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İngilizce - Türkçe

sıklık sırası: 4455

ad / noun 5 – phonetics

ad / noun 6 – cinema

BREATHING = [biology] the process of taking air into the lungs and blowing it out again through the mouth or nose _ If breathing is difficult or has stopped, begin artificial ventilation immediately. (NOTE: For other terms referring to breathing, see words beginning with “pneumo-” .)

ilgili sözler / related words

a quack who claims to cure by breathing accessory breathing organ agonal breathing air breathing missile apneustic breathing ataxic breathing be breathing fire bilateral breathing biot breathing breathing apparation breathing apparatus breathing apparatus for diving breathing apparatus for firefighting breathing bags breathing capability breathing capacity breathing circuit adapters breathing circuits breathing cladding breathing device breathing easily breathing exercises breathing hard breathing hard on breathing heavily breathing hose breathing in breathing losses breathing machine breathing mask breathing on breathing on sick people in order to cure them breathing pipe breathing regulatory breathing root breathing space breathing spell breathing technique breathing thing breathing tube breathing zone breathing zone air sampling breathing zone sample capable of breathing cell breathing certificate of inspection of breathing apparatus certificate of test of emergency escape breathing device cheyne-stokes breathing cluster breathing control of breathing cure by breathing on somebody diaphragmatic breathing difficulty in breathing double-stroke breathing excuse me for breathing fire party must have breathing apparatus four-stroke breathing I'm having trouble breathing i'm having trouble breathing intermittent positive pressure breathing is he breathing it's like breathing kussmaul breathing labored breathing laboured breathing medical breathing devices mouth breathing my baby has stopped breathing oxygen breathing apparatus paradoxical breathing periodic breathing pressure breathing protective breathing equipment pursed-lips breathing quack who claims to cure by breathing rescue breathing river breathing self-contained underwater breathing apparatus shallow breathing index spasmodic breathing tidal breathing

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