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İngilizce - Türkçe

sıklık sırası: 5171

WITHDRAWAL = [wid'dro: ıl] noun
1 geri çekme/alma
2 geri çekilme

1. The act of removing oneself or something from a particular situation, place, or activity.
2. (finance) The act of taking money out of an account, such as a bank account, investment account, or retirement account.
3. (medicine) The physical and psychological symptoms that can occur when a person stops using a substance to which they have become addicted, such as alcohol, drugs, or nicotine.
4. (military) The act of pulling back troops or equipment from a particular location or battlefield.
5. (social situations) The act of removing oneself from a situation or group of people, either physically or emotionally.
6. (international relations) The act of a country or organization leaving an international agreement, treaty, or organization, such as the withdrawal of the United Kingdom from the European Union.

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