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İngilizce - Türkçe

sıklık sırası: 11331

ad / noun 08 – British

WEDGE = [wec] noun
kama, kıskı, takoz

WEDGE = (wedge nedir; wedge Türkçesi) Yeryüzü üzerinde bulunan yüksek basınç merkezlerinin merkezden dışarıya doğru sünmüş, bombe yapmış kısmı için kullanılan bir terim. Sırt kelimesiyle eş anlamlı olarak kullanılır. Yüksek basınç merkezlerinde hızlı hareket eden sırtlarda 'kama' teriminin kullanılması tercih edilmektedir.

1. Physical Object:
Wooden wedge: A piece of wood tapered at one end, used to secure objects or split wood.
Metal wedge: A piece of metal with a tapered shape, used for various purposes like splitting, tightening, or securing.
Rubber wedge: A piece of rubber material designed to fill gaps, secure items, or provide cushioning.
Door wedge: A small, triangular object placed under a door to hold it open or prevent it from closing.
Wedge pillow: A specially designed pillow with a wedge shape to provide support and elevation for various body parts.
Golf wedge: A type of golf club with a high loft angle, used for short-distance shots or getting out of challenging situations.
Wedge heel: A type of shoe heel that extends from the middle to the back of the foot, thicker at the back and tapering towards the front.
Wedge anchor: A type of fastener used to secure objects to concrete or masonry surfaces.
2. Geometry and Mathematics:
Wedge angle: The angle formed by two intersecting lines or surfaces, resembling a wedge shape.
Wedge area: The space or region enclosed by two intersecting lines or surfaces in the shape of a wedge.
Wedge formula: A mathematical equation or expression related to the calculation of area, volume, or other properties of a wedge-shaped object.
Wedge theorem: A geometric or mathematical principle or proposition related to wedges.
3. Sports and Recreation:
Wedge shot: A golf shot played with a wedge club, typically for short distances with a high trajectory.
Wedge tactics: Strategies or techniques in sports like soccer, hockey, or rugby involving the use of a wedge formation or approach.
Wedge formation: A tactical arrangement or alignment of players in various team sports to create space, defend, or attack.
4. Cooking and Culinary:
Cheese wedge: A portion or piece of cheese cut into a triangular shape.
Lettuce wedge: A segment or section of lettuce, typically served as part of a salad or dish.
Fruit wedge: A piece or slice of fruit, often used as a garnish or ingredient in beverages, salads, or desserts.
Wedge salad: A type of salad made with a wedge of lettuce, typically topped with dressing, bacon, tomatoes, and other toppings.
5. Mechanics and Engineering:
Wedge mechanism: A mechanical device or system incorporating wedges for specific functions, movements, or operations.
Wedge action: The mechanical principle or action involving the use of wedges to exert force, secure objects, or perform tasks.
Wedge force: The force or pressure exerted by a wedge-shaped object or tool against another object, surface, or material.
6. Geography and Geology:
Wedge-shaped: Describing a shape or structure that resembles a wedge, often used in geographical or geological contexts.
Wedge fault: A type of geological fault where rock layers are pushed together, resembling a wedge shape.
Wedge model: A conceptual model or theory in geography or geology related to the formation, movement, or interaction of landforms.
7. Fashion and Design:
Wedge sandals: Footwear designed with wedge heels, providing height and style while offering more stability than stiletto heels.
Wedge silhouette: A design or fashion style characterized by a tapering or triangular shape resembling a wedge.
Wedge pattern: A design, motif, or pattern in fashion, textiles, or interior design featuring wedge-shaped elements or arrangements.
8. Construction and Carpentry:
Wedge joint: A type of joint in woodworking where two pieces of material are joined using a wedge to secure them together.
Wedge tenon: A tenon in woodworking that widens towards its end, fitting into a corresponding mortise.
9. Astronomy:
Wedge nebula: A type of astronomical formation resembling a wedge shape within a nebula or interstellar cloud.
Wedge star: A star or stellar formation appearing in a wedge-shaped pattern within a constellation or celestial object.
10. Miscellaneous:
Wedge issue: A divisive or controversial topic or subject used to create disagreement, conflict, or polarization.
Wedge politics: Political strategies or tactics designed to divide or polarize voters by emphasizing contentious or divisive issues.
Wedge strategy: A strategic approach or plan aimed at creating divisions or rifts within a group, organization, or community.
Wedge tactics: Tactics or maneuvers designed to exploit weaknesses, vulnerabilities, or divisions within a system, organization, or strategy.
Wedge issue: A topic, policy, or issue that creates division, disagreement, or conflict among individuals, groups, or communities.
Wedge product: In mathematics, the wedge product is an operation used in the context of exterior algebra.
Wedge resistance: A concept in sociology or psychology referring to resistance or opposition to change, innovation, or new ideas.
Wedge pressure: In physics or fluid dynamics, the pressure exerted by a wedge-shaped object moving through a fluid or medium.
Wedge warfare: A historical military tactic or strategy involving the use of wedge-shaped formations to penetrate enemy lines or defenses.
Wedge politics: A strategy in politics to drive a wedge between different groups to gain advantage.
Wedge issue: A contentious topic used to divide members within a political party or electorate.
Wedge strategy: A tactic aiming to exploit divisions within a group or weaken an opponent.
Wedge formation: A military tactic using wedge-shaped formations for penetration or assault.
Wedge product: A mathematical operation used in certain algebraic contexts.
