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İngilizce - Türkçe

sıklık sırası: 20589

COCKPIT = ['kokpit] noun
1 horoz dövüşü yapılan küçük alan
2 pilot kabini
3 yarış arabasında sürücü yeri

COCKPIT: The area of the aircraft where the pilot and co-pilot operate the controls and instruments.

COCKPIT: The compartment in an aircraft where the pilot and co-pilot operate the controls and instruments.

COCKPIT: The compartment in an aircraft where the pilot and co-pilot sit and operate the controls.

COCKPIT: The compartment in an aircraft where the pilot sits and operates the controls.

COCKPIT: The compartment in the front of the fuselage where the pilot and co-pilot operate the airplane.

COCKPIT: The front section of the fuselage where the pilot and co-pilot are seated and control the aircraft.

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