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İngilizce - Türkçe

sıklık sırası: 10119



konuşma dili

yelken sporu

MOLE = [moul] noun
1 ben
İngilizce örnek : He has a small mole on his neck.
Türkçe çevirisi : Boynunda küçük bir beni var.
2 hayb. köstebek
İngilizce örnek : Moles have burrowed under the lawn.
Türkçe çevirisi : Köstebekler çayırın altına delik açtı.
3 casus, köstebek
İngilizce örnek : There is a mole in the ministry.
Türkçe çevirisi : Bakanlıkta bir köstebek var.

1. (zoology) A small burrowing mammal with dark velvety fur and a pointed snout, known for its ability to dig tunnels and its acute sense of smell.
2. (medical) A small, often raised, pigmented spot on the skin, typically brown or black in color.
3. (chemistry) A unit of measurement used in chemistry to express the amount of a substance.
4. (cookery) A Mexican sauce made from chili peppers, spices, and chocolate, typically served over meat or enchiladas.
5. (intelligenc) A spy or secret agent who works for a government or other organization.
6. (engineering) A pier or jetty built to protect a harbor or shoreline from waves or currents.
7. (typography) A unit of measurement used to specify the size of a font.
8. (computer science) A type of software tool used to analyze or debug code.

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