Wedge philosophy: A divisive or polarizing approach to discourse or debate.
Wedge marketing: A marketing strategy aiming to target specific segments or divisions within a market.
Wedge discourse: A style of communication that focuses on creating divisions or differences.
Wedge culture: A culture or environment characterized by division, conflict, or polarization.
Wedge ideology: A set of beliefs or principles designed to create divisions or differences among people.
Wedge narrative: A storyline or narrative designed to create division or conflict among characters or audiences.
Wedge dynamics: The study or analysis of forces, movements, or interactions related to wedge-shaped objects or formations.
Wedge aesthetics: A design or artistic style emphasizing triangular or tapering shapes resembling a wedge.
Wedge geometry: The study or analysis of shapes, structures, or patterns related to wedge formations.
Wedge kinematics: The study or understanding of movements, motions, or dynamics associated with wedges.
Wedge symbolism: The symbolic meaning or representation associated with wedge-shaped objects, motifs, or concepts.
Wedge theory: A theoretical framework or model based on the principles or properties of wedges.
Wedge tradition: A set of customs, practices, or beliefs emphasizing the importance or significance of wedge-shaped objects or symbols.
Wedge folklore: Stories, myths, or legends related to wedge-shaped objects, structures, or phenomena.
Wedge legends: Legendary tales or narratives featuring wedge-shaped elements, characters, or events.
Wedge mythology: The study or collection of myths, stories, or beliefs centered around wedge-shaped objects, creatures, or phenomena.
Wedge history: A historical perspective or analysis focusing on wedge-shaped artifacts, structures, or events.
Wedge archaeology: The study or exploration of wedge-shaped artifacts, tools, or structures from ancient civilizations.
Wedge technology: Technological innovations or advancements related to wedge-shaped objects, devices, or systems.
Wedge engineering: The application or practice of designing, constructing, or implementing wedge-shaped structures, devices, or systems.
Wedge innovation: New ideas, concepts, or solutions centered around wedge-shaped principles or designs.
Wedge adaptation: The process or practice of modifying, adjusting, or optimizing wedge-shaped objects, tools, or systems.
Wedge transformation: A change, evolution, or shift related to wedge-shaped concepts, designs, or principles.
Wedge evolution: The development or progression of wedge-shaped ideas, technologies, or systems over time.
Wedge integration: The incorporation, assimilation, or combination of wedge-shaped elements into broader systems, designs, or structures.
Wedge optimization: The refinement, improvement, or enhancement of wedge-shaped objects, processes, or systems.
Wedge application: The practical use, implementation, or deployment of wedge-shaped principles, designs, or technologies.
Wedge strategy: A plan or approach leveraging wedge-shaped concepts, designs, or principles for specific outcomes or objectives.
Wedge collaboration: The cooperative effort or partnership focused on wedge-shaped innovations, projects, or initiatives.
Wedge alliance: A coalition or partnership formed around wedge-shaped ideas, concepts, or objectives.
Wedge coordination: The organized effort or synchronization of activities related to wedge-shaped projects, tasks, or initiatives.
Wedge synergy: The combined or cooperative effect resulting from the integration of wedge-shaped elements, principles, or designs.
Wedge collaboration: A joint effort or partnership focused on developing, implementing, or advancing wedge-shaped innovations.
Wedge partnership: A cooperative relationship or alliance centered around wedge-shaped concepts, designs, or objectives.
Wedge venture: A business or project focused on exploring, developing, or commercializing wedge-shaped innovations.
Wedge enterprise: An organization or initiative centered around wedge-shaped ideas, technologies, or principles.
Wedge initiative: A project or effort focused on advancing, promoting, or implementing wedge-shaped concepts or designs.
Wedge solution: A specific answer, approach, or strategy centered around wedge-shaped principles or designs.
Wedge innovation: A new idea, concept, or design based on wedge-shaped principles or structures.
Wedge design: The process or practice of creating, developing, or optimizing wedge-shaped objects, structures, or systems.
Wedge approach: A method, strategy, or technique centered around wedge-shaped concepts, designs, or principles.
Wedge methodology: A systematic approach or process based on wedge-shaped ideas, structures, or principles.
Wedge perspective: A viewpoint, stance, or interpretation focused on wedge-shaped concepts, structures, or phenomena.
Wedge framework: A structure, system, or model based on wedge-shaped principles, designs, or concepts.
Wedge model: A representation, simulation, or template centered around wedge-shaped ideas, designs, or principles.
Wedge strategy: A plan, approach, or tactic leveraging wedge-shaped concepts, designs, or principles.
Wedge perspective: A viewpoint, stance, or interpretation focused on wedge-shaped concepts, structures, or phenomena.
Wedge philosophy: A set of principles, beliefs, or ideas centered around wedge-shaped concepts or designs.
Wedge theory: A conceptual framework or hypothesis based on wedge-shaped principles or structures.
Wedge concept: An idea, notion, or theory centered around wedge-shaped designs, structures, or principles.
Wedge vision: A forward-looking perspective or outlook centered on wedge-shaped innovations, designs, or concepts.
Wedge mission: A purpose, objective, or goal centered around advancing wedge-shaped ideas, designs, or principles.
Wedge agenda: A plan, schedule, or list of priorities centered around wedge-shaped concepts, designs, or initiatives.

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