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İngilizce - Türkçe

sıklık sırası: 11736

VISIBILITY = [vizi'biliti] noun
görüş mesafesi, görüş derecesi
İngilizce örnek : The plane almost missed the runway because of the poor visibility.
Türkçe çevirisi : Kötü görüş mesafesi yüzünden uçak az kalsın pisti kaçırıyordu.
İngilizce örnek : The car was going too fast in bad visibility on a wet road, so it skidded and crashed.
Türkçe çevirisi : Araba ıslak yolda kötü görüş mesafesi ile çok hızlı gidiyordu, bu yüzden patinaj yaparak kaza yaptı.

VISIBILITY = Herhangi bir kişinin çıplak gözle görebileceği, objeleri net olarak seçebileceği en uzak yatay mesafe. Diğer bir deyişle atmosferin şeffaflık ölçüsü. Görüş uzaklığı için bir çok tanım ortaya konulmaktadır. Yer görüşünü belirlemek için sabit gözlem istasyonundan veya yerinden belli referans noktalarının -dağ, bina, kule, vs.- uzaklığı alınır. Sektör görüşünde belli bir yön alınır ve bu görüş ufuk dairesinin en az 45 derecelik bir yayını temsil eder. Kule görüşü ise, hava trafik kontrol kulesinden alınan görüş uzaklığıdır ki yer görüşü olarak kayıtlara geçer. Çıplak gözle yapılan görüş uzaklığı belirlenmesinde her istasyonda o istasyon civarında bulunan referans noktalarının kaç kilometre uzakta olduğunu gösterir şablonlar vardır. Günümüzde bir çok yerde standardın sağlanması amacıyla ölçümler aletlerle yapılmaktadır. Görüş uzaklığını doğrudan etkileyen iki etken vardır. Bunlardan birincisi hava kütlesinin çeşidi, diğeri ise kirliliktir. Kararlı hava kütlelerinde konvektif faaliyet olmadığı için görüş daha kısıtlı, kararsız hava kütlelerinde ise yağış hariç görüş iyidir. Yine kirlilik oranı arttıkça görüş uzaklığı değeri azalacaktır.

VISIBILITY = The distance at which objects can be clearly seen in the atmosphere.

VISIBILITY = The horizontal distance at which objects can be seen and identified, often influenced by factors such as atmospheric conditions, precipitation, and air pollution.

Low Visibility: The condition where objects or surroundings are difficult to see due to factors like fog, rain, or darkness.
High Visibility: The condition where objects or surroundings are easily seen and distinguishable.
Visibility Range: The distance over which objects can be seen clearly.
Visibility Warning: An alert or advisory issued when visibility conditions become hazardous, often due to weather.
Visibility Improves: The situation where visibility becomes better or clearer.
Visibility Decreases: The situation where visibility becomes worse or less clear.
Reduced Visibility: A state in which the ability to see is diminished, typically due to adverse weather conditions.
Limited Visibility: The condition where sight is restricted or constrained, often due to fog or smoke.
Zero Visibility: A situation in which nothing can be seen due to extremely poor weather conditions.
Poor Visibility: A state where it is challenging to see objects clearly, often due to fog, mist, or haze.
Good Visibility: A condition where objects are easily seen and distinguished, often indicating clear weather.
Improved Visibility: An increase in the ability to see, often used in the context of weather clearing up.
Limited Visibility: The state of being unable to see clearly, often due to environmental factors like heavy rain or fog.
Visibility Chart: A graphical representation of visibility conditions over a specific period, often used in meteorology.
Visibility Restrictions: Rules or regulations that limit the distance one can see while driving or flying.
Visibility Issues: Problems related to the ability to see clearly, often requiring corrective measures.
Visibility Check: A routine inspection to assess how well something can be seen or observed.
Visibility Factor: A variable that affects how well something can be seen or noticed.
Visibility Standards: Established criteria for how well something should be visible or discernible.
Visibility Test: An assessment or experiment to determine how well something can be seen under specific conditions.
Visibility Hazards: Conditions or situations that pose a risk due to limited visibility.
Visibility Enhancement: The act of improving the ability to see or be seen, often through technology or equipment.
Visibility Reduction: A deliberate action or process that reduces the ability to see something.
Visibility Criteria: Specific requirements or conditions that must be met regarding how well something can be seen.
Visibility Parameters: Factors or variables that affect how well something can be seen or observed.
Visibility Control: The management or adjustment of conditions to regulate how well something can be seen.
Visibility Monitoring: The act of regularly checking and assessing how well something can be seen.
Visibility Enhancement System: Technology or equipment designed to improve the ability to see in low-light or adverse conditions.
Visibility Solutions: Strategies or measures to address issues related to the ability to see clearly.
Visibility Improvement Plan: A structured approach to enhancing the ability to see or be seen.
Visibility Measurement: The process of quantifying how well something can be seen, often using specific metrics.
Visibility Assessment: An evaluation of the ability to see or be seen, often to identify areas for improvement.
Visibility Challenges: Difficulties or obstacles related to seeing or being seen clearly.
Visibility Impact: The effect that changes in visibility conditions have on various activities or industries.
Visibility Control System: Technology or mechanisms used to regulate and adjust visibility levels.
Visibility Enhancement Techniques: Methods or approaches to improve visibility in specific situations.
Visibility Maintenance: Ongoing efforts to ensure that visibility remains at an acceptable level.
Visibility Restoration: Actions taken to return visibility to a desired state after it has been compromised.
Visibility Concerns: Worries or issues related to the ability to see or be seen.
Visibility Reduction Mechanism: A system or process that intentionally reduces how well something can be seen.
Visibility Standards Compliance: Adherence to established guidelines for how well something should be visible.
Visibility Improvement Strategies: Approaches or plans for enhancing visibility in a particular context.
Visibility Enhancement Measures: Specific steps or actions taken to improve the ability to see or be seen.
Visibility Maintenance Program: A structured program to ensure that visibility remains at a satisfactory level.
Visibility Monitoring System: Technology or tools used to continuously assess how well something can be seen.
Visibility Assessment Criteria: Specific criteria used to evaluate the adequacy of visibility conditions.
Visibility Optimization: The process of maximizing the ability to see or be seen in a given situation.
Visibility Enhancement Initiatives: Projects or efforts aimed at improving visibility in specific areas.
Visibility Restoration Plan: A plan detailing steps to restore visibility to an acceptable level after it has been compromised.
Visibility Impact Analysis: An assessment of how changes in visibility conditions can affect various aspects of an operation or system.

