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İngilizce - Türkçe

sıklık sırası: 10999

ad / noun 3 – general

ad / noun 4 – paint

ADJECTIVE = ['eciktiv] noun
dilb. sıfat, niteleç
İngilizce örnek : The adjective form of the noun 'mouth' is 'oral'.
Türkçe çevirisi : 'Mouth' isminin sıfat biçimi 'oral' dır.

In grammar, an adjective is a word that describes or modifies a noun or a pronoun. Adjectives provide additional information about the noun or pronoun, such as its size, color, shape, age, or origin. They can also indicate a particular quality or characteristic of the noun, such as its texture, temperature, or taste.

There are several different types of adjectives in English, including:

Descriptive adjectives: These describe the appearance, size, shape, color, or other physical characteristics of the noun. Examples include "tall," "blue," "round," "fuzzy," and "old."
Quantitative adjectives: These indicate the quantity or amount of the noun, such as "few," "many," "some," or "several."
Demonstrative adjectives: These indicate the proximity of the noun to the speaker or the listener, such as "this," "that," "these," and "those."
Possessive adjectives: These indicate ownership or possession of the noun, such as "my," "your," "his," "her," "its," "our," and "their."
Comparative and superlative adjectives: These are used to compare two or more things or to indicate the highest degree of a quality. Examples include "bigger," "more beautiful," "less expensive," "happier," and "best."
Adjectives are important in English because they help to provide a more detailed and nuanced description of the noun or pronoun. They allow us to convey more information about the characteristics and qualities of people, animals, objects, or ideas. By using adjectives effectively, we can create more vivid and interesting sentences, and communicate more effectively with others.

ADJECTIVE = A word that describes or modifies a noun or pronoun.

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