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İngilizce - Türkçe

sıklık sırası: 2527

UNIFORM = ['yu: nifo: m] noun
üniforma * eşanlamlı : outfit, costume
İngilizce örnek : School uniform wasn't compulsory at my school.
Türkçe çevirisi : Okulumda okul üniforması (önlüğü) zorunlu değildi.
İngilizce örnek : The soldier was wearing a dirty uniform.
Türkçe çevirisi : Asker kirli bir üniforma giyiyordu.
İngilizce örnek : The policeman was wearing a new uniform.
Türkçe çevirisi : Polis yeni bir üniforma giyiyordu.
İngilizce örnek : The prisoners were wearing a dark blue uniform.
Türkçe çevirisi : Mahkûmlar koyu mavi bir üniforma giymişti.
¤ adjective
tek biçimli, aynı * eşanlamlı : unchanging, even, equable, unvarying, constant, steady, identical, similar * karşıtanlamlı : irregular

UNIFORM = (uniform nedir; uniform Türkçesi) Bir örnek.

1. Consistent Meaning:
Uniform appearance: Having a consistent or similar outward look.
Uniform color: Having the same color throughout.
Uniform texture: Having a consistent feel or texture.
Uniform pattern: A consistent arrangement or design.
Uniform shape: Having the same form or outline.
2. Clothing:
School uniform: A set of standardized clothing worn by students at a particular school.
Military uniform: The distinctive clothing worn by members of the armed forces.
Police uniform: The official clothing worn by police officers.
Nurse uniform: The standard attire worn by nurses in healthcare settings.
Work uniform: Clothing worn by employees to signify affiliation with a particular job or company.
3. Conformity:
Uniform behavior: Consistent actions or conduct.
Uniform standards: Standardized criteria or benchmarks.
Uniform regulations: Rules or guidelines that are consistent and applied uniformly.
Uniform guidelines: Standard instructions or recommendations that apply uniformly.
Uniform policy: A consistent approach or set of rules.
4. Equality and Equivalence:
Uniform distribution: Equal distribution across a range or area.
Uniform access: Equal opportunity or availability.
Uniform rights: Equal rights for all individuals.
Uniform treatment: Fair and consistent treatment regardless of differences.
Uniform representation: Equal representation of different groups or entities.
5. Sameness and Similarity:
Uniform design: A consistent or standardized plan or arrangement.
Uniform composition: Consisting of the same elements or components.
Uniform structure: Having a consistent or similar framework.
Uniform composition: Consisting of the same elements or components.
Uniformity of opinion: Consensus or agreement among a group.
6. Other Meanings:
Uniform code: A standardized set of rules or laws.
Uniform format: A consistent layout or structure.
Uniform speed: Consistent rate of motion.
Uniformity of application: Even or consistent implementation.
Uniform distribution: The equal spread of something over an area.
7. Mathematics and Statistics:
Uniform convergence: Convergence in a certain mathematical sense.
Uniform continuity: Continuity without abrupt changes.
Uniform convergence: Convergence in a certain mathematical sense.
Uniform distribution: A probability distribution with constant probability density.
Uniform random variable: A random variable with a constant probability distribution.
8. Chemistry and Physics:
Uniform motion: Motion at a constant speed and direction.
Uniform density: Consistent distribution of mass or particles.
Uniform acceleration: Steady increase in speed over time.
Uniform field: A field with constant magnitude and direction.
Uniform temperature: Consistent temperature throughout a system.
9. Business and Economics:
Uniform pricing: Consistent pricing across different locations or customers.
Uniform accounting standards: Standardized rules for financial reporting.
Uniform taxation: Consistent tax rates across different regions or entities.
Uniform tariff: A consistent tariff rate applied to imported goods.
Uniform currency: A single currency used across different regions or countries.
10. Physics and Engineering:
Uniform velocity: Constant speed and direction.
Uniform electric field: A field with constant strength and direction.
Uniform load: A consistent force applied over a surface or structure.
Uniform flow: Consistent movement of fluid or particles.
Uniform circular motion: Motion in a circle at a constant speed.
11. Biology and Medicine:
Uniform distribution: Equal spread of substances or organisms in an environment.
Uniform growth: Consistent increase in size or development.
Uniform cell culture: Cells that exhibit consistent characteristics in culture.
Uniform dose: A consistent amount of medication administered.
Uniform conditions: Consistent environmental factors influencing an experiment.
12. Legal and Regulatory:
Uniform commercial code: Standardized laws governing commercial transactions.
Uniform civil code: A single set of laws applicable to all citizens regardless of religion or ethnicity.
Uniform rules: Standardized regulations governing a particular activity or industry.
Uniform trade practices: Consistent practices in commerce and trade.
Uniform contract: A standardized agreement used in multiple transactions.
13. Astronomy and Cosmology:
Uniform expansion: Expansion of the universe at a constant rate.
Uniform background radiation: Consistent radiation observed throughout space.
Uniform cosmic microwave background: A consistent radiation pattern observed across the universe.
Uniform cosmic structure: Consistent arrangement of celestial objects on a large scale.
Uniform cosmological principle: Assumption that the universe is homogeneous and isotropic on large scales.
14. Social and Cultural:
Uniform culture: A culture characterized by consistency in beliefs and practices.
Uniform language: A standardized language used across different regions.
Uniform tradition: Consistent customs or rituals observed by a group.
Uniform ideology: Consistent set of beliefs or principles.
Uniform worldview: A shared perspective or outlook among a group.
15. Education and Academia:
Uniform curriculum: Standardized educational content across different institutions.
Uniform grading: Consistent assessment criteria used for grading students.
Uniform syllabus: A standardized outline of topics to be covered in a course.
Uniform testing: Consistent examination methods used to evaluate students.
Uniform accreditation: Standardized process for accrediting educational institutions.
16. Communication and Media:
Uniform message: Consistent communication or statement.
Uniform branding: Standardized branding elements across different platforms.
Uniform style: Consistent writing or design style.
Uniform format: Standardized layout or presentation.
Uniform content: Consistent subject matter or themes.
17. Technology and Computing:
Uniform resource locator (URL): Standardized address used to locate resources on the internet.
Uniform interface: Consistent user interface across different software or devices.
Uniform access control: Standardized system for managing user permissions.
Uniform data format: Standardized structure for organizing and storing data.
Uniform coding standards: Consistent coding conventions used in software development.
18. Environmental Science:
Uniform climate: Consistent weather patterns observed over a region.
Uniform rainfall: Consistent distribution of precipitation over time.
Uniform soil composition: Consistent makeup of soil components.
Uniform air quality: Consistent levels of pollutants in the atmosphere.
Uniform ecosystem: A stable and consistent ecological system.
19. Sports and Athletics:
Uniform sports regulations: Standardized rules governing sports competitions.
Uniform athletic performance: Consistent performance levels in sports.
Uniform training regimen: Standardized workout routine for athletes.
Uniform competition: Fair and consistent sporting events.
Uniform playing field: Standardized field dimensions and conditions.
20. Arts and Entertainment:
Uniform color palette: Consistent range of colors used in artwork.
Uniform musical style: Consistent genre or musical characteristics.
Uniform storytelling: Consistent narrative structure in literature or film.
Uniform choreography: Standardized sequence of dance movements.
Uniform aesthetics: Consistent visual or artistic principles.

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