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İngilizce - Türkçe

sıklık sırası: 7513




GAUGE = [geyc] noun
1 ölçü, ayar * eşanlamlı : measure, norm, criterion, yardstick, standard
2 ölçü aygıtı * eşanlamlı : device, instrument
İngilizce örnek : A pressure gauge gives an indication of the pressure in the boiler.
Türkçe çevirisi : Bir basınç aleti (manometre), kazandaki basıncın değerini verir.
İngilizce örnek : The fuel gauge indicates that we are almost out of petrol.
Türkçe çevirisi : Yakıt göstergesi, benzinimizin bitmek üzere olduğunu gösteriyor.
¤ verb
1 ölçmek * eşanlamlı : measure, weigh, calculate, check
İngilizce örnek : I won't be able to gauge the size without a tape measure.
Türkçe çevirisi : Mezura olmadan büyüklüğünü ölçemem (ölçüsünü alamam).
İngilizce örnek : The age of a rock may be gauged from fossils embedded in it.
Türkçe çevirisi : Bir kayanın yaşı, içindeki fosillerden çıkarılabilir.
2 ölçüp biçmek * eşanlamlı : estimate, evaluate, appraise, judge

GAUGE = (gauge nedir; gauge Türkçesi) Kullanıldığı alana göre ismi değişen, herhangi bir ölçü aletinin genel ismi. Örneğin kar ölçer veya yağmur ölçer gibi. Barometrede zaman zaman hava ölçer olarak isimlendirilir.

* A measuring instrument: A gauge is a tool or instrument used to measure or determine something. For example, a fuel gauge in a car measures the amount of fuel in the tank. Another example is a tire pressure gauge, which is used to measure the air pressure in a car's tires.
* A thickness or diameter measurement: In the context of materials or objects, gauge can refer to the thickness or diameter of a material or object. For example, wire gauge is used to measure the thickness of wire. Another example is sheet metal gauge, which is used to measure the thickness of sheet metal.
* A standard or reference point: Gauge can also refer to a standard or reference point used to compare or evaluate something. For example, a rain gauge is used to measure the amount of rainfall in a given area, which can be compared to the average amount of rainfall in that area.
*A level of skill or proficiency: In some contexts, gauge can refer to a level of skill or proficiency in a particular activity or subject. For example, a musician's skill level can be described as their "guitar playing gauge," indicating how proficient they are at playing the guitar.
*A railway track width: Gauge can also refer to the width of a railway track. For example, in the United States, standard gauge is 4 feet 8.5 inches, while in other countries, such as Russia, the gauge is wider at 5 feet.
*To estimate or judge: As a verb, gauge can mean to estimate or judge something. For example, you might gauge the distance between two points by eye, or gauge someone's mood by their facial expressions.

