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İngilizce - Türkçe

sıklık sırası: 1777

ilgili sözler / related words

aerodrome authorities airport authorities american association of port authorities anticorruption authorities assent of the authorities association of local authorities authorities concerned building authorities cases related to nullification of the authorities of the selected institutions central competent authorities citation of authorities civic authorities civil authorities collaboration agreement between drug regulatory authorities in european union associated countries competence authorities competent authorities competent authorities in member states compulsory surrender of produce to authorities congress of local and regional authorities of the council of europe control authorities control by the customs authorities customs authorities designation of authorities directly imputable to the local authorities dock authorities drug regulatory authorities duties and authorities european committee of telecommunications regulatory authorities european joint aviation authorities european platform of regulatory authorities exhaust internal authorities fiscal authorities german inspection authorities housing authorities independent administrative authorities information held by public authorities inspecting authorities integrity of authorities international association of lighthouse authorities international association of marine aids to navigation and lighthouse authorities international federation of arabian horse racing authorities international federation of horseracing authorities international union for local authorities joint aviation authorities joint aviation requirements of the joint aviation authorities law enforcement authorities legal authorities legal metrology authorities local authorities maritime authorities mediterranean network of regulatory authorities military aid to civil authorities military authorities monetary authorities national command authorities national structures and authorities national structures and authorities with responsibilities nato military authorities official authorities oic association of tax authorities of islamic countries oic broadcasting regulatory authorities forum other authorities peacetime establishment authorities port authorities postal authorities proper authorities public authorities public authorities or entities rating authorities regional or local authorities regulatory and supervisory authorities report to the authorities reqional and local authorities revenue authorities special appellate authorities state authorities state governmental authorities strategic health authorities supervision by the customs authorities suppressive anti-democratic authorities suppressive antidemocratic authorities table of authorities technology research and development association of local authorities the african communication authorities network the attitude of the authorities the competent authorities the constituted authorities the local authorities the network of french-speaking media regulatory authorities union of local authorities united states civil authorities when were the authorities notified works of the local authorities

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