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İngilizce - Türkçe

sıklık sırası: 168

ad / noun 01

ad / noun 02

ad / noun 06

ad / noun 08

ad / noun 12 – physiology

ad / noun 13 – physiology

ad / noun 14 – physiology

ad / noun 17 – precious stones

eylem / verb 5

eylem / verb 6 – aviation

eylem / verb 8 – ships

sıfat / adjective 1

sıfat / adjective 3

tarım / agriculture

WATER = ['wo: tı] noun
İngilizce örnek : He is drinking water.
Türkçe çevirisi : Su içiyor.
İngilizce örnek : Can I have a drink of water?
Türkçe çevirisi : Bir su içebilir miyim?
İngilizce örnek : Could you bring me a glass of water?
Türkçe çevirisi : Bana bir bardak su getirir misin?
İngilizce örnek : Wood floats on water.
Türkçe çevirisi : Odun suyun üstünde yüzer.
İngilizce örnek : It's quite safe to drink the water here.
Türkçe çevirisi : Burada su içmek oldukça emniyetlidir.
İngilizce örnek : The water is cold.
Türkçe çevirisi : Su soğuk.
İngilizce örnek : He dived in the water.
Türkçe çevirisi : Suya daldı.
İngilizce örnek : Why don't you add water to make the paint thinner?
Türkçe çevirisi : Boyayı inceltmek için su katsana.
İngilizce örnek : Can we use the tap water here for drinking?
Türkçe çevirisi : Buradaki musluk suyunu içmek için kullanabilir miyiz?
İngilizce örnek : The water at this end of the pool is over your head.
Türkçe çevirisi : Havuzun bu ucundaki su, senin boyunu geçer.
¤ verb
1 sulamak
İngilizce örnek : Have you watered the cows?
Türkçe çevirisi : İnekleri suladın mı?
İngilizce örnek : He forgot to water the flowers and they died.
Türkçe çevirisi : Çiçekleri sulamayı unuttu ve çiçekler öldü.
2 sulandırmak
3 sulanmak
* by water = deniz yoluyla
* fresh water = tatlı su
* hard water = acı su
* spring water = memba suyu
* water buffalo = hayb. manda
İngilizce örnek : A herd of water buffalo is resting by the lake.
Türkçe çevirisi : Bir manda sürüsü gölün kenarında dinleniyor.
* water closet = tuvalet, hela, yüznumara
* water down = sulandırmak
İngilizce örnek : The bartender watered down the whiskey to reap a few more dollars.
Türkçe çevirisi : Barmen, birkaç dollar cebe indirmek için viskiye su kattı.
* water skiing = su kayağı

WATER = (water nedir; water Türkçesi) Kimyasal formülü H2O olan hidrojen oksit. 4 °C' de maksimum yoğunluğa ulaşır. Sıvı yada buz olarak dünya yüzeyinin % 70.8'ini kapsar. Yerküre üzerindeki su, dünya-atmosfer enerji dengesi üzerinde önemli bir rol oynar. Atmosferik sıcaklık ve basınçta her üç halde de bulunur: Katı (buz), sıvı (su) ve gaz (buhar). Su, yerkürenin yaşamsal parçasıdır. Meteoroloji bilimi hemen hemen suyun üç haliyle de ilgilenir. Hidrometeoroloji atmosferdeki sıvı haldeki sular ile bunların yağış halinde yere ulaşmasından sonraki etkileriyle uğraşır. Klimatoloji bilimi, buz ve kar örtüsü ile su miktarının iklimle ilgisi üzerinde durur. Atmosferdeki su buharı ki meteorolojinin en fazla ilgisini çeken konudur. Atmosferdeki su buharı miktarı ve bunların dağılımı, herhangi bir yer için hazırlanacak meteorolojik hava tahmin raporunun özünü oluşturur. Su buharı tarafından seçici bir şekilde emilen güneş radyasyonu da fiziksel meteorolojinin ilgi alanına girer.

Physical Properties and States:
Water molecule: The smallest fundamental unit of a chemical compound with two hydrogen atoms and one oxygen atom.
Water vapor: The gaseous phase of water, typically invisible but present in the atmosphere.
Water density: The mass per unit volume of water, usually expressed in grams per cubic centimeter.
Water temperature: The degree of hotness or coldness of water, measured in Celsius or Fahrenheit scales.
Water pressure: The force exerted by water molecules due to their weight or depth, typically measured in atmospheres or pascals.
Water volume: The amount of space occupied by a quantity of water, usually measured in liters or gallons.
Water flow: The movement or passage of water, often influenced by gravity, pressure, or other forces.
Water level: The height or depth of water in a container, reservoir, lake, river, or other bodies of water.
Water clarity: The transparency or clearness of water, affected by suspended particles, pollutants, or sediment.
Water quality: The chemical, physical, biological, and aesthetic characteristics of water, indicating its suitability for various uses.
Environmental and Natural Contexts:
Water cycle: The continuous process of water movement on, above, and below the Earth's surface, including evaporation, condensation, precipitation, and runoff.
Water conservation: Practices, strategies, or efforts aimed at reducing water consumption, waste, or environmental impact.
Water scarcity: The limited availability or shortage of water resources, posing challenges for human activities, ecosystems, or regions.
Water management: The planning, development, regulation, and conservation of water resources, infrastructure, or systems.
Water pollution: The contamination or degradation of water quality due to human activities, industrial discharges, agricultural runoff, or natural processes.
Water resources: Natural sources of water, including rivers, lakes, reservoirs, groundwater, and aquifers, essential for ecosystems, societies, and economies.
Water conservation: The protection, preservation, and sustainable use of water resources to meet current and future needs.
Water ecosystem: Aquatic environments, habitats, or communities supported by water bodies, such as rivers, lakes, wetlands, or oceans.
Water habitat: Specific environments or regions where aquatic organisms, species, or communities live, breed, or thrive.
Water balance: The equilibrium or balance between water inputs, outputs, storage, and movement within a specific system, region, or cycle.
Agricultural and Irrigation Contexts:
Water irrigation: The process of supplying water to crops, plants, or agricultural fields to promote growth, development, or production.
Water management: Practices, techniques, or systems employed to optimize water use, efficiency, and sustainability in agriculture.
Water availability: The accessibility or presence of water resources required for agricultural activities, crop cultivation, or livestock production.
Water efficiency: The ratio or measure of how effectively water is used in agricultural practices, systems, or operations.
Water allocation: The distribution or assignment of water resources among various uses, sectors, or stakeholders, such as agriculture, industry, or households.
Water retention: The ability of soils to retain moisture, nutrients, or water content essential for plant growth, resilience, or health.
Water runoff: The movement or flow of excess water across the soil surface, potentially leading to erosion, sedimentation, or nutrient loss.
Water infiltration: The process by which water penetrates or enters the soil profile, influencing moisture levels, plant availability, and groundwater recharge.
Water demand: The quantity or volume of water required for agricultural activities, irrigation, livestock, or crop production.
Water supply: The provision, delivery, or availability of water resources for agricultural operations, irrigation systems, or farming communities.
Industrial and Municipal Contexts:
Water treatment: The process of purifying, filtering, disinfecting, or removing contaminants from water to meet specific quality standards or requirements.
Water supply: Infrastructure, systems, or facilities responsible for delivering potable water to communities, households, or industries.
Water distribution: The network, pipelines, or systems used to transport, convey, or distribute water resources to various users, locations, or facilities.
Water consumption: The use, utilization, or expenditure of water resources by industries, municipalities, households, or commercial activities.
Water storage: Facilities, reservoirs, or structures designed to store, retain, or hold water resources for future use, demand, or emergencies.
Water recycling: The process of treating, purifying, or reclaiming wastewater for reuse in industrial, agricultural, or municipal applications.
Water infrastructure: The physical assets, facilities, or systems designed to capture, treat, store, distribute, or manage water resources.
Water efficiency: The optimization or improvement of water use, consumption, or management practices to reduce waste, losses, or environmental impacts.
Water utilities: Organizations, agencies, or entities responsible for providing, managing, or regulating water services, supply, or infrastructure.
Water conservation: Initiatives, programs, or policies aimed at promoting responsible, sustainable, or efficient water use in industrial or municipal sectors.
Recreational and Leisure Contexts:
Water sports: Activities, sports, or recreational pursuits conducted on or in water bodies, such as swimming, boating, surfing, or fishing.
Water recreation: Leisure, entertainment, or relaxation activities associated with water environments, destinations, or facilities.
Water park: A recreational facility or destination featuring water-based attractions, slides, pools, or activities for entertainment and enjoyment.
Water attraction: Features, elements, or components designed to entertain, engage, or attract visitors in water parks, resorts, or leisure destinations.
Water adventure: Excursions, experiences, or journeys involving water-based activities, sports, or explorations in natural or artificial environments.
Water leisure: Activities, pursuits, or experiences associated with relaxation, enjoyment, or entertainment in water environments.
Water facility: Infrastructure, amenities, or installations designed for recreational, leisure, or entertainment purposes in aquatic settings.
Water destination: Places, locations, or resorts renowned for water-related activities, attractions, or experiences.
Water excursion: Trips, tours, or outings focused on exploring, experiencing, or enjoying water environments, attractions, or destinations.
Water amenity: Features, elements, or services enhancing the quality, attractiveness, or appeal of recreational, leisure, or entertainment settings.
Miscellaneous Collocations:
Water conservation: The practice, initiative, or effort to protect, preserve, or conserve water resources for future generations or sustainability.
Water innovation: Technologies, solutions, or approaches aimed at addressing water challenges, efficiency, or sustainability in various contexts.
Water policy: Guidelines, regulations, or frameworks established to manage, regulate, or govern water resources, usage, or conservation.
Water strategy: Plans, approaches, or initiatives developed to address water challenges, opportunities, or priorities in specific regions, sectors, or contexts.
Water partnership: Collaborative efforts, alliances, or initiatives among stakeholders, organizations, or entities focused on addressing water challenges, solutions, or innovations.
Water initiative: Programs, projects, or campaigns launched to promote, support, or advance water conservation, management, or sustainability efforts.
Water challenge: Issues, problems, or obstacles related to water availability, quality, management, or sustainability in various regions, sectors, or contexts.
Water opportunity: Potential, prospects, or possibilities associated with addressing water challenges, innovations, or sustainability efforts.
Water education: Awareness, training, or educational programs focused on promoting understanding, knowledge, or awareness of water issues, conservation, or management.
Water awareness: Recognition, understanding, or consciousness of water challenges, issues, or importance in various sectors, communities, or contexts.
This list provides a comprehensive range of collocations related to "water," covering its diverse meanings and applications across physical properties, environmental contexts, agricultural practices, industrial sectors, recreational activities, and miscellaneous areas.

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