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İngilizce - Türkçe

sıklık sırası: 18125

adjective / sıfat 2

noun / ad 1 – zoology

noun / ad 2 – zoology

CANINE = ['keynayn] adjective
köpeklerle ilgili

* Canine (Noun - Animal):
Canine companion: A pet dog that provides companionship and loyalty.
Canine breed: A specific group of domestic dogs with shared characteristics.
Canine behavior: The actions and habits exhibited by dogs.
Canine shelter: A facility that provides care and refuge for homeless or abandoned dogs.
Canine training: The process of teaching dogs specific commands and behaviors.
Canine rescue: Efforts to save and care for dogs in emergency situations.
* Canine (Adjective - Related to Dogs):
Canine instincts: Inherent natural behaviors or responses in dogs.
Canine loyalty: The unwavering faithfulness and devotion of dogs to their owners.
Canine agility: A sport or competition where dogs navigate obstacles with speed and precision.
Canine obedience: The willingness of a dog to follow commands from its owner.
Canine intelligence: The capacity of dogs to learn and solve problems.
Canine socialization: The process of acclimating dogs to various social situations.
Canine health: The overall well-being and physical condition of a dog.
Canine genetics: The study of heredity and traits in dogs.
Canine nutrition: Dietary requirements and feeding practices for dogs.
Canine communication: The ways in which dogs convey information and emotions.
Canine therapy: The use of dogs to provide emotional support and assistance to individuals.
Canine behaviorist: A professional who specializes in understanding and modifying dog behavior.
Canine sports: Various competitive activities and games designed for dogs.
Canine grooming: The care and maintenance of a dog's coat and appearance.
Canine cognition: The mental processes and thinking abilities of dogs.
Canine language: The non-verbal cues and signals used by dogs to communicate.
Canine ethics: Moral considerations related to the treatment and welfare of dogs.
Canine rescue organizations: Groups dedicated to saving and rehoming dogs in need.
Canine allergies: Sensitivities or immune reactions in dogs to certain substances.
Canine therapy animals: Dogs trained to provide comfort and support in therapeutic settings.
Canine body language: The physical signals and gestures used by dogs to convey their feelings.
Canine companionship: The bond and connection between dogs and their owners.
Canine healthcare: The medical care and preventive measures for dogs.
Canine training methods: Approaches and techniques used to teach dogs new skills.
Canine reproduction: The process of breeding and producing puppies.
Canine intelligence tests: Assessments to measure a dog's problem-solving abilities.
Canine professionals: Individuals who work in various roles related to dog care, training, and health.
Canine therapy programs: Initiatives using dogs to enhance the well-being of people.
Canine accessories: Products and items designed for dogs, such as collars, leashes, and toys.
Canine temperament: A dog's general disposition, behavior, and attitude.
Canine sense of smell: The remarkable olfactory abilities of dogs.
Canine aggression: Hostile or aggressive behavior in dogs.
Canine first aid: Basic medical care and assistance for injured or sick dogs.
Canine genetics research: Scientific studies investigating the genetic makeup of dogs.
Canine weight management: Strategies for maintaining a healthy weight in dogs.
Canine therapy sessions: Appointments with trained dogs for emotional support and therapy.
Canine dietary requirements: The specific nutritional needs of different dog breeds.
Canine behavioral issues: Problematic behaviors in dogs that require training or intervention.
Canine social behaviors: Interactions and relationships between dogs.
Canine breed standards: Official guidelines defining the characteristics of specific dog breeds.
Canine breeding practices: Methods and ethics related to dog breeding.
Canine-related professions: Careers centered around working with dogs, such as dog trainers or veterinarians.
Canine playtime: Leisure and recreational activities for dogs.
Canine healthcare providers: Professionals responsible for the medical care and well-being of dogs.
Canine vaccination schedule: A timetable for immunizing dogs against diseases.
Canine dental care: Practices for maintaining a dog's oral health.
Canine physical therapy: Rehabilitation exercises and treatments for injured or disabled dogs.
Canine rescue missions: Efforts to save dogs in distress or disaster situations.
Canine search and rescue teams: Groups trained to locate missing or trapped individuals using dogs.
Canine obedience classes: Courses teaching dogs to follow commands and behave well.
Canine medical conditions: Various illnesses and diseases that affect dogs.
Canine emotional support: The comfort and solace dogs provide to people in need.
Canine playmates: Dogs that engage in recreational activities and games with each other.
Canine tracking skills: A dog's ability to follow scents and locate specific objects or individuals.
Canine dietary supplements: Additional nutrients or vitamins for a dog's diet.
Canine vaccination requirements: Mandatory shots and immunizations for dogs.
Canine agility training: Exercises and drills to improve a dog's agility and coordination.
Canine behavior modification: Techniques for changing undesirable dog behaviors.
Canine-friendly accommodations: Lodging and facilities that welcome dogs and their owners.
Canine breed-specific traits: Distinct characteristics and traits associated with specific dog breeds.
Canine health check-ups: Routine medical examinations to monitor a dog's well-being.
Canine genetic testing: Evaluations of a dog's genetic makeup to identify potential health issues.
Canine emotional intelligence: A dog's capacity to perceive and respond to human emotions.
Canine therapy dog certification: The process of training and certifying dogs for therapeutic purposes.
Canine dietary allergies: Sensitivities or adverse reactions to certain foods in dogs.
Canine rescue operations: Large-scale efforts to save dogs in emergency situations.
Canine socialization classes: Sessions designed to help dogs adapt to various social environments.
Canine temperament assessments: Evaluations to determine a dog's suitability for specific roles or homes.
Canine sense of hearing: A dog's acute ability to detect sounds and noises.
Canine behavioral training: Instruction aimed at modifying and improving a dog's behavior.
Canine medical emergencies: Urgent situations requiring immediate veterinary care.
Canine exercise routines: Regular physical activity plans to keep dogs healthy and fit.
Canine therapy animals program: Initiatives employing trained dogs to aid people with special needs.
Canine grooming services: Professional care and grooming for dogs' coats and appearance.
Canine therapy dog teams: Teams composed of dogs and their handlers providing therapeutic services.
Canine sensory perception: A dog's ability to perceive the world through senses such as sight, smell, and touch.
Canine behavioral assessment: Evaluations to understand and address problematic dog behaviors.
Canine dietary preferences: The foods and flavors that dogs find most appealing.
Canine first aid kit: A collection of essential medical supplies for addressing dog injuries or health issues.
Canine genetic diversity: The range of genetic variations present in different dog breeds.
Canine weight management program: Plans to help dogs achieve and maintain a healthy weight.
Canine therapy dog visits: Scheduled visits by trained dogs to offer comfort and support.
Canine socialization techniques: Methods for introducing dogs to new people, animals, and environments.
Canine sense of taste: A dog's ability to perceive different flavors and textures in food.
Canine aggression management: Strategies to address and control aggressive behavior in dogs.
Canine first responders: Trained personnel who assist dogs and other animals in emergencies.
Canine behavior modification therapy: Interventions to improve a dog's behavior through therapy.
Canine rehabilitation services: Treatments to help dogs recover from injuries or surgeries.
Canine search and rescue operations: Missions using dogs to find missing or trapped individuals.
Canine obedience competition: Competitive events showcasing dogs' training and discipline.
Canine medical diagnoses: Identifications of health conditions or diseases in dogs.
Canine social interactions: The ways dogs engage and communicate with each other.
Canine breed recognition: The acknowledgment and classification of different dog breeds.
Canine therapeutic interventions: Approaches and practices that use dogs to promote well-being and healing.

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