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İngilizce - Türkçe

sıklık sırası: 575


BUILDING = ['bilding] noun
1 yapı, bina * eşanlamlı : house, residence, edifice
İngilizce örnek : Following the earthquake, every building in the area needs repair work.
Türkçe çevirisi : Depremden sonra bölgedeki her binanın tamire ihtiyacı var.
İngilizce örnek : In case of fire, leave the building.
Türkçe çevirisi : Yangın durumunda binayı terk edin.
2 inşaat * eşanlamlı : construction, structure
İngilizce örnek : The building of the shopping centre took two years.
Türkçe çevirisi : Alışveriş merkezinin yapımı iki yıl sürdü.
* building society = yapı kooperatifi

A building is a structure that is designed and constructed to provide shelter, support, and protection for human activities. Buildings can take many forms and serve many purposes, ranging from houses and apartments to schools, offices, factories, and public buildings such as museums, libraries, and hospitals. Buildings are typically constructed from a variety of materials, including wood, brick, concrete, steel, and glass. The design of a building depends on many factors, such as the purpose of the building, the local climate and environment, and the available resources and technologies.

Building construction involves a range of activities, including site preparation, foundation work, framing, roofing, electrical and plumbing installations, and interior and exterior finishing. Building codes and regulations are in place to ensure that buildings are safe, energy-efficient, and accessible to people with diverse abilities and backgrounds.

Buildings can have a significant impact on the environment and human health, both during their construction and throughout their lifecycle. Sustainable building practices, such as the use of renewable energy sources, green materials, and energy-efficient systems, are increasingly important considerations in building design and construction.

ilgili sözler / related words

accessible building void accessory for coach building acoustic properties of building elements and of buildings add a floor to a building addition to a building additional building additional service building adjoining building administration building administration building in a university administrative building adobe building agricultural building ancient building apartment building apartment building management apartment building management meeting apartment building manager approximate cost of a building architectural areas of building area shaded by a building art of building as building blocks asbestos building sheet auxiliary building auxiliary building equipment awareness building bank building bed building stage of river belt-filter building between the exonartex and the main building block building boat building body building body of a building brand building brick building brick store building bridge building build a building building acoustics building act building acts building air exchange effectiveness building air infiltration building air temperature building and equipment building and facility management building and loan association building and loan bank building and maintenance roles building and planting rights building applications building appurtenance building area building audit company building authorities building automation and control building automation and control system building automation system building base building basin building block building block module building block module method building block principle building board building boom building brick building by-law building by-laws building centre building ceremony building cleaning industry building code building codes building collapse building compenent building complex building component building components building components and building elements building connection building conservation building constructin supervision building construction building construction cost index building construction permit building construction tax building contractor building contractor firm building contractors employers of turkey building control building control system building cooperative building core building cost building costs building cradle building credit building damage assessment building decisions building defect building density building depth building description building design building desing building drain building element building energy cost building energy management control system building energy management system building engineer building enterprise building entrance building envelope building envelope opaque areas building envelope void building environment design building equipment building erection building estate building exit building expense building expenses building expert building extension building fabric building failures building file list building firm building fittings building floor area building for the dispensing of free drinking water building foreman building frame building fund building greenhouses building ground building grounds lighting building hardware building heat loss building height building implements building in ruins building in wood building induced wind building industry building industry and trade, inc. building industry center building inertial parameter building information centre building inspection building inspection authority building inspection certificate building inspector building integrated timing supply building internal fittings building inventory building joint sealant building land building law building laws building leakage building lease building level building licence building license building license fees building lien building lime building limes building line building loan building loan agreement building lot building lumber building maintenance building management building management system building manager building material building material analysis building material distributor building material industry building material producer building material quality building materials building materials industry building materials storehouse building mechanics building member building method building occupancy permit document building occupancy permit fees building of motor car building operation building operations building or construction site building order in detached form building owner building paper building part building performance institute building permit building permits building pfm building phase building pit building plan building plaster building plot building port building practice (ericsson specific) building production building products building program building programme building prohibition zones building project building regulation building regulations building related illness building renewal building rentals building research building research institute building research station building residual technique building restrictions building rubble building sacrifice building sand building sanitary sewer building saving building savings bank building scaffolding building scheme building sealant building section building sector building security system building services building sewer building side building sides building site building site organisation building sites building sites–planning building skeleton building society building space building spaces building specifications building speculation building standard building standards building states building stock building stone building stones building structure building structured parking building subdrain building subsidy building sum building superstructure building supervision building supervisory board building surveyor building system building system control building systems building tax building technician building technique building technology building thermal envelope building thermal envelope and fabric building thermal load building tile building timber building tools building trade building trades building trap building type building types building under construction building unemployment building unit building up building up of colony building up rate building usage permit building vegetation cover building void building volume building way building without mechanical cooling building wreckage building yard building zone business building cantonment building capacity building capacity building support to the water sector in turkey cargo building cattle building cement and building limes certificate of permission for building occupation channeled building character building civil building club building combustible building materials commercial building commercial building management compiler building system concrete building unit condemned building conference on interaction and confidence building measures in asia confidence and security building measures confidence building measure confidence building measures containment building contiguous building contribution to building costs control building plan view control building reinforcement corner building crusher building curriculum building dam building damage to a building depreciation building depth of building derelict building detached building determination commission of village building area diesel standby generator building display building does the building have an attendant does the building have security earth movements and building earthquake resistant building design earthquake-proof building earthquakes and building effective rated output for a building embassy building empire building energy performance of a building enter the second building on your right exhibition building existing building exit the building exterior building envelope facility building facing and building stones factory building fair building farm building fascine building fiber to the building fibre building board fibre to the building fireproof building material flagstone building framed building functional building functional requirements and performance in building construction functional/user requirements and performance in building construction gaziantep building contractors association generator building glass building block glass building stone glass building unit glass in building government building green building green building council gross building envelope floor area gut a building hand building high building high rise building high-rise building highway building approach distance historic building historical building paint home and building electronic systems house building house building industry I will see if she's in the building i will see if she's in the building image building image-worship building in the same building individual division in the building individually owned residence in a multi-unit building industrial building industrialists association of building material industrialized building industrialized building methods industrialized building systems industry of building materials inhabited building distance inorganic building material inscription on the front of a building institution building intelligent building intelligent building system iron and steel building is this an elevator building it's not in this building laminated building products land and building sites account land and building tax land to building ratio large commercial building large public building large-room building lateral free distance of building launch equipment building legal limits of building profile liability of owner of building library building lighting of building sites linear building frontage listed building local authority's building control office location of the farm building long-term building lease low building zone low energy building low-rise building machinery building main building major building man-made building product manufactured building product manufactured framed building marble and calcarous building stone masonry building materials management on building site metal building metal building roof metal building wall metal construction building mill building miscellaneous building stone model building modern building methods modular building component moisture in the building multi-storey building multibay industrial building multistorey building multistory building municipal building muscle building mutual building association nation building nation building project natural building stone neighboring building network equipment building system new building new village building area nonaccessible building void nose-cone building office building official building old building materials open building method operation building operation control centre and administration building operations building orthodox eastern church building out building overflowing building parking building parliament building passive climate controlled building peace building perspective building perspective set building piece building pigments for the colouring of building materials polygonal building portable building portable school building poultry building power house building power supply building powerhouse and control building pre-engineered building precast building element

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