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İngilizce - Türkçe

sıklık sırası: 10784

PUZZLE = ['pazıl] verb
şaşırtmak * eşanlamlı : confuse, perplex, bewilder
İngilizce örnek : The news puzzled us somewhat.
Türkçe çevirisi : Haber bizi biraz şaşırttı.
İngilizce örnek : What puzzles me is why she left without saying goodbye.
Türkçe çevirisi : Beni şaşırtan şey, allahaısmarladık demeden neden gittiğidir.
¤ noun
1 bilmece, bulmaca * eşanlamlı : riddle
İngilizce örnek : I couldn't solve the puzzle, no matter how hard I tried.
Türkçe çevirisi : Ne kadar çok çalıştıysam da bilmeceyi çözemedim.
2 muamma * eşanlamlı : enigma, mystery, question, dilemma
* puzzle sth out = halletmek, çözmek
İngilizce örnek : The detective puzzled out the mystery.
Türkçe çevirisi : Detektif esrarı çözdü.

Jigsaw puzzle: A picture or design that is cut into various pieces which must be assembled to form the complete image.
Crossword puzzle: A word game where you fill in a grid with words based on clues.
Puzzle piece: One of the individual parts of a jigsaw puzzle.
Mind-boggling puzzle: A challenging problem that is difficult to solve and may be perplexing.
Logic puzzle: A type of puzzle that requires logical reasoning to solve.
Solve a puzzle: To find a solution or answer to a perplexing problem or mystery.
Piece together a puzzle: To assemble or connect various elements or information to understand a complex situation or story.
Create a puzzle: To design or make a game, problem, or situation that challenges others to find a solution or figure something out.
Puzzle over something: To think deeply or reflect on something that is confusing or unclear in order to understand it better.
Present a puzzle: To introduce a question or issue that requires thought or consideration to resolve.
Pose a puzzle: To put forward a problem or question that is difficult to answer, often to stimulate thought or discussion.
Dismantle a puzzle: To take apart or break down a complex issue or problem into its component parts for easier analysis.
Decode a puzzle: To decipher or interpret a message or code that is meant to be mysterious or cryptic.
Interlock puzzles: To connect or combine different elements or aspects to create a more complete or unified understanding.
Solve a jigsaw puzzle: To complete a jigsaw puzzle by fitting the pieces together to form a coherent picture.
Puzzling question: A question that is confusing or difficult to answer.
Brain teaser puzzle: A puzzle designed to challenge your mental faculties.
Puzzle solver: Someone who is skilled at solving puzzles.
Mystery puzzle: A puzzle or problem that involves solving a mystery or unknown situation.
Wooden puzzle: A puzzle made of wood, often used for educational purposes.
Riddle puzzle: A type of puzzle or game that involves riddles and wordplay.
Cryptic puzzle: A crossword puzzle that uses cryptic clues to find the answers.
Sudoku puzzle: A number puzzle that requires filling a 9x9 grid with digits.
Word puzzle: A game or activity that involves solving word-related challenges.
Mechanical puzzle: A physical puzzle that often involves manipulating objects or parts.
Puzzling behavior: Behavior that is difficult to understand or interpret.
Puzzling decision: A decision that is confusing or hard to comprehend.
Puzzling phenomenon: An event or occurrence that is mysterious and not easily explained.
Puzzling look: A facial expression that shows confusion or bewilderment.
Puzzling expression: A way of expressing oneself that is unclear or enigmatic.
Puzzling remark: A statement that is difficult to understand or interpret.
Puzzling pattern: A recurring design or sequence that is unclear in its purpose.
Puzzling code: A secret or complex system of symbols or language that needs decoding.
Puzzling occurrence: An unusual event that raises questions or doubts.
Puzzling discovery: Finding something unexpected or unexplained.
Puzzling response: A reply that is confusing or does not match the situation.
Puzzling noise: A sound that is strange or difficult to identify.
Puzzling sensation: A feeling that is hard to describe or make sense of.
Puzzling dream: A dream that is complex and not easily interpreted.
Puzzling sensation: A physical feeling or experience that is hard to explain.
Puzzling result: An outcome that is unexpected or perplexing.
Puzzling atmosphere: A particular mood or ambiance that is mysterious or unclear.
Puzzling artifact: An object of historical or cultural significance that is not fully understood.
Puzzling symbol: A sign or symbol that is ambiguous or open to interpretation.
Puzzling mythology: A myth or legend that is complex and hard to decipher.
Puzzling narrative: A story or account that is confusing or convoluted.
Puzzling experiment: A scientific test or study with uncertain or surprising outcomes.
Puzzling technology: A piece of technology that is difficult to use or understand.
Puzzling mechanism: A device or system that is intricate and not straightforward.
Puzzling illusion: An optical or sensory illusion that is hard to explain.
Puzzling sensation: A feeling or experience that is perplexing or inexplicable.
Puzzling situation: A circumstance that is difficult to comprehend or navigate.
Puzzling relationship: A connection between people that is complex or unclear.
Puzzling conflict: A disagreement or dispute that is hard to resolve.
Puzzling strategy: A plan or approach that is confusing or seems counterintuitive.
Puzzling language: A form of communication that is difficult to understand.
Puzzling decision-making: The process of making choices that is unclear or irrational.
Puzzling order: A set of instructions or commands that are hard to follow.
Puzzling analysis: An examination or evaluation that is confusing or contradictory.
Puzzling reaction: A response from someone that is surprising or unexpected.

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