Visibility range: The distance up to which objects can be seen clearly.
Visibility conditions: The prevailing atmospheric conditions affecting how far one can see.
Visibility factor: A specific element or condition that affects how well something can be seen.
Visibility improvement: Actions or measures taken to enhance the clarity of what can be seen.
Visibility issues: Problems or challenges related to seeing or being seen.
Visibility assessment: An evaluation or analysis of how easily something can be seen.
Visibility zone: A defined area where conditions allow for clear sight or observation.
Visibility chart: A graphical representation indicating how visibility changes under various conditions.
Visibility angle: The range or degree within which something can be seen from a specific point.
Visibility enhancement: Methods or techniques used to improve the clarity or range of vision.
Visibility impact: The effect or influence of certain factors on the ability to see or be seen.
Visibility criteria: Specific standards or benchmarks used to measure clarity or range of vision.
Visibility spectrum: The range of conditions affecting how well something can be seen, from optimal to poor.
Visibility study: A comprehensive analysis or investigation into the factors affecting visibility in a particular context.
Visibility concerns: Worries or issues related to the ability to see or be seen clearly.
Visibility parameters: Specific variables or factors considered when evaluating sight conditions.
Visibility test: An experiment or procedure conducted to assess how well something can be seen under certain conditions.
Visibility metrics: Quantitative measures used to evaluate and compare visibility levels.
Visibility challenges: Obstacles or difficulties related to maintaining clear sight or observation.
Visibility standards: Established guidelines or norms regarding what constitutes acceptable visibility.
Visibility limitations: Restrictions or boundaries concerning how well something can be seen.
Visibility improvements: Changes or enhancements made to increase the clarity or range of vision.
Visibility barriers: Obstructions or hindrances that prevent clear sight or observation.
Visibility levels: Specific degrees or grades indicating how well something can be seen.
Visibility issues: Concerns or problems related to the ability to see or be seen effectively.
Visibility enhancement: Efforts or initiatives aimed at improving the clarity or range of vision.
Visibility conditions: The prevailing circumstances or factors affecting sight or observation.
Visibility aspects: Various facets or components related to the ability to see or be seen.
Visibility challenges: Difficulties or obstacles encountered in maintaining clear sight or observation.
Visibility parameters: Specific criteria or factors used to evaluate sight conditions.
Visibility zone: A designated area where certain visibility conditions prevail.
Visibility spectrum: The range of conditions affecting how well something can be seen.
Visibility measures: Tools or methods used to assess and quantify visibility levels.
Visibility standards: Established norms or guidelines regarding the clarity or range of vision considered acceptable.
Visibility criteria: Specific benchmarks or standards used to evaluate sight conditions.
Visibility study: An investigation or analysis focused on understanding and improving visibility in a particular context.
Visibility angle: The range or degree within which something can be seen from a specific vantage point.
Visibility enhancement: Actions or measures taken to improve the clarity or range of vision.
Visibility challenges: Difficulties or obstacles related to maintaining clear sight or observation.
Visibility considerations: Factors or aspects to be taken into account when evaluating sight conditions.
Visibility limitations: Restrictions or constraints concerning the ability to see or be seen clearly.
Visibility metrics: Quantitative measures used to assess visibility levels.
Visibility improvements: Efforts or initiatives aimed at enhancing the clarity or range of vision.
Visibility parameters: Specific variables or factors considered when assessing sight conditions.
Visibility concerns: Worries or issues related to maintaining clear sight or observation.
Visibility spectrum: The range of conditions affecting how well something can be seen, from optimal to poor.
Visibility barriers: Obstructions or hindrances that impede clear sight or observation.
Visibility factors: Various elements or conditions affecting the ability to see or be seen clearly.
Visibility criteria: Established standards or benchmarks used to evaluate and measure visibility levels.
Visibility assessments: Evaluations or analyses conducted to assess the clarity or range of vision in specific contexts.

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