ilgili sözler / related words

a/t low pressure gauge a/t oil pressure gauge hose assembly a/t oil pressure gauge set absolute pressure gauge acoustic strain gauge adjuster gauge air brake pressure gauge air compressor gauge air flow gauge connector air gauge air pressure gauge air temperature gauge air-pressure gauge alarm gauge alignment gauge almen gauge altitude gauge ambient temperature gauge american gauge american standard wire gauge american wave gauge american wire gauge angle gauge angular torque gauge atmospheres gauge pressure attribute measuring gauge automatic radio rain gauge automatic tide gauge auxiliary gauge axle gauge axle weight gauge b&s gauge bark gauge bayonet gauge bearing oil pressure gauge belt tension gauge bent gauge beta gauge beta thickness gauge birmingham wire gauge bit gauge block gauge boley gauge bolt gauge boost gauge boost pressure gauge bore gauge bourdon gauge bourdon gauge burdon bourdon pressure gauge bourdon pressure gauge burdon box gauge brake clearance gauge british standard wire gauge broad gauge broad gauge railway brown and sharp gauge buckley gauge cal(l)iper gauge caliber gauge calibre gauge caliper gauge calipper gauge calliper gauge camber/caster gauge equivalent cap gauge catch of gauge center gauge centering gauge centre gauge certificate of draft gauge system chain gauge check gauge clearance gauge clock gauge cock gauge compound gauge compression gauge connecting piece of compression gauge construction gauge contactrail gauge contents gauge coolant level gauge coolant temperature gauge cooling water temperature gauge crest stage gauge cross gauge cylindrical gauge density gauge deposit gauge deposite gauge depth gauge dial bore gauge dial bore gauge group dial gauge diameter gauge diesel engine temperature gauge differential pressure gauge discharge gauge draft gauge draught gauge drill gauge edison gauge electrification gauge adjustment electrode gap gauge electrometer gauge electronic gauge cluster encroachment on the clearance gauge engine alignment gauge engine temperature gauge show english wire gauge european brewery committee gauge external gauge external limit gauge fault gauge feeler gauge female gauge filler gauge film gauge firedamp gauge fixed gauge undercarriage fleer gauge float gauge flow gauge fork-shaped legs of the gauge frame gauge freight gauge front levelling gauge fuel gauge fuel gauge kit fuel gauge sender fuel gauge sender resistance range fuel gauge sensor fuel gauge warning lamp fuel level gauge fuel pressure gauge fuel sender gauge gap gauge gas gauge gas tank gauge gasolene gauge gasoline engine temperature gauge gasoline gauge gauge adjustment gauge assembly gauge block gauge board gauge box gauge cock gauge cocks gauge datum gauge display gauge door gauge glass gauge height of zero flow gauge height of zero flow line gauge invariance gauge lathe gauge length gauge line gauge line pillars gauge measure gauge number gauge observation gauge obstacle gauge of the track gauge of the way gauge pot gauge pressure gauge reading gauge records gauge register gauge ring gauge rod gauge rule gauge set gauge setting gauge side gauge snubber gauge spread gauge stick gauge tester gauge the diameter gauge tube gauge wall gauge warning gauge warning lamp gauge well general gauge glass gauge go gauge heat gauge heigh gauge height gauge high pressure gauge hole gauge hook and point gauge hook gauge horseshoe gauge hot-cathode gauge hydraulic quantity gauge ignition gauge in-dash gauge inclined gauge inclined manometer; slant gauge industrial gauge inflation pressure gauge injector height gauge injector timing gauge inspection gauge internal limit gauge internal temperature gauge ionization gauge ionization vacuum gauge key gauge key way gauge level gauge levitation stator gauge limit gap gauge limit gauge limit plug gauge line gauge line space gauge (of a typewriter) liquid level gauge liquid pressure gauge load gauge loading gauge low pressure gauge manifold gauge set marking gauge master gauge mcleod gauge mean monthly gauge measurement gauge measuring scale of a micrometer gauge mercury gauge mercury pressure gauge mercury vacuum gauge metal gauge micrometer depth gauge micrometer gauge milk gauge mortise gauge music wire gauge narrow gauge narrow gauge railroad narrow gauge railway narrow gauge track navigation gauge needle gauge neutron moisture gauge no go gauge normal gauge nuclear gauge oil gauge oil gauge (dipstick) oil gauge (gage) oil gauge glass oil gauge rod oil gauge window oil level gauge oil level gauge glass oil pressure gauge oil pressure gauge engine oil pressure gauge for engine lubricating system oil pressure gauge kit oil temperature gauge oil-level gauge out of roundness gauge outside temperature gauge outside temperature gauge kit paint inspection gauge pan height gauge penning gauge permanent gauge petrol content gauge petrol gauge petrol pressure gauge pilot oil pressure gauge pirani vacuum gauge piston ring groove gauge pitch gauge plug gauge point gauge portable gamma gauge portable neutron gauge position gauge power train alignment gauge ppi gauge precipitation gauge precision gauge pressure gauge pressure gauge clutch pressure gauge cock pressure gauge connection pressure gauge cut-off valve pressure gauge feed pipe pressure gauge pointer pressure gauge shut-off valve pressure gauge stop valve pressure gauge with transmitter pressure vacuum gauge rail gauge rail gauge template railway gauge rain and snow gauge rain gauge rain gauge station rain recorder self-registering gauge rain recording gauge ramp gauge ratchet stop of a micrometer gauge recording float level gauge recording gauge recording rain gauge rectification of track gauge reference gauge rod gauge rolling mill gauge rotating strain gauge screw gauge screw pitch gauge screwthreaded gauge sea gauge seam gauge self-registering gauge setting gauge settlement gauge shrinkage gauge side gauge sieve gauge sight gauge sight gauge group sighting point gauge siphon gauge slide gauge sliding depth gauge sliding gauge sloping gauge snap gauge snow gauge spark plug gap gauge spark plug gauge special gauge slips specific gauge reading spindle gauge spring pressure gauge staff gauge standard gauge standard gauge film standard gauge length standard gauge railway standard gauge track standard wire gauge star gauge static gauge pressure steam gauge steam gauge pressure steam pressure gauge steel wire gauge step feeler gauge storage rain gauge straight edge for dial gauge straight-edge gauge strain gauge strain gauge pressure transducer stub's steel wire gauge stub's wire gauge stubs wire gauge stubssteel wire gauge submersible pressure gauge subpressure gauge substandard gauge suction gauge tank gauge tank gauge kit tape gauge tee connection for pressure gauge temperature gauge temperature gauge display temperature gauge kit temperature gauge sender temporary gauge test gauge test gauge needle thermostatic gauge thickness feeler gauge thickness gauge third gauge thread gauge three valve gauge tide gauge tide gauge station tightening of the gauge tire gauge tire pressure gauge torque gauge total gauge pressure towing gauge track alignment gauge track and camber gauge track gauge tram-tracking gauge trammel gauge transmission oil temperature gauge transport loading gauge tread depth gauge turbo boost pressure gauge turbo gauge turbo pr gauge turbo pressure gauge turbo pressure gauge kit turning radius gauge tyre gauge tyre pressure gauge u gauge u-tube pressure gauge universal dial gauge bracket universal dial gauge holder universal surface gauge upper sight gauge vacuum gauge valve guide installation gauge valve seat gauge vehicle gauge vernier depth gauge vernier height gauge vertical gauge water column gauge glass water gauge water level gauge water level gauge kit water temperature gauge wheel aligning gauge wheel alignment gauge attachment wheel set of adjustable gauge wind gauge wind gauge scale wire gauge wire weight gauge x-ray gauge

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