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  • Google Play


İngilizce - Türkçe

sıklık sırası: 9742

ilgili sözler / related words

ac external terminal batch ground actual volume of batch back batch batch annealing batch annealing furnace batch box batch bunker batch carbonation batch card batch charger batch composition batch control batch cooler batch costing batch cycle process batch data batch drier batch drying batch dyeing batch edit batch fecundity batch feeder batch file batch file missing batch fire batch formula batch furnace batch house batch input batch install batch irradiator batch job batch label batch lehr batch loaded reactor batch loading batch loss batch materials batch melting batch meter batch mixer batch mixing batch mixing time batch mode batch moisture batch number batch numbering system batch of carriage batch of coke batch of roller batch of trolley batch off batch off carriage batch operations batch order file batch oven batch pasteurizer batch pause batch picking batch pickling batch pile batch potting machine batch printing batch process batch process control batch processing batch production batch production procedure batch reactor batch records batch release batch rolling batch size batch soil block press batch spawning batch stone batch stream batch terminal batch terminal simulation batch test batch total batch tower batch training batch transfer batch type furnace batch type ice maker batch up batch updates batch variation batch vectorization batch water meter buffer memory batch monitor buffer memory batch refresh instruction charging batch without cullet cloth batch concrete batch plant device batch monitor device batch replacement dry batch truck dying batch emulsion batch emulsion batch number error creating batch script fed batch operation first batch of swine flu vaccine fixed bed sequencing batch reactor hydrogen batch annealing furnace industrial batch job batch last batch lot or batch production records max batch no batch no batch packet pad batch pilot scale batch pit type batch furnace pit-type batch furnace primary batch production batch program batch transfer program memory batch transfer execution status remote batch entry remote batch processing remote batch terminal rotary retort batch furnace running batch sequencing batch reactor short pad batch process size of batch sliding batch trial batch undo batch edit volumetric batch box volumetric batch plant water batch weight batch plant

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