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İngilizce - Türkçe

sıklık sırası: 1887

ad / noun 1 – grammar

SENTENCE = ['sentıns] noun
1 dilb. tümce, cümle
İngilizce örnek : How can we combine these two sentences into one?
Türkçe çevirisi : Bu iki tümceyi nasıl tek bir cümle halinde birleştirebiliriz?
İngilizce örnek : Don’t interrupt me – I haven’t finished my sentence.
Türkçe çevirisi : Lafımı kesme – cümlemi bitirmedim.
İngilizce örnek : He can’t punctuate his sentences correctly.
Türkçe çevirisi : Tümcelerine noktalama işeretlerini doğru bir şekilde koyamıyor.
2 huk. yargı, karar, hüküm
İngilizce örnek : She got a sentence of six months.
Türkçe çevirisi : Altı ay hüküm giydi.
İngilizce örnek : He was given a light sentence because it was his first offence.
Türkçe çevirisi : Hafif bir ceza verildi çünkü bu onun ilk suçu idi.
¤ verb
(to) huk. mahkûm etmek
İngilizce örnek : He was sentenced to five years.
Türkçe çevirisi : Beş yıla mahkûm oldu.
İngilizce örnek : He was charged with embezzlement and sentenced to three years in prison.
Türkçe çevirisi : Zimmetine geçirmeden suçlandı ve üç yıl hapse mahkûm oldu.

Legal sentence: The punishment imposed by a court on a person found guilty of a crime.
Prison sentence: The period of time a convicted person must spend in prison as part of their punishment.
Death sentence: A legal punishment where a person is sentenced to be executed for a crime they have committed.
Life sentence: A prison term that lasts for the remainder of the convicted person's life, typically without the possibility of parole.
Probation sentence: A sentence in which a convicted offender is allowed to serve their punishment under supervision in the community, rather than in prison.
Sentencing guidelines: Official recommendations or rules used by judges to determine appropriate sentences for specific crimes.
Harsh sentence: A punishment considered to be severe or excessive in relation to the crime committed.
Light sentence: A punishment considered to be lenient or less severe in relation to the crime committed.
Mandatory sentence: A predetermined punishment that must be imposed for certain crimes, often without judicial discretion.
Maximum sentence: The longest possible prison term or punishment allowed for a particular offense.
Minimum sentence: The shortest possible prison term or punishment that can be imposed for a particular offense.
Sentence reduction: The act of decreasing the length or severity of a punishment, often as a result of good behavior or cooperation.
Suspended sentence: A legal judgment where a person is found guilty but is not required to serve their sentence immediately, contingent upon fulfilling certain conditions.
Community sentence: A non-custodial punishment that requires a convicted person to perform community service or attend rehabilitation programs.
Deferred sentence: A delay in the imposition of a sentence, often contingent upon the defendant meeting certain conditions or requirements.
Juvenile sentence: A punishment or consequence imposed on a minor who has been found guilty of committing a crime.
Court-ordered sentence: A punishment or penalty determined by a court as a result of a legal proceeding.
Sentencing hearing: A court proceeding during which a judge determines the appropriate punishment for a convicted defendant.
Sentence appeal: The process by which a convicted person challenges the legality or severity of their sentence in a higher court.
Sentence completion: The fulfillment or serving of the entirety of a court-imposed punishment or prison term.
Conditional sentence: A punishment that allows a convicted person to serve their sentence under certain conditions, such as house arrest.
Custodial sentence: A punishment that involves confinement in a prison or detention center.
Sentence enforcement: The process of ensuring that a convicted person serves the punishment imposed by the court.
Sentence hearing: A court proceeding where the judge announces the punishment or penalty to be imposed on a convicted defendant.
Indeterminate sentence: A punishment with no fixed duration, often contingent upon the fulfillment of specific criteria or conditions.
Sentence modification: The process of changing or altering the terms or conditions of a previously imposed sentence.
Sentence structure: The grammatical arrangement of words to form coherent and meaningful sentences in language.
Sentence construction: The process of creating grammatically correct and meaningful sentences in writing or speech.
Sentence completion task: An exercise or assessment designed to evaluate a person's ability to finish a given sentence with appropriate words or phrases.
Conditional discharge: A sentence where a person is found guilty of an offense but is not punished, provided they comply with certain conditions.
Deferred adjudication: A type of sentence where a defendant agrees to fulfill certain requirements in exchange for having the charges dismissed.
Aggravated sentence: A punishment that is made more severe due to the presence of aggravating factors or circumstances.
Concurrent sentence: Multiple sentences served at the same time, rather than one after the other.
Consecutive sentence: Multiple sentences served one after the other, with each term beginning after the previous one ends.
Federal sentence: A punishment imposed for violating federal laws or regulations, typically administered by federal courts.
State sentence: A punishment imposed for violating state laws or statutes, typically administered by state courts.
Global sentence: A single sentence that encompasses multiple charges or offenses.
Good behavior sentence: A reduction in a prison term granted to an inmate for exhibiting positive behavior and following rules.
Imposed sentence: The punishment officially declared by a judge in a court of law.
Incarceration sentence: A punishment that involves confinement in a prison or jail.
Juvenile life sentence: A life sentence imposed on a minor for committing a serious crime.
Modified sentence: A sentence that has been changed or altered from its original terms or conditions.
Overturned sentence: A judgment that has been reversed or annulled by a higher court.
Parental sentence: A punishment or consequence imposed on a minor by their parent or guardian.
Presumptive sentence: A guideline or recommended punishment for a particular offense, often used by judges as a starting point for sentencing decisions.
Restorative sentence: A punishment that emphasizes repairing harm caused by the offender to victims and the community.
Sentence enhancement: The increase in severity of a punishment due to specific factors or circumstances surrounding the offense.
Sentence reduction credits: Time deducted from a prison term as a reward for participation in educational programs or work assignments.
Split sentence: A punishment that combines incarceration with probation or other non-custodial measures.
Youthful offender sentence: A sentence designed for young adults or adolescents who have committed criminal offenses, often emphasizing rehabilitation over punishment.

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