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İngilizce - Türkçe

sıklık sırası: 86491

Siltation refers to the process of accumulation of silt or sediment in a body of water, such as a river, lake, or harbor. It occurs when eroded soil and other debris are carried by water and deposited in a body of water, where they settle and build up over time. Siltation can have several negative impacts on aquatic ecosystems and human activities. For example:
Reduced water quality: As silt accumulates in a body of water, it can reduce water quality by clogging up waterways and reducing oxygen levels, which can harm aquatic plants and animals.
Increased flood risk: Siltation can reduce the capacity of waterways to carry water, which can increase the risk of flooding during heavy rainfall or storms.
Navigation difficulties: Siltation can make it difficult for boats and ships to navigate in harbors or waterways, which can lead to economic losses.
Reduced water supply: Siltation can reduce the storage capacity of reservoirs and dams, which can reduce the availability of water for irrigation, drinking, and other purposes.
To mitigate the negative impacts of siltation, various measures can be taken, such as dredging, which involves removing accumulated sediment from a body of water using specialized equipment. Other measures may include erosion control measures to prevent soil from being washed into waterways in the first place, and restoring wetlands and other natural habitats that can help trap sediment before it reaches the water.

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