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İngilizce - Türkçe

sıklık sırası: 48562

1. In computer programming, a "callback" is a function or method that is passed as an argument to another function and is executed by the function to perform a specific task.
2. In telecommunications, a "callback" refers to a service that allows a caller to avoid long-distance charges by having the called party initiate a return call to the caller.
3. In entertainment, a "callback" is a reference to a previous joke, sketch, or performance that is made later in the show as a way of reinforcing or building on a previous joke or bit.
4. In business, a "callback" can refer to a follow-up call made by a sales representative or customer service representative to a customer or client after an initial interaction.
5. In aviation, a "callback" is a system used by the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) to collect and analyze data on aviation incidents and accidents, in order to identify and address safety issues.

Function callback: In programming, a function that is passed as an argument to another function and is executed after a specific event or condition occurs.
Audition callback: In the entertainment industry, a second audition or interview requested by casting directors or producers to further evaluate a performer's suitability for a role or project.
Customer callback: In customer service, a follow-up call made by a representative to address an issue or inquiry raised by a customer during a previous interaction.
Script callback: In screenwriting or programming, a designated point in a script or code where a specific function or action is triggered based on certain conditions or events.
Phone callback: A return call made in response to a missed or unanswered phone call, typically initiated by the recipient of the original call.
Event callback: In software development or event-driven programming, a function or method that is invoked in response to a particular event, such as user input or system notifications.
Job callback: In employment or recruitment, a follow-up communication from a hiring manager or employer regarding the status of a job application or interview process.
Service callback: In business or customer relations, a scheduled or requested follow-up communication initiated by a service provider to ensure customer satisfaction or address unresolved issues.
Investment callback: In finance or investing, a request for additional information or clarification made by an investor or financial institution regarding a potential investment opportunity.
Advertising callback: In marketing or advertising, a method of tracking consumer response to an advertisement by encouraging viewers to request more information or follow-up contact.
Technical callback: In theater or film production, a rehearsal or follow-up session scheduled to address technical aspects of a performance or production, such as lighting, sound, or staging.
Script callback function: In computer programming, a function defined within a script or program that is executed when certain conditions are met or events occur during program execution.
Callback mechanism: In software architecture, a design pattern or system feature that allows asynchronous execution of functions or methods in response to events or conditions.
Callback URL: In web development or APIs, a web address provided to receive notifications or responses from external services or applications, often used in authentication or data exchange processes.
Media callback: In journalism or media production, a follow-up interview or discussion requested by reporters or producers to gather additional information or perspectives for a story.
Lead callback: In sales or marketing, a follow-up communication initiated by a salesperson or representative in response to a lead or inquiry generated from marketing efforts.
Post-callback action: In software development or automation, a set of predefined actions or processes executed after a callback function or event handler completes its execution.
Callback interface: In software design or object-oriented programming, an interface that defines methods or functions to be implemented by classes that handle specific events or callbacks.
Remote callback: In distributed computing or networking, a mechanism for invoking functions or procedures on remote systems or servers in response to predefined events or triggers.
Security callback: In computer security or authentication systems, a method of verifying user identity or permissions by requiring a secondary authentication step, such as a callback to a designated device or service.

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