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İngilizce - Türkçe

sıklık sırası: 176

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LAW = [lo: ] noun
1 kanun, yasa * eşanlamlı : code, legislation, litigation
İngilizce örnek : Everyone must obey the law.
Türkçe çevirisi : Herkes yasaya uymalı.
İngilizce örnek : Parliament passed a law about smoking in public places.
Türkçe çevirisi : Parlamento, umumi yerlerde sigara içilmesiyle ilgili bir yasa geçirdi.
2 kural * eşanlamlı : rule, regulation, code
3 hukuk

Legal System and Principles:
Criminal law: The branch of law that deals with offenses against the state or public.
Civil law: The branch of law that deals with disputes between individuals or organizations.
Common law: A legal system based on precedent and court decisions rather than statutory laws.
Statutory law: Laws created and enacted by legislative bodies.
International law: Legal principles governing relations between nations.
Administrative law: Laws relating to government agencies and their actions.
Constitutional law: Laws relating to the constitution and structure of government.
Family law: Legal matters concerning family relationships, such as divorce and custody.
Contract law: Laws governing agreements between parties.
Tort law: Laws addressing civil wrongs and damages.
Property law: Laws governing the ownership and use of property.
Environmental law: Legal principles related to environmental protection and conservation.
Labor law: Laws regulating the relationship between employers and employees.
Immigration law: Legal principles governing the entry and residence of foreign nationals.
Tax law: Laws concerning the imposition and collection of taxes.
Corporate law: Laws regulating corporations and business entities.
Intellectual property law: Legal protection for inventions, copyrights, and trademarks.
Bankruptcy law: Legal procedures for individuals or entities unable to meet financial obligations.
Criminal procedure law: Laws governing the process of criminal trials.
Human rights law: Legal principles protecting individuals' fundamental rights and freedoms.
Equity law: Principles of fairness and justice applied in legal decisions.
Employment law: Laws governing the relationship between employers and employees.
Health law: Legal principles related to healthcare and medical practices.
Military law: Laws governing the conduct of armed forces personnel.
Maritime law: Legal principles governing activities at sea.
Consumer protection law: Laws safeguarding consumers from unfair practices.
Intellectual property law: Laws protecting inventions, artistic works, and trademarks.
Trade law: Legal principles regulating international trade and commerce.
Banking law: Legal principles governing banks and financial institutions.
Antitrust law: Laws preventing anti-competitive behavior and monopolies.
Legal Professions and Entities: 31. Lawyer or attorney at law: A legal professional licensed to practice law.
Legal counsel: A person providing legal advice or representation.
Legal expert: An individual with specialized knowledge in legal matters.
Legal practitioner: A general term for someone practicing law.
Law firm: A business entity providing legal services.
Legal aid: Assistance provided to individuals who cannot afford legal representation.
Legal services: Professional services related to legal matters.
Bar association: An organization of lawyers promoting professional standards.
Legal system: The framework of laws and institutions in a particular jurisdiction.
Legal code: A systematic collection of laws and statutes.
Legal Documents and Instruments: 41. Legal document: A written instrument conveying legal rights or obligations.
Legal contract: An agreement enforceable by law between parties.
Legal brief: A concise written argument submitted to a court.
Legal opinion: A written statement expressing a lawyer's expert view.
Legal memorandum: A written document summarizing legal issues and analysis.
Legal notice: A formal communication conveying legal information.
Legal form: A standardized document used for legal purposes.
Legal instrument: A document creating or modifying legal rights.
Legal pleading: A formal written statement filed in court.
Legal petition: A formal request to a court for legal action.
Legal Processes and Actions: 51. Legal proceedings: The formal steps in a legal action or case.
Legal action: The process of enforcing rights or seeking remedies through legal means.
Legal dispute: A disagreement that may lead to legal action.
Legal remedy: The means by which a right is enforced or compensation is obtained.
Legal recourse: The option to seek legal action.
Legal redress: Compensation or remedy for a legal wrong.
Legal challenge: A dispute brought before a court for resolution.
Legal representation: The act of being represented by an attorney in legal matters.
Legal defense: The protection of one's rights in legal proceedings.
Legal offense: A violation of the law leading to legal action.
Legal Concepts and Principles: 61. Rule of law: The principle that all individuals and entities are subject to the law.
Due process of law: Fair treatment and procedures in legal matters.
Presumption of innocence: The legal principle that a person is presumed innocent until proven guilty.
Legal precedent: A decision or judgment serving as a guide for future cases.
Legal principle: A fundamental concept or rule in law.
Legal ethics: Standards of conduct for legal professionals.
Legal capacity: The ability of an individual to understand and engage in legal actions.
Legal liability: The legal responsibility for one's actions or debts.
Legal standing: The right to bring a legal action.
Legal obligation: A duty imposed by law.
Legal Actions and Behavior: 71. Legal compliance: Adherence to laws and regulations.
Legal violation: A breach or infringement of the law.
Legal offense: An act prohibited by law.
Legal dispute: A conflict that may lead to legal action.
Legal proceeding: A formal step in the legal process.
Legal Institutions and Authorities: 76. Law enforcement: Agencies responsible for enforcing laws.
Legal authority: A person or institution with the power to make legal decisions.
Legal system: The framework of laws and institutions in a jurisdiction.
Legal jurisdiction: The authority of a court to hear and decide cases.
Legal tribunal: A court or other body with the authority to adjudicate legal matters.
Legal Rights and Protections: 81. Legal rights: Entitlements and protections afforded by law.
Legal protection: Safeguards provided by the law.
Legal immunity: Protection from legal liability.
Legal redress: Compensation or remedy for a legal wrong.
Legal privilege: A special legal right or exemption.
Legal Education and Training: 86. Law school: An institution offering legal education.
Legal education: Instruction in legal principles and practices.
Legal training: Instruction in the skills and knowledge required for legal practice.
Legal degree: An academic qualification in law, such as a JD or LLB.
Legal profession: The collective body of legal practitioners.
Miscellaneous Legal Terms: 91. Legal fiction: A legal assumption or construct used for convenience.
Legal entity: A distinct legal existence, such as a corporation or partnership.
Legal process outsourcing (LPO): The practice of obtaining legal support services from external providers.
Legal tender: Currency or money recognized by law for transactions.
Legal analyst: A professional who analyzes legal issues and provides insights.
Legal reasoning: The process of applying legal rules to specific cases.
Legal research: The systematic investigation of legal principles and cases.
Legal doctrine: A principle or body of principles in law.
Legal instrument: A document creating or modifying legal rights.
Legal advocate: A person who supports or argues for a cause in a legal context.

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