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İngilizce - Türkçe

sıklık sırası: 21751

ad / noun 3

eylem / verb 3

eylem / verb 5

FURROW = ['farou] noun
(toprakta) saban izi

Deep Furrow: A long and narrow trench or groove that is deeply cut into a surface.
Furrowed Brow: Wrinkled or creased forehead, often indicating deep thought or concern.
Plow Furrow: The groove or trench created by a plow in the soil for planting crops.
Furrowed Field: A field with a pattern of plow furrows for planting crops.
Furrowed Soil: Soil that has been tilled or plowed, resulting in grooves or furrows.
Furrowed Face: A face with visible lines or wrinkles, typically associated with age.
Furrowed Ground: The earth or terrain that has been furrowed or plowed.
Furrowed Land: Agricultural land that has been prepared for planting through plowing.
Furrowed Meadow: A grassy area with rows of furrows, often used for farming or gardening.
Furrowed Ridge: A raised strip of land with furrows or ridges created for planting.
Furrowed Terrain: The natural landscape that features grooves or furrows.
Furrowed Path: A trail or path with deep grooves or tracks.
Furrowed Riverbed: A riverbed with distinct channels or furrows carved by flowing water.
Furrowed Gully: A narrow, deep trench or channel in the ground.
Furrowed Irrigation: A method of watering crops by creating furrows in the soil.
Furrowed Agriculture: The practice of farming that involves plowing and creating furrows.
Furrowed Harvest: The process of collecting crops from furrowed fields.
Furrowed Furrows: The specific grooves or rows created by plowing.
Furrowed Rows: The organized lines of planting in a furrowed field.
Furrowed Pattern: A regular arrangement of furrows or grooves.
Furrowed Furrower: A tool or machine used to create furrows in the soil.
Furrowed Ridgeback: A type of plow used to form ridges or furrows.
Furrowed Gardening: The practice of cultivating plants in furrowed soil.
Furrowed Planting: The act of placing seeds or plants in furrows for growth.
Furrowed Preparation: The process of getting land ready for planting through furrowing.
Furrowed Tractor: A tractor equipped for plowing and creating furrows.
Furrowed Oxen: Oxen used for pulling plows to create furrows.
Furrowed Agriculture: The science and art of cultivating crops in furrowed fields.
Furrowed Crops: Plants that are grown in furrowed soil.
Furrowed Harvesting: The act of collecting crops from furrowed fields.
Furrowed Cultivation: The practice of fostering plant growth in furrowed soil.
Furrowed Irrigating: The process of providing water to crops in furrowed fields.
Furrowed Sowing: The act of planting seeds in furrows.
Furrowed Tillage: The activity of plowing and preparing land for planting.
Furrowed Agriculture: The industry dedicated to furrow-based farming.
Furrowed Techniques: Methods and approaches used in furrow farming.
Furrowed Fertilizing: Applying nutrients to crops in furrowed fields.
Furrowed Mulching: Adding a protective layer to furrowed soil.
Furrowed Planters: People who specialize in planting crops in furrows.
Furrowed Rows: The straight lines formed by furrows.
Furrowed Acreage: The total area of land covered by furrows.
Furrowed Earth: The ground that has been furrowed or plowed.
Furrowed Agriculture: The primary industry in furrow-based regions.
Furrowed Agriculture: The historical development of furrow farming.
Furrowed Farmers: Individuals who practice furrow-based agriculture.
Furrowed Livelihood: The means of living for furrow farmers.
Furrowed Innovation: New ideas and technologies in furrow farming.
Furrowed Tradition: The longstanding customs of furrow agriculture.
Furrowed Techniques: Skills and methods specific to furrow farming.
Furrowed Soil Types: Different varieties of soil used for furrowing.
Furrowed Soil Preparation: The initial steps in furrow farming.
Furrowed Soil Conditions: Factors affecting the quality of furrowed soil.
Furrowed Soil Health: The overall well-being of furrowed soil.
Furrowed Crop Rotation: Alternating crops in furrowed fields.
Furrowed Pest Control: Managing pests in furrowed crops.
Furrowed Weed Management: Controlling weeds in furrowed fields.
Furrowed Soil Erosion: The loss of furrowed soil due to natural forces.
Furrowed Soil Conservation: Efforts to protect furrowed soil.
Furrowed Soil Amendments: Adding substances to enhance furrowed soil.
Furrowed Soil Nutrients: Essential elements for furrowed crop growth.
Furrowed Soil pH: The acidity or alkalinity of furrowed soil.
Furrowed Soil Texture: The feel and composition of furrowed soil.
Furrowed Soil Moisture: The level of water content in furrowed soil.
Furrowed Soil Drainage: The removal of excess water from furrowed soil.
Furrowed Soil Testing: Analyzing furrowed soil for quality assessment.
Furrowed Soil Amendments: Adding organic matter to furrowed soil.
Furrowed Soil Fertility: The capacity of furrowed soil to support crops.
Furrowed Soil Microorganisms: Tiny organisms in furrowed soil.
Furrowed Soil Decomposition: The breakdown of organic matter in furrowed soil.
Furrowed Soil Aeration: Introducing air into furrowed soil.
Furrowed Soil Compaction: The compression of furrowed soil.
Furrowed Soil Erosion: The gradual loss of furrowed soil.
Furrowed Soil Quality: The overall condition of furrowed soil.
Furrowed Soil Management: Strategies for maintaining furrowed soil.
Furrowed Soil Sustainability: Practices that promote long-term furrowed soil health.
Furrowed Soil Restoration: Efforts to rehabilitate damaged furrowed soil.
Furrowed Soil Improvement: Methods to enhance furrowed soil productivity.
Furrowed Soil Analysis: The study of furrowed soil composition.
Furrowed Soil Research: Investigating furrowed soil properties and behavior.
Furrowed Soil Conservation: Protecting furrowed soil from degradation.
Furrowed Soil Health: The overall well-being of furrowed soil.
Furrowed Soil Erosion: The gradual loss of furrowed soil due to wind or water.
Furrowed Soil Rehabilitation: Efforts to restore damaged furrowed soil.
Furrowed Soil Amendments: Adding materials to enhance furrowed soil.
Furrowed Soil Testing: Analyzing furrowed soil for nutrients and pH levels.
Furrowed Soil Fertility: The ability of furrowed soil to support plant growth.
Furrowed Soil Composition: The makeup and structure of furrowed soil.
Furrowed Soil Management: Techniques for maintaining furrowed soil quality.
Furrowed Soil Conservation: Protecting furrowed soil from erosion and degradation.
Furrowed Soil Restoration: Efforts to revitalize damaged furrowed soil.
Furrowed Soil Improvement: Methods to enhance furrowed soil productivity.
Furrowed Soil Analysis: Studying furrowed soil properties and characteristics.
Furrowed Soil Research: Investigating furrowed soil behavior and interactions.
Furrowed Soil Sustainability: Practices that promote the long-term health of furrowed soil.
Furrowed Soil Protection: Measures taken to safeguard furrowed soil.
Furrowed Soil Stewardship: Responsible management of furrowed soil resources.
Furrowed Soil Development: Enhancing the potential of furrowed soil for agriculture.
Furrowed Soil Restoration: The process of rehabilitating depleted furrowed soil.
Furrowed Soil Preservation: Efforts to maintain the integrity of furrowed soil.
Furrowed Soil Enrichment: Strategies to increase the fertility of furrowed soil.

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