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İngilizce - Türkçe

sıklık sırası: 28774

Entomology is the scientific study of insects. It includes the study of their taxonomy, morphology, physiology, behavior, ecology, and evolution. Entomologists also investigate the interactions between insects and their environment, including other organisms and their habitat.

Insects are the most diverse group of animals on the planet, with over one million described species, and they play a critical role in many ecosystems. They can be found in almost every habitat, from the depths of the oceans to the tops of the highest mountains. They have a significant impact on agriculture, as pollinators, natural enemies of pests, and as pests themselves. They are also important in medicine, as many insects produce compounds with potential therapeutic value. Entomologists may work in a variety of settings, including universities, museums, government agencies, private industry, and non-profit organizations. Some entomologists specialize in particular groups of insects, such as beetles, butterflies, or ants, while others may focus on a particular aspect of insect biology or ecology, such as insect behavior or insect-plant interactions.

Medical entomology: The branch of entomology that focuses on insects' role in disease transmission and public health.
Agricultural entomology: The study of insects that affect crops, including pests and beneficial insects in agriculture.
Forensic entomology: The application of entomological principles to legal investigations, often used to estimate the time of death in forensic cases.
Molecular entomology: The study of insect biology at the molecular level, including genetics and molecular interactions.
Taxonomic entomology: The classification and identification of insect species based on their characteristics and evolutionary relationships.
Systematic entomology: The study of the diversity of insects and their evolutionary relationships within the framework of taxonomy.
Ecological entomology: The study of insects in their natural habitats and their interactions with the environment.
Behavioral entomology: Research focused on understanding the behavior and social interactions of insects.
Insect morphology: The study of the physical structure and anatomy of insects.
Applied entomology: The practical use of entomological knowledge to address real-world problems, such as pest control.
Urban entomology: The study of insects in urban environments, including those that infest buildings and homes.
Aquatic entomology: The study of insects that live in aquatic environments, such as streams, rivers, and lakes.
Insect physiology: The study of how insects function, including their internal processes and systems.
Insect behaviorism: A subfield of entomology that investigates the behavioral responses of insects to stimuli.
Insect diversity: The examination of the vast range of insect species, their adaptations, and evolutionary histories.
Insect evolution: Research into the evolutionary processes and relationships among different insect groups.
Insect biogeography: The study of the distribution and geographic patterns of insect species.
Insect ecology: The exploration of how insects interact with other organisms and their environment.
Insect genetics: The study of genetic variation and inheritance patterns in insects.
Insect conservation: Efforts to protect and preserve insect species and their habitats due to their ecological importance.

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