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İngilizce - Türkçe

sıklık sırası: 29278

OCEANOGRAPHY = [ouşın'ogrıfi] noun
oşinografi, okyanusbilim

OCEANOGRAPHY = (oceanography nedir; oceanography Türkçesi) Akıntılar ile gel-git de dahil olmak üzere okyanusları fiziksel, kimyasal, biyolojik ve dinamiksel olarak inceleyen bilim dalı. Bilindiği gibi denizler ve okyanuslar hem temel ısı deposu hem de atmosferik su buharının ana kaynağıdır. Deniz ve okyanusların atmosferle karşılıklı etkileri, hem bir bütün olarak dünya üzerindeki iklim dağılımlarını anlamak hem de bitişik karalardaki meteorolojik değişkenlerin günden güne olan değişimlerini belirlemek bakımından büyük önem taşırlar.

Oceanography is a scientific discipline that studies various aspects of the oceans, including their physical, chemical, biological, and geological characteristics. It involves the exploration and understanding of the Earth's oceans, their dynamics, and the interactions between the ocean and the atmosphere, land, and living organisms. It is an interdisciplinary science that requires collaboration between experts in different fields, such as physics, chemistry, biology, geology, and climatology. It plays a vital role in understanding and managing marine resources, predicting climate patterns, and conserving oceanic ecosystems.
Here are some key areas within oceanography:
Physical Oceanography: This branch focuses on studying the physical properties of the ocean, such as temperature, salinity, currents, waves, tides, and the circulation of water. It examines the processes that drive oceanic movements and their impact on climate, weather, and coastal areas.
Chemical Oceanography: This field investigates the chemical composition of seawater and the processes that affect its properties, including the distribution of dissolved elements, nutrients, gases, and pollutants. It explores the biogeochemical cycles and the influence of chemical factors on marine organisms and ecosystems.
Biological Oceanography: Also known as marine biology, this discipline examines the distribution, behavior, and interactions of marine organisms, from microorganisms to large marine mammals. It explores topics such as marine ecology, biodiversity, evolutionary biology, and the relationships between organisms and their environment.
Geological Oceanography: This branch focuses on studying the geology of the ocean floor, including the formation of seafloor features like ridges, trenches, and volcanoes. It investigates the processes shaping the seafloor, such as plate tectonics, sedimentation, and the deposition of minerals and resources.
Marine Geophysics: This field uses various geophysical techniques to study the physical properties and structures of the ocean and its floor. It includes the study of seismic activity, underwater acoustics, gravity and magnetic fields, and the mapping of subsurface structures.
Paleoceanography: This branch investigates the history of the oceans and past climatic conditions by examining sediment cores, fossils, and other geological records. It helps reconstruct ancient oceanic conditions and understand long-term climate changes and their impacts.

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