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İngilizce - Türkçe

sıklık sırası: 15208

Anaerobic bacteria: Microorganisms that can survive and thrive in environments devoid of oxygen.
Anaerobic digestion: The process by which microorganisms break down organic matter in the absence of oxygen, producing biogas and nutrient-rich byproducts.
Anaerobic exercise: Physical activity that is intense and short in duration, relying on energy sources other than oxygen, such as stored glycogen.
Anaerobic respiration: Cellular respiration that occurs without the presence of oxygen, resulting in the production of energy and waste products like lactic acid.
Anaerobic metabolism: Biochemical processes that take place without the use of oxygen to produce energy.
Anaerobic conditions: Environments or situations lacking oxygen, where specific biological processes or reactions occur.
Anaerobic threshold: The exercise intensity level at which the body's demand for oxygen exceeds its supply, leading to increased reliance on anaerobic energy production.
Anaerobic fermentation: A metabolic process that converts sugars into energy, alcohol, or other byproducts in the absence of oxygen.
Anaerobic zone: A training intensity range where the body predominantly utilizes anaerobic energy systems.
Anaerobic performance: The ability to perform high-intensity activities without relying on oxygen for energy.
Anaerobic capacity: The maximum amount of energy that can be produced by anaerobic processes during high-intensity activities.
Anaerobic threshold testing: Assessment of the point at which anaerobic metabolism begins to dominate during exercise.
Anaerobic bacteria culture: The cultivation of bacteria that can grow and reproduce in environments without oxygen.
Anaerobic septic system: A wastewater treatment system that decomposes organic materials without the use of oxygen.
Anaerobic bioreactor: A controlled environment used for cultivating anaerobic microorganisms for various purposes, such as biogas production.
Anaerobic decomposition: The breakdown of organic matter by anaerobic microorganisms, leading to the release of gases like methane.
Anaerobic threshold training: Physical conditioning aimed at improving the body's ability to tolerate and perform at intensities near the anaerobic threshold.
Anaerobic bacteria infection: A health condition caused by harmful bacteria that can survive and reproduce in oxygen-depleted environments.
Anaerobic digestion process: The series of biochemical reactions that convert organic materials into biogas and nutrient-rich residues without oxygen.
Anaerobic wastewater treatment: The use of anaerobic microorganisms to remove pollutants from wastewater in a controlled environment.

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