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İngilizce - Türkçe

sıklık sırası: 8715

MANDATE = ['mendeyt] noun
1 buyruk, emir * eşanlamlı : command, order, decree
2 (halkın verdiği) hak ve yetki * eşanlamlı : charge, commission, authority
İngilizce örnek : The ruling party has exceeded the mandate from the people.
Türkçe çevirisi : İktidar partisi halktan aldığı hak ve yetkiyi aşmıştır.

1. A command or authorization given to a person or group to carry out a particular action or set of actions. For example, a government may mandate the use of masks in public places during a pandemic.
2. The authority or power to carry out a particular action or set of actions. For example, a politician may claim a mandate to pursue a certain policy based on their election results.
3. A commission or appointment to an office or position of authority. For example, a governor may receive a mandate from the people of their state to serve as their leader.
4. An official order or decree issued by a government or other authority. For example, a legal mandate may require companies to comply with certain regulations.
5. The territory or area under the control or authority of a particular government or ruling body. For example, a mandate may refer to a region or territory governed by a particular country or group of countries.
6. In international law, a mandate may refer to a legal status conferred by the League of Nations or the United Nations, giving a country responsibility for the administration of a territory previously controlled by another country.

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