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İngilizce - Türkçe

sıklık sırası: 39642

ad / noun 2 – botany

ad / noun 3

NETTLE = ['netıl] noun
bitk. ısırgan

A nettle is a type of plant that is known for its stinging hairs on its leaves and stems. The word "nettle" is believed to have originated from the Old English word "netel," which means "needle." Nettles are found throughout the world in temperate climates, often in damp and shady places. They are typically considered to be weeds, but they have a variety of uses, including medicinal and culinary. Nettle leaves and stems are rich in vitamins and minerals, and they can be used to make tea, soup, and other dishes. The stinging hairs on nettles are actually tiny hollow tubes that contain a mixture of chemicals that can cause skin irritation and a stinging sensation. However, once the plant is cooked or dried, the stinging hairs are deactivated, and the plant can be safely consumed. Nettles have been used for medicinal purposes for centuries. They are believed to have anti-inflammatory properties and have been used to treat conditions such as arthritis, allergies, and urinary tract infections. Nettles have also been used in traditional medicine to promote healthy skin, hair, and nails.

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