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Türkçe - İngilizce

sıfat / adjective – botany


İngilizce - Türkçe

sıklık sırası: 659

ad / noun – askeri

ad / noun – dilbilim

ad / noun – yerbilim

eylem / verb – dilbilim

sıfat / adjective – sesbilim

FRONT = [frant] noun
1 ön, ön taraf * eşanlamlı : façade, face, frontage, foreground * karşıtanlamlı : back
İngilizce örnek : She prefers to sit at the front.
Türkçe çevirisi : Önde oturmayı tercih ediyor.
İngilizce örnek : The destination is written on the front of the bus.
Türkçe çevirisi : (Otobüsün) gideceği yer, otobüsün önünde yazılı.
İngilizce örnek : The front of a building was painted blue.
Türkçe çevirisi : Evin cephesi maviye boyandı.
2 çehre, yüz * eşanlamlı : face, aspect
3 ask. cephe
İngilizce örnek : His son was killed at the front.
Türkçe çevirisi : Oğlu cephede öldürüldü (öldü).
¤ adjective
ön * karşıtanlamlı : back
İngilizce örnek : He forgot to lock the front door.
Türkçe çevirisi : Ön kapıyı kilitlemeyi unuttu.
İngilizce örnek : I booked two seats in the front row.
Türkçe çevirisi : Ön sıradan iki koltuk (yer) ayırttım.
İngilizce örnek : Check the air pressure of your front tyre.
Türkçe çevirisi : Ön lastiğinin hava basıncını kontrol et.
¤ verb
ile karşı karşıya olmak, -e bakmak * eşanlamlı : face, be opposite, overlook
İngilizce örnek : The house fronts west.
Türkçe çevirisi : Ev batıya bakıyor.
* in front = önde, önden
İngilizce örnek : Don't drive too close to the car in front.
Türkçe çevirisi : Öndeki arabaya çok yakın sürme (seyretme).
* in front of = önünde
İngilizce örnek : There is a van in front of the house.
Türkçe çevirisi : Evin önünde bir minibüs var.
İngilizce örnek : Every day I spend 12 hours in front of my computer.
Türkçe çevirisi : Bilgisayarımın önünde her gün 12 saat geçiririm.
İngilizce örnek : Never cross behind or in front of a standing bus or car without looking.
Türkçe çevirisi : Duran bir otobüs veya arabanın arkasından veya önünden bakmadan yolun karşısına geçme.
İngilizce örnek : Don't use foul language in front of the children.
Türkçe çevirisi : Çocukların önünde küfürlü dil kullanma.
İngilizce örnek : He made a fool of oneself in front of his colleagues by drinking and talking nonsense.
Türkçe çevirisi : İçip saçmalayarak meslektaşları önünde kendini aptal konumuna soktu.

FRONT = (front nedir; front Türkçesi) Farklı sıcaklık ve farklı yoğunluğa sahip iki farklı hava kütlesi arasındaki sınır veya geçiş bölgesi. Sıcak ve nemli hava ile soğuk ve kuru hava kütleleri arasındaki konverjans bölgesi cepheye iyi bir örnektir. Yerden yukarı düzeylerde gerçekleşen cephelere yüksek soğuk veya yüksek sıcak cephe denir. Başlıca üç tip cephe vardır: Sıcak cephe : Sıcak hava kütlesinin soğuk hava kütlesi ile karşılaşması sonucunda oluşan cephe. Cephe eğimi oldukça fazladır (100 m' de 1 m. ile 300 m' de 1 m. arasında değişir.). Temel özelliği, cirrus, cirrostratus, altostratus, altocumulus bulutları ve yağmurdur. Cephenin yaklaşmasıyla beraber, sıcaklık, işba noktası ve basınç tandansı düşüşe geçer. Cephe geçişinden sonra sıcaklıkta ani bir artış olur, rüzgâr yönü döner ve hava açılır. Cephenin etki alanı cephe önünde yaklaşık 350-400 km.dir. Soğuk cephe: Hareket etmekte olan bir soğuk hava kütlesinin önündeki sıcak hava kütlesinin altına doğru girerek onu yukarıya itmesi veya onunla yer değiştirmesi sırasında iki farklı hava kütlesi arasında oluşan cephe. Genellikle soğuk cephe geçişinde, sıcaklık ve nem oranı düşer, basınç artar ve rüzgâr kırılması gözlenir (Kuzey yarımkürede güneybatıdan kuzeybatıya doğru rüzgâr yön değiştirir.). Yağış genellikle cephe üzerinde veya gerisinde dar bir alandadır. Hızlı hareket eden bir sistemdir. Cephe önünde squall hattı oluşur. Cephe eğimi, diğer cephelere göre daha diktir (1/50). Oklüzyon cephe: Bir alçak merkez sisteminde soğuk ve sıcak cephenin var olması durumunda, soğuk cephe sıcak cepheden daha hızlı hareket ettiğinde sıcak cepheyi yakalar ve aralarındaki sıcak havayı yukarı doğru yükselmeye zorlar. Soğuk, sıcak ve doğal tipli olmak üzere üç tür oklüzyon cephe vardır. Sıcak oklüzyon: Cephe gerisindeki havanın, cephe önündeki havadan daha sıcak olması durumudur. Soğuk oklüzyon: Cephe gerisindeki havanın cephe önündeki havadan daha soğuk olması durumudur. Doğal oklüzyonda ise cephe gerisi ve önündeki hava sıcