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İngilizce - Türkçe

sıklık sırası: 18316

OBSESSIVE = [ıb'sesiv] adjective
saplantısal, saplantılı

Obsessive behavior: Repetitive actions or thoughts that are difficult to control and interfere with daily life.
Obsessive thoughts: Persistent and intrusive ideas or mental images that are difficult to dismiss.
Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD): A mental health condition characterized by obsessive thoughts and compulsive behaviors.
Obsessive personality: A personality type characterized by a preoccupation with details and a need for control.
Obsessive thinking: Continuous and uncontrollable rumination on a particular subject or issue.
Obsessive love: An intense and overwhelming form of romantic attraction that can be unhealthy.
Obsessive tendencies: Inclinations or habits that demonstrate an excessive focus on certain things.
Obsessive cleanliness: An extreme preoccupation with cleanliness and hygiene.
Obsessive pursuit: An unwavering dedication to achieving a particular goal or outcome.
Obsessive passion: An intense and all-consuming interest or hobby.
Obsessive fixation: A persistent and irrational attachment to a person, idea, or object.
Obsessive fan: A devoted and fervent supporter of a celebrity, sports team, or franchise.
Obsessive collector: Someone who compulsively accumulates specific items or memorabilia.
Obsessive eater: A person with a compulsive or disordered eating pattern.
Obsessive organizer: Someone who meticulously arranges and categorizes their belongings.
Obsessive planner: A person who excessively plans and prepares for future events.
Obsessive behavior therapy: A therapeutic approach aimed at addressing and managing obsessive behaviors.
Obsessive love disorder: A psychological condition characterized by an unhealthy fixation on a romantic partner.
Obsessive thought patterns: Repetitive and distressing cognitive processes.
Obsessive focus: An intense concentration on a specific task or project.
Obsessive work ethic: A relentless commitment to one's job or career.
Obsessive checking: The compulsion to repeatedly verify or inspect something.
Obsessive hand-washing: Excessive and repetitive washing of hands, often associated with OCD.
Obsessive cleanliness rituals: Routines or behaviors aimed at maintaining an excessively clean environment.
Obsessive perfectionism: An unrelenting pursuit of flawlessness in one's work or endeavors.
Obsessive attention to detail: An extreme emphasis on the minutiae of a task or project.
Obsessive counting: The compulsion to count things repeatedly.
Obsessive self-doubt: Continuous and unfounded questioning of one's abilities or decisions.
Obsessive self-improvement: A relentless drive to enhance oneself physically, mentally, or emotionally.
Obsessive self-monitoring: The constant scrutiny of one's thoughts, feelings, or behaviors.
Obsessive behavior modification: Techniques and strategies used to change obsessive habits.
Obsessive relationship: A romantic partnership characterized by intense attachment and emotional dependency.
Obsessive pursuit of success: An overwhelming desire to achieve recognition or accomplishment.
Obsessive attention-seeker: Someone who constantly seeks validation and approval from others.
Obsessive consumerism: An excessive focus on acquiring material possessions.
Obsessive competitiveness: An intense drive to outperform others in various aspects of life.
Obsessive devotion: An unwavering commitment to a cause, belief, or organization.
Obsessive artistic expression: A compulsion to create art as a means of self-expression.
Obsessive gaming: An intense and compulsive engagement with video games.
Obsessive scrolling: Mindless and compulsive scrolling through social media or online content.
Obsessive exercising: An excessive and potentially harmful dedication to physical fitness.
Obsessive dieting: An extreme and unhealthy preoccupation with one's diet and weight.
Obsessive self-help: An overreliance on self-help books, seminars, or practices.
Obsessive organization skills: An exceptional ability to arrange and manage information or items.
Obsessive research: A relentless pursuit of knowledge and information on a specific topic.
Obsessive creativity: An all-consuming drive to create and innovate.
Obsessive risk-taking: A compulsion to engage in risky behaviors or activities.
Obsessive hoarding: A pathological accumulation of objects or possessions.
Obsessive time management: An extreme focus on scheduling and optimizing one's time.
Obsessive control: An excessive need to have authority over situations or people.

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