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İngilizce - Türkçe

belirteç / adverb 13 – photography

belirteç / adverb 4

belirteç / adverb 7 – medical

belirteç / adverb 8 – medical

1. In a raw manner: This meaning implies that something is done in a way that is unrefined, unpolished, or lacking in sophistication. For example, "The students were rawly enthusiastic about their project, but lacked the necessary skills to complete it."
2. In a sensitive or sore manner: This meaning implies that something is painful or tender to the touch. For example, "After falling off his bike, the child's knee was rawly scraped."
3. In an uncooked or unprocessed manner: This meaning implies that something is not cooked or prepared. For example, "The rawly chopped vegetables were added to the salad."
4. In a state of being exposed or vulnerable: This meaning implies that something is not protected or shielded. For example, "The company's rawly exposed financial situation made it vulnerable to takeover bids."

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