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İngilizce - Türkçe

sıklık sırası: 10962

Simulated annealing: A mathematical optimization technique used to approximate solutions to complex problems.
Simulated data: Artificially generated data used for testing and validation purposes.
Simulated environment: A controlled setting designed to replicate real-world conditions.
Simulated environment: A virtual or artificial setting created to mimic real-world conditions.
Simulated event: An occurrence or situation generated within a simulated environment.
Simulated experience: An artificial recreation of a real-life situation or phenomenon.
Simulated experiment: A controlled test or trial conducted within a simulated environment.
Simulated experiment: An experiment conducted within a controlled simulated environment.
Simulated intelligence: Artificial intelligence designed to mimic human cognitive processes.
Simulated interaction: Interaction between simulated entities or systems.
Simulated learning: Educational methods that involve simulated experiences or scenarios.
Simulated output: The results or data produced by a simulation.
Simulated patient: An actor trained to portray a patient in medical education scenarios.
Simulated process: A modeled sequence of actions or operations within a simulation.
Simulated reality: The concept that reality could be simulated, often explored in philosophical and scientific discourse.
Simulated response: A predicted or modeled reaction within a simulated environment or system.
Simulated response: The reaction or outcome predicted by a simulation.
Simulated scenario: A scripted situation created for training, testing, or analysis.
Simulated training: Training conducted within simulated environments or scenarios.
Simulated world: A digital or virtual environment designed to resemble reality.
Simulated world: An artificial environment created to represent a fictional or alternate reality.

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