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İngilizce - Türkçe

sıklık sırası: 623

INCOME = ['inkam] noun
gelir * eşanlamlı : salary, wages, earnings, pay, profits, gains; return, revenue * karşıtanlamlı : expenditure
İngilizce örnek : My annual income is less than ten thousand dollars.
Türkçe çevirisi : Yıllık gelirim on bin dolardan daha azdır.
İngilizce örnek : What is your monthly income?
Türkçe çevirisi : Aylık gelirin ne kadar?
İngilizce örnek : Apart from having a salary, he also has a private income.
Türkçe çevirisi : Aylığının yanı sıra, özel geliri de var.
İngilizce örnek : He earns a high income.
Türkçe çevirisi : Yüksek bir gelir kazanıyor. (Geliri yüksek.)
İngilizce örnek : His pension from the army gives him a comfortable income for life.
Türkçe çevirisi : Ordudan gelen emekli aylığı ona yaşam için rahat bir gelir sağlıyor.
* income tax = gelir vergisi

Disposable income: The amount of money a person has left to spend or save after taxes and essential expenses.
Gross income: Total earnings before any deductions, such as taxes or expenses.
Net income: The amount of money remaining after all deductions and taxes have been subtracted from gross income.
Passive income: Money earned with little or no effort on the part of the recipient.
Primary income: The main source of earnings for an individual or household.
Secondary income: Additional earnings apart from the primary source of income.
Household income: The total earnings of all individuals living in a single household.
Fixed income: A regular and predictable income that does not vary significantly over time.
Variable income: Earnings that fluctuate and are not consistent or predictable.
Steady income: A reliable and consistent source of earnings.
Salaried income: Earnings received on a regular basis in the form of a salary.
Hourly income: Earnings calculated based on an hourly rate of pay.
Annual income: The total earnings received over the course of a year.
Monthly income: Earnings received on a monthly basis.
Weekly income: Earnings received on a weekly basis.
Daily income: Earnings received on a daily basis.
Investment income: Money earned from investments, such as stocks, bonds, or real estate.
Rental income: Earnings generated from renting out property or assets.
Portfolio income: Returns from an investment portfolio, including dividends and interest.
Passive rental income: Money earned from renting out property with minimal involvement.
Side income: Additional earnings from a secondary job or source.
Business income: Earnings generated from operating a business.
Personal income: The income an individual earns from various sources.
Family income: The total earnings of all family members living together.
Taxable income: The portion of income subject to taxation.
Nontaxable income: Earnings that are not subject to taxation.
Taxable income bracket: A specific range of income levels that determine the tax rate.
Unearned income: Money received without actively working for it, such as dividends or royalties.
Earned income: Money earned through labor or work.
Disposable personal income: The money a person has available to spend or save after taxes.
Above-average income: Earnings that are higher than the average for a particular group.
Below-average income: Earnings that are lower than the average for a particular group.
Median income: The middle point when all incomes are ranked from lowest to highest.
Low-income: Earnings that fall below a certain threshold, indicating financial need.
High-income: Earnings that are significantly above average or the median.
Fixed retirement income: A steady income received during retirement years.
Retirement income planning: The process of managing finances for retirement.
Retirement income stream: Regular payments received during retirement.
Guaranteed income: Earnings that are assured and not subject to variation.
Minimum income: The lowest amount of earnings required to meet basic needs.
Maximum income: The highest allowable level of earnings for a particular benefit or program.
Passive residual income: Money earned over time from previous efforts or investments.
Non-wage income: Earnings that do not come from a traditional job.
Earned income credit: A tax credit for low to moderate-income individuals and families.
Earned income deduction: A reduction in taxable income based on earned wages.
Investment income tax: A tax on profits from investments.
Multiple income streams: Having income from various sources simultaneously.
Side gig income: Earnings from part-time or freelance work.
Income generation: The process of creating or earning income.
Income distribution: How income is spread among individuals or households in a society.
Income inequality: Disparities in income levels among different groups in a population.
Income threshold: The minimum income required for a specific purpose or benefit.
Income source: The origin of one's earnings, such as a job or investment.
Income potential: The maximum amount of money one can potentially earn.
Income diversification: Spreading income across various sources to reduce risk.
Income volatility: Fluctuations in earnings over time.
Income tax return: A document filed with tax authorities to report income and taxes owed.
Income tax deduction: An allowable reduction in taxable income.
Income tax exemption: A portion of income that is not subject to taxation.
Income tax refund: Money returned to a taxpayer if they overpaid taxes.
Supplemental income: Additional earnings beyond the primary source.
Income statement: A financial document showing revenue, expenses, and profit or loss.
Income forecasting: Predicting future earnings based on current trends.
Income stream diversification: Spreading income across various sources for stability.
Income portfolio: A collection of income-generating assets or investments.
Income source diversity: Having multiple sources of income for financial security.
Income growth: The increase in earnings over time.
Income source stability: The reliability of various income sources.
Income projection: An estimate of future earnings.
Earned income potential: The maximum income achievable through work or employment.
Income security: Assurance of a stable and sufficient income.
Income verification: Providing evidence of one's earnings, often for financial purposes.
Income generation strategy: A plan for creating or increasing income.
Income allocation: The division of earnings among different purposes, such as savings or expenses.
Income generation opportunity: A chance to earn additional money.
Income eligibility: Meeting the criteria for a specific income-related benefit or program.
Income tax liability: The amount of taxes owed on income.
Income tax evasion: Illegally avoiding paying taxes on income.
Income disparity: The gap between the highest and lowest earners in a society.
Income multiplier effect: The impact of an increase in income on overall economic activity.
Income redistribution: Policies aimed at reducing income inequality.
Income source selection: Choosing which sources of income to pursue.
Income diversification strategy: A deliberate plan to secure income from various sources.
Income diversification benefits: The advantages of having income from multiple sources.
Income stability planning: Preparing for fluctuations in earnings.
Income loss protection: Measures to safeguard against a sudden decrease in earnings.
Income insurance: Coverage that provides financial support in case of income loss.
Income generation tactics: Specific methods for increasing earnings.
Income boosting strategies: Approaches to increase one's income.
Income enhancement: Actions taken to raise income levels.
Income forecasting accuracy: How closely actual earnings match predicted earnings.
Income risk assessment: Evaluating potential threats to one's income.
Income diversification benefits: The advantages of having income from multiple sources.
Income allocation plan: A strategy for distributing income among various needs.
Income preservation: Strategies to maintain or protect current income levels.
Income allocation optimization: Maximizing the efficiency of income distribution.
Income protection insurance: Coverage to safeguard against income loss due to illness or disability.
Income adjustment: Making changes to income sources or levels.
Income projection analysis: A detailed examination of future earnings estimates.
Income stability measures: Steps taken to ensure a consistent and reliable income.

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