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İngilizce - Türkçe

sıklık sırası: 931

ENVIRONMENT = [in'vayırınmınt] noun
çevre, ortam * eşanlamlı : surroundings, circumstances, habitat, conditions, ambience
İngilizce örnek : We must respect the natural environment.
Türkçe çevirisi : Doğal çevreye saygı duymalıyız.
İngilizce örnek : Tema works hard to protect the environment.
Türkçe çevirisi : Tema, çevreyi korumak için çok çalışıyor.

ENVIRONMENT = (environment nedir; environment Türkçesi) Organizma, toplum, madde veya enerjiyi etkileyen bütün dış koşulların tamamıdır. Meteoroloji de ise, bir sistemin yaşamını etkileyen tüm dışsal faktörlerin tamamıdır.

ilgili sözler / related words

avrupa çevre ajansı (european environment agency) caspian sea and environment protection society centre for research and assessment of the historic environment changing environment chemical environment children and the environment classroom environment closed-security environment college environment committee on environment common cultural environment competitive environment complex learning environment computer and environment products conservation of environment control environment controlled environment controlled environment rearing convention for the protection of the marine environment of the north-east atlantic convention on the protection of the marine environment of the baltic sea area create a mutual trust environment cultural environment dashboard environment module dashboard environment panel deep-water environment degradation of the marine environment demographic environment department of legislation and the environment department of the coordination council for the improvement of investment environment dependent environment deregulated environment development environment directorate-general for the environment distributed computing environment downtown environment dustfree environment ecological environment economic environment economics of environment edaphic environment editorial environment electromagnetic environment electronic environment enacted environment environment and children environment and road monitoring environment conditions environment consumer support and protection society environment convention environment costs environment council environment design environment directorate general environment division environment engineer environment engineering environment ethics environment friendly environment friendly agricultural chemicals environment friendly products environment impact assessment regulation environment impact statement environment law environment management general directorate environment monitoring environment of folklore environment of stand environment order plan environment planning environment policy environment pollution environment protection environment protection and national parks environment protection foundation environment quality environment quality objective environment right environment settings environment study environment subsystem environment theory environment treaties environment variable environment word eolian environment error locating system environment european environment agency european environment information and observation network european federation for transport and environment european law environment exo-atmospherics space environment external environment family environment fertile environment for corruption fethiye environment foundation firm environment flight environment fluvial environment for environment free and sound competitive environment general environment genotype environment interaction genotype x environment interaction geochemical environment geographical environment geophysical environment global environment global environment analysis global environment facility global environment facility trust fund global environment fund ground environment growing environment health and environment department healthy environment high school environment holding environment home environment human begings-effect of environment on human environment human environment setting hyper arid environment improved learning environment in an environment of indoor environment induced environment industrial environment informing about the environment initial environment installation environment institute for environment and sustainability integrated development environment integrated programming environment intellectual environment intentional pollution of the environment interactive environment internal control environment internal environment internal environment effect international protection of environment iso 4000 environment management system standard lacustrine environment lagoonal environment law on the environment learning environment littoral environment live environment living environment luminous environment macro environment marine environment marine environment data information system marine environment protection marine environment protection committee marketing environment mass media and the environment material formed in surficial environment mesic environment message handling environment military environment minister of environment and urbanism ministry of environment ministry of environment and city planning ministry of environment and forestry ministry of environment and urban planning ministry of environment and urbanization ministry of state for environment ministry of the environment model with genotype x environment interaction modelling environment mounting environment nato air defence electronic environment committee nato air defence ground environment natural conditions of health tourism and environment natural environment natural environment parks negotiation environment neritic environment nuclear environment occupational environment controls offences against the environment offenses against the environment offseason environment online learning environment open networking environment open-security environment operating environment operating environment technology operational environment operator environment overhead environment paralic environment perceived external environment personal computer environment physical environment pollution of environment pollution of the environment pollution of the environment due to recklessness pose a threat to the environment preservation of environment primary economic environment production environment programming environment programming support environment projects in a controlled environment protected environment protection of environment protection of the environment providing an environment or the means for gambling provincial directorates for environment and urbanization psychological environment radar environment radio environment radiological environment reading environment real-time environment receiving environment receiving water environment reducing environment regional environment center releases to the environment resistance to environment river environment run-time environment rural environment saa environment safety, health and environment school environment scientific committee on problems of the environment semiautomatic ground environment sex role in the work environment snapping environment social environment software engineering environment software test environment space environment specially protected environment area specially protected environment areas standard environment sterile environment stockholm environment institute subprovince health and environment department synthetic environment synthetic environments - natural environment generation system environment system for assessing the vehicle motion environment technical environment protection terrestrial environment test environment the european environment agency's european ecosystem assessment the foundation for the promotion and protection of the environment and cultural heritage the united nations conference on environment and development therapeutic environment thermal environment thermal performance and energy use in the built environment transacting environment transaction server environment turkey environment platform un environment programme unctad ad hoc working group on trade- environment and development underwater environment unescap committee on environment and natural resources development united nations conference on environment and development united nations conference on the human environment united nations environment conferences united nations environment program-unep united nations environment programme unstable environment upper atmosphere and space environment urban environment user environment utility software environment vehicle motion environment vehicle-free environment virtual home environment virtual learning environment wear environment wider environment windows environment work environment working environment world commission on environment and development world environment day wto trade and environment committee

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