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İngilizce - Türkçe

sıklık sırası: 23497

Proactive approach: Taking initiative and anticipating potential problems or opportunities before they arise.
Proactive measures: Preemptive actions or strategies implemented to prevent problems or capitalize on opportunities.
Proactive management: Leading and guiding a team or organization with a focus on anticipation and prevention rather than reacting to issues.
Proactive decision-making: Making choices in advance based on careful consideration and foresight.
Proactive planning: Planning activities and strategies in advance to achieve desired outcomes.
Proactive communication: Initiating and maintaining effective communication to prevent misunderstandings and address issues promptly.
Proactive problem-solving: Identifying and resolving issues before they escalate or become more challenging.
Proactive leadership: Guiding and inspiring a team through forward-thinking and initiative.
Proactive engagement: Actively participating or involving oneself in a situation before being prompted.
Proactive collaboration: Working together in a proactive manner to achieve common goals.
Proactive adaptation: Adjusting to changes or challenges before they negatively impact a situation.
Proactive risk management: Identifying and mitigating risks before they pose a threat.
Proactive monitoring: Regularly observing and assessing a situation to detect potential issues early.
Proactive improvement: Continuously seeking ways to enhance processes, systems, or performance.
Proactive involvement: Actively participating in activities or projects without waiting to be asked.
Proactive behavior: Taking actions and exhibiting behaviors that contribute positively to a situation.
Proactive mindset: A mental attitude focused on taking initiative and being prepared for various scenarios.
Proactive feedback: Offering constructive input without being prompted, aimed at improvement.
Proactive initiative: Taking independent action to address issues or pursue opportunities.
Proactive response: Reacting quickly and effectively to situations based on anticipation and preparation.

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