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İngilizce - Türkçe

sıklık sırası: 36274

APHID = [biology] an insect that sucks sap from plants and can multiply very rapidly, e.g. a greenfly _ The aphid population showed a 19% increase. (NOTE: Aphids are pests of some garden plants such as roses and may transmit virus diseases in crops such as potatoes and sugarbeet.) COMMENT: Cereal aphids are various species of greenfly. Winged females feed on cereal crops in May and June. The grain aphid causes empty or small grain by puncturing the grain as it develops, letting the grain contents seep out..

ilgili sözler / related words

almond aphid apple aphid apple grain aphid apple green aphid apple-grass aphid artichoke tuber aphid balsam twig aphid balsam woolly aphid bean aphid bhang aphid black aphid black bean aphid black cherry aphid black citrus aphid black orange aphid black peach aphid brasswood aphid broad bean aphid brown peach aphid brown pear aphid buckthorn aphid buckthorn-potato aphid cabbage aphid carrot aphid cherry aphid cherry black aphid chrysanthemum aphid citrus aphid clover aphid cooley spruce gall aphid corn aphid corn flag aphid corn leaf aphid corn root aphid cotton aphid currant blister aphid dock aphid dusky-veined walnut aphid elm leaf aphid european bird cherry aphid european peach aphid european walnut aphid glasshouse potato aphid gooseberry aphid grain aphid green apple aphid green citrus aphid green peach aphid hazelnut aphid hemp aphid hop aphid hop-damson aphid large willow aphid leaf-curling plum aphid leaf-curling raspberry aphid letter root aphid mealy cabbage aphid mealy peach aphid mealy plum aphid melon aphid oat-apple aphid pea aphid peach aphid peach leaf roll aphid peach stem aphid pear bedstraw aphid pear-coltsfoot aphid pear-grass aphid permanent currant aphid pine bark aphid potato aphid raspberry aphid red currant aphid root aphid rosa aphid rose aphid rosy apple aphid shallot aphid silver fir aphid small bramble aphid soybean aphid spirea aphid spring grain aphid spring wheat aphid squash aphid strawberry aphid strawberry root aphid sugar beet root aphid sycamore maple aphid thistle aphid turnip aphid woolly aphid woolly apple aphid woolly beech aphid

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