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İngilizce - Türkçe

Blind Infuriation: A state of extreme anger or rage that clouds one's judgment or reasoning.
Sudden Infuriation: A rapid onset of intense anger or frustration.
Quiet Infuriation: An anger that is suppressed or not overtly expressed.
Collective Infuriation: A shared feeling of anger or frustration among a group of people.
Sheer Infuriation: Intense anger or frustration without any mitigating factors.
Uncontrollable Infuriation: Anger that cannot be restrained or controlled.
Passionate Infuriation: Intense anger or frustration driven by strong emotions.
Residual Infuriation: Lingering feelings of anger or frustration after an event or situation.
Underlying Infuriation: Hidden or subconscious feelings of anger or frustration.
Visible Infuriation: Anger or frustration that is evident or apparent to others.
Overwhelming Infuriation: A feeling of anger or frustration that is overpowering or dominating.
Subdued Infuriation: Anger or frustration that is toned down or restrained.
Chronic Infuriation: Persistent or long-lasting feelings of anger or frustration.
Instant Infuriation: Anger or frustration that arises suddenly and unexpectedly.
Raging Infuriation: Intense and uncontrollable anger or frustration.
Internal Infuriation: Anger or frustration directed towards oneself or one's own actions.
Inarticulate Infuriation: Anger or frustration that is difficult to express or articulate.
Futile Infuriation: Anger or frustration arising from a sense of helplessness or futility.
External Infuriation: Anger or frustration directed towards external circumstances or individuals.
Deep-seated Infuriation: Anger or frustration rooted deeply within one's psyche or emotions.
Simmering Infuriation: Anger or frustration that is slowly building up but has not yet erupted.
Outward Infuriation: Anger or frustration expressed openly or outwardly.
Quietly seething Infuriation: Intense anger or frustration that is simmering beneath the surface but not expressed outwardly.
Mutual Infuriation: Shared anger or frustration between two or more parties.
Explosive Infuriation: Anger or frustration that erupts suddenly and violently.
Pent-up Infuriation: Suppressed or restrained anger or frustration that builds up over time.
Exasperated Infuriation: Anger or frustration intensified by repeated annoyance or irritation.
Indignant Infuriation: Anger or frustration provoked by a sense of injustice or unfair treatment.
Unabated Infuriation: Anger or frustration that continues without diminishing in intensity.
Bewildered Infuriation: Anger or frustration mixed with confusion or disbelief about a situation.

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