieve a strong muscular build.
Strong Powerlifting: A competitive sport that focuses on lifting heavy weights in three specific lifts.

Definition: Strong powerlifting athletes compete in the squat, bench press, and deadlift.
Example: She excelled in strong powerlifting competitions, setting records in her weight class.
Strong Resistance Training: A type of exercise that involves working against resistance to build muscle strength.

Definition: Strong resistance training can include free weights, resistance bands, or machines.
Example: Resistance training is effective for building strong muscle groups.
Strong Wrestling Technique: Exceptional skills and maneuvers used in wrestling to overcome opponents.

Definition: Strong wrestling technique is a combination of strength, strategy, and skill.
Example: The wrestler's strong technique allowed him to dominate his opponents.
Strong (Meaning: Mentally Resilient and Determined):
Strong Mind: A resilient and determined mindset that can overcome challenges.
- Definition: A strong mind is essential for facing adversity and making tough decisions.
- Example: She possessed a strong mind that enabled her to succeed in high-pressure situations.

Strong Willpower: The determination and self-control to achieve goals and resist temptations.

Definition: Strong willpower is essential for breaking bad habits and forming good ones.
Example: His strong willpower helped him quit smoking and improve his health.
Strong Character: A person's moral and ethical qualities that reflect integrity and resilience.

Definition: Strong character is admired for honesty, courage, and compassion.
Example: The leader demonstrated strong character in times of crisis.
Strong Leadership: Effective and influential guidance provided by a leader.

Definition: Strong leadership inspires and motivates individuals or teams.
Example: The company's success was attributed to its strong leadership.
Strong Determination: A firm commitment to achieving goals and persevering despite challenges.

Definition: Strong determination is a key factor in reaching personal and professional milestones.
Example: Her strong determination allowed her to complete a challenging marathon.
Strong Motivation: A driving force that inspires action and hard work.

Definition: Strong motivation can be intrinsic or extrinsic, propelling individuals forward.
Example: The prospect of a promotion provided strong motivation for the employees.
Strong Ambition: A strong desire and determination to achieve success and make progress.

Definition: Strong ambition often leads to setting and pursuing ambitious goals.
Example: His strong ambition led him to start his own successful business.
Strong Resilience: The capacity to adapt and bounce back from adversity and setbacks.

Definition: Strong resilience is a valuable trait for coping with life's challenges.
Example: The community displayed strong resilience in the face of a natural disaster.
Strong Self-Discipline: The ability to control one's actions and behavior to achieve personal and professional goals.

Definition: Strong self-discipline is vital for time management and personal growth.
Example: She credited her strong self-discipline for her academic success.
Strong Problem-Solving Skills: The ability to effectively identify and resolve complex issues.

Definition: Strong problem-solving skills are valuable in both personal and professional life.
Example: Engineers rely on strong problem-solving skills to innovate and overcome obstacles.
Strong Mental Toughness: The ability to maintain focus and determination in challenging situations.

Definition: Strong mental toughness is often associated with elite athletes and leaders.
Example: The athlete's strong mental toughness allowed her to perform under pressure.
Strong Emotional Intelligence: The capacity to recognize, understand, and manage one's emotions and those of others.

Definition: Strong emotional intelligence contributes to effective communication and relationships.
Example: Leaders with strong emotional intelligence create positive work environments.
Strong Will to Succeed: A powerful drive to achieve success in personal or professional endeavors.

Definition: A strong will to succeed can lead to overcoming obstacles and setbacks.
Example: He had a strong will to succeed in his career and was determined to reach his goals.
Strong Focus and Concentration: The ability to concentrate on tasks and maintain attention.

Definition: Strong focus and concentration are vital for productivity and learning.
Example: The student demonstrated strong focus during the challenging exam.
Strong Decision-Making Skills: The capacity to make effective and well-informed choices.

Definition: Strong decision-making skills are crucial for leadership and management.
Example: The CEO's strong decision-making skills led the company to profitability.
Strong (Meaning: Intense or Forceful):
Strong Wind: Powerful and forceful air movement with the potential for impact.
- Definition: Strong winds can result in storms, hurricanes, and tornadoes.
- Example: The strong wind rattled the windows during the storm.

Strong Storm: A severe and intense weather event characterized by heavy rain, strong winds, and lightning.

Definition: Strong storms can cause damage to buildings and disrupt daily life.
Example: The weather forecast predicted a strong storm for the weekend.
Strong Current: A fast and forceful flow of water, often found in rivers or oceans.

Definition: Strong currents can be dangerous for swimmers and boaters.
Example: The strong current made it challenging to swim across the river.
Strong Wave: A large and powerful ocean wave with the potential to create surf.

Definition: Surfers seek out strong waves for thrilling rides and stunts.
Example: The beach was known for its strong waves, attracting surfers from around the world.
Strong Impact: A significant and forceful collision or effect.

Definition: Strong impacts can cause damage or create lasting change.
Example: The strong impact of the earthquake led to widespread destruction.
Strong Explosion: A forceful and powerful release of energy, often causing damage.

Definition: Strong explosions can result from chemical reactions, accidents, or warfare.
Example: The strong explosion shattered windows and caused chaos in the area.
Strong Fire: A fierce and intense fire that can spread rapidly and cause destruction.

Definition: Strong fires require swift response and containment efforts.
Example: The strong fire in the forest threatened nearby homes and wildlife.
Strong Heat: Intense and high temperatures that can be uncomfortable or hazardous.

Definition: Strong heatwaves can pose health risks and lead to heat-related illnesses.
Example: The region experienced a week of strong heat during the summer.
Strong Light: Intense and bright illumination, often used in photography and stage lighting.

Definition: Strong light can be adjusted to create desired effects in various settings.
Example: The photographer used strong light to capture striking portraits.
Strong Beam: A concentrated and powerful stream of light or energy.

Definition: Strong beams are used in laser technology and industrial applications.
Example: The strong beam of the lighthouse guided ships safely to shore.
Strong Magnet: A magnet with powerful magnetic force, used in various applications.

Definition: Strong magnets are employed in devices like MRI machines and generators.
Example: The strong magnet attracted metal objects from a distance.
Strong Vacuum: A powerful and efficient device for cleaning or removing air from containers.

Definition: Strong vacuums can remove dirt, debris, and air efficiently.
Example: The strong vacuum made cleaning the house a breeze.
Strong Pull: A forceful and compelling attraction or influence.

Definition: A strong pull can be felt in relationships, decisions, and preferences.
Example: The strong pull of nostalgia led her to revisit her childhood home.
Strong Push: A powerful and compelling force that drives or motivates action.

Definition: A strong push can lead to innovation, exploration, and progress.
Example: The strong push for renewable energy sources is driven by environmental concerns.
Strong Suction: A forceful and effective drawing of substances through a vacuum or tube.

Definition: Strong suction is used in medical devices, drainage systems, and pumps.
Example: The dentist used strong suction to remove excess saliva during the procedure.
Strong Adhesive: A powerful and long-lasting glue or substance for joining materials.

Definition: Strong adhesives are used in construction, crafting, and manufacturing.
Example: The strong adhesive bond held the pieces of the model together securely.
Strong Rope: A durable and sturdy cord or line used in various applications.

Definition: Strong ropes are essential for climbing, towing, and securing items.
Example: The mountain climbers relied on strong ropes for safety during the ascent.
Strong Clamp: A sturdy and forceful device for holding objects tightly together.

Definition: Strong clamps are used in woodworking, metalworking, and welding.
Example: The strong clamp ensured that the pieces of furniture were securely fastened.
Strong Chain: A robust and unbreakable series of interconnected links.

Definition: Strong chains are used in industrial and safety applications.
Example: The strong chain was used to secure the gate.
Strong Bolt: A heavy-duty and durable fastener for joining materials securely.

Definition: Strong bolts are used in construction, automotive, and engineering.
Example: The strong bolt kept the machinery components tightly connected.
Strong (Meaning: Intense Flavor or Smell):
Strong Coffee: Coffee with a bold and intense flavor, often associated with espresso.
- Definition: Strong coffee is known for its robust taste and high caffeine content.
- Example: She started her day with a cup of strong coffee to wake up.

Strong Spice: Spices with a potent and intense flavor that can add heat or depth to dishes.

Definition: Strong spices include cayenne pepper, chili, and black pepper.
Example: The chef used a pinch of strong spice to add flavor to the curry.
Strong Aroma: A powerful and pleasant scent or odor that is easily detectable.

Definition: Strong aromas can be found in perfumes, flowers, and cooking.
Example: The bakery's strong aroma of freshly baked bread attracted customers.
Strong Fragrance: A powerful and pleasing scent, often used in perfumes and candles.

Definition: Strong fragrances can have floral, fruity, or woody notes.
Example: She wore a perfume with a strong fragrance that lasted throughout the day.
Strong Scent: A noticeable and potent smell that can be either pleasant or pungent.

Definition: Strong scents can be associated with nature, cooking, or personal care products.
Example: The garden was filled with the strong scent of blooming roses.
Strong Flavor: A powerful and pronounced taste in food and beverages.

Definition: Strong flavors can be sweet, salty, sour, or spicy.
Example: The dish had a strong flavor with a hint of exotic spices.
Strong Beer: Beer with a high alcohol content and a robust taste.

Definition: Strong beer is often enjoyed by connoisseurs and craft beer enthusiasts.
Example: He ordered a glass of strong beer to savor the rich flavor.
Strong Whiskey: Whiskey with a high alcohol content and a bold and intense taste.

Definition: Strong whiskey is often served neat or on the rocks.
Example: He enjoyed the warmth of a glass of strong whiskey.
Strong Tea: Tea brewed with a longer steeping time, resulting in a robust and bold flavor.

Definition: Strong tea can be achieved by steeping black or green tea for an extended period.
Example: She liked her morning tea to be strong and invigorating.
Strong Wine: Wine with a high alcohol content and intense flavors, often aged for complexity.

Definition: Strong wines are appreciated for their depth and character.
Example: The strong wine had a rich and complex taste with hints of oak.
Strong (Meaning: Proficient or Skillful):
Strong Swimmer: A proficient and skilled individual in swimming.
- Definition: Strong swimmers are confident in the water and may compete in events.
- Example: He was a strong swimmer, excelling in both freestyle and butterfly strokes.

Strong Pianist: A talented and skilled piano player with expertise in classical or contemporary music.

Definition: Strong pianists are often sought after for performances and recordings.
Example: The strong pianist played a captivating classical concerto.
Strong Dancer: A skilled and proficient dancer who excels in various dance styles.

Definition: Strong dancers may perform in professional dance companies or competitions.
Example: She was a strong dancer, known for her graceful ballet performances.
Strong Artist: A talented and skilled individual in various forms of art, including painting, drawing, and sculpture.

Definition: Strong artists often create unique and captivating works of art.
Example: The strong artist's abstract paintings were displayed in galleries.
Strong Musician: A proficient and skilled musician with expertise in playing instruments and composing music.

Definition: Strong musicians often form bands or orchestras and write their own compositions.
Example: The strong musician could play multiple instruments and compose original songs.
Strong Writer: An accomplished and skilled author or writer known for producing compelling literature.

Definition: Strong writers may publish novels, articles, and poetry.
Example: The strong writer's novels were bestsellers around the world.
Strong Photographer: A talented and proficient photographer who captures stunning and evocative images.

Definition: Strong photographers excel in various genres, from portrait photography to wildlife photography.
Example: The strong photographer's landscapes were featured in prestigious magazines.
Strong Speaker: An articulate and skilled public speaker who can engage and persuade audiences.

Definition: Strong speakers are often invited to deliver speeches at events and conferences.
Example: The strong speaker captivated the audience with her inspirational message.
Strong Chef: A skilled and accomplished culinary expert known for creating exceptional dishes.

Definition: Strong chefs often run successful restaurants and receive critical acclaim.
Example: The strong chef's signature dish was a hit with food critics.
Strong Scientist: A proficient and knowledgeable scientist who conducts research and makes significant discoveries.

Definition: Strong scientists contribute to advancements in various fields, from physics to biology.
Example: The strong scientist's research led to breakthroughs in medical technology.
Strong Engineer: A skilled and innovative engineer who designs and builds complex systems and structures.

Definition: Strong engineers are involved in projects such as bridges, spacecraft, and technology.
Example: The strong engineer played a key role in designing the innovative skyscraper.
Strong Doctor: A proficient and experienced medical practitioner with expertise in diagnosing and treating patients.

Definition: Strong doctors are respected for their medical knowledge and patient care.
Example: The strong doctor was known for his dedication to providing quality healthcare.
Strong Lawyer: An accomplished and skillful attorney who excels in legal research, advocacy, and litigation.

Definition: Strong lawyers often handle complex cases and represent clients effectively.
Example: The strong lawyer won a high-profile court case, setting a legal precedent.
Strong Pilot: A proficient and skilled aviator who operates and navigates aircraft safely.

Definition: Strong pilots are responsible for the safety of passengers and cargo.
Example: The strong pilot expertly handled the plane during turbulent weather.
Strong Educator: A dedicated and proficient teacher who excels in educating and mentoring students.

Definition: Strong educators inspire and guide students toward academic success.
Example: The strong educator received awards for innovative teaching methods.
Strong (Meaning: Intense or Emotionally Powerful):
Strong Emotion: An intense and deeply felt emotional response, such as love, grief, or passion.
- Definition: Strong emotions can be overwhelming and affect one's behavior and well-being.
- Example: The movie's storyline evoked strong emotions in the audience.

Strong Love: A powerful and enduring affection and connection between individuals.

Definition: Strong love is characterized by deep emotional bonds and commitment.
Example: Their strong love for each other was evident in their long-lasting relationship.
Strong Friendship: A close and enduring bond between friends characterized by loyalty and trust.

Definition: Strong friendships are built on mutual support and shared experiences.
Example: Their strong friendship had withstood the test of time.
Strong Passion: A fervent and intense enthusiasm for a particular activity, hobby, or cause.

Definition: Strong passion can drive individuals to excel and make a difference.
Example: Her strong passion for environmental conservation led to meaningful initiatives.
Strong Determination: A resolute and unwavering commitment to achieving a goal or overcoming obstacles.

Definition: Strong determination can motivate individuals to pursue their dreams.
Example: Their strong determination to reach the summit of the mountain kept them going.
Strong Desire: A powerful and compelling wish or longing for something or someone.

Definition: Strong desires can fuel ambition and motivate individuals to take action.
Example: His strong desire to travel the world led him on countless adventures.
Strong Motivation: An intense drive that compels individuals to pursue their goals and aspirations.

Definition: Strong motivation can be both intrinsic and extrinsic, serving as a source of energy.
Example: The team's strong motivation led to a victorious season.
Strong Commitment: A deep and unwavering dedication to fulfilling promises and responsibilities.

Definition: Strong commitment is essential for maintaining trust in personal and professional relationships.
Example: Their strong commitment to their marriage was evident in their support for each other.
Strong Resolve: A firm and unyielding determination to face and overcome challenges or adversity.

Definition: Strong resolve empowers individuals to persevere in the face of difficulties.
Example: She showed strong resolve in overcoming a life-changing illness.
Strong Leadership: A compelling and influential style of leadership that motivates and guides others.

Definition: Strong leadership inspires and empowers individuals to achieve collective goals.
Example: The strong leadership of the CEO led the company to success.
Strong Courage: An intense and unwavering bravery that enables individuals to face danger and adversity.

Definition: Strong courage is often displayed by first responders, soldiers, and everyday heroes.
Example: Her strong courage in the face of danger saved lives.
Strong Conviction: A deeply held belief or opinion that remains unshaken despite opposition.

Definition: Strong conviction can drive individuals to advocate for social change and justice.
Example: His strong conviction in the importance of education fueled his advocacy work.
Strong Empathy: An intense and genuine ability to understand and share the feelings of others.

Definition: Strong empathy fosters meaningful connections and compassion for others.
Example: Her strong empathy made her an effective counselor.
Strong Support: A significant and dependable network of individuals who provide assistance and encouragement.

Definition: Strong support is essential during challenging times and personal endeavors.
Example: She received strong support from her family and friends during her career transition.
Strong Affection: A deep and genuine fondness and care for someone or something.

Definition: Strong affection is often expressed through gestures and words of love.
Example: The strong affection between the couple was evident in their daily expressions of love.
Strong (Meaning: High Intensity or Impact):
Strong Performance: A high-quality and impactful execution or display of skills, artistry, or entertainment.
- Definition: Strong performances captivate and impress audiences.
- Example: The strong performance by the actors received standing ovations.

Strong Impact: A significant and lasting effect or influence on people, organizations, or communities.

Definition: Strong impacts can bring about positive change or provoke thought.
Example: The strong impact of the documentary raised awareness about environmental issues.
Strong Effect: A powerful and noticeable influence or outcome that results from an action or event.

Definition: Strong effects can be seen in various areas, including economics and health.
Example: The strong effect of the policy change was seen in increased job opportunities.
Strong Presence: An assertive and compelling demeanor or character that commands attention and respect.

Definition: Strong presence is an asset for public speakers, leaders, and performers.
Example: The strong presence of the CEO made a lasting impression on the employees.
Strong Influence: A potent and persuasive impact on the beliefs, decisions, or actions of others.

Definition: Strong influence can shape public opinion and drive change.
Example: The strong influence of the author's books led to societal discussions.
Strong Appeal: A compelling and irresistible quality that attracts or captures interest.

Definition: Strong appeal can be found in advertising, art, and personal charisma.
Example: The strong appeal of the product led to increased sales.
Strong Resonance: A deep and meaningful connection or shared sentiment with others.

Definition: Strong resonance is often associated with art, music, and storytelling.
Example: The song's lyrics had a strong resonance with listeners.
Strong Momentum: A vigorous and sustained movement or force that propels progress or change.

Definition: Strong momentum can lead to breakthroughs in various fields.
Example: The strong momentum in the tech industry fueled innovation.
Strong Growth: A rapid and substantial expansion or increase in size, quantity, or influence.

Definition: Strong growth is a positive sign in business, economics, and personal development.
Example: The strong growth of the startup company attracted investors.
Strong Community: A close-knit and interconnected group of individuals with shared values and goals.
- Definition: Strong communities support their members and work together to achieve common objectives.
- Example: The strong community rallied to address local issues and improve their neighborhood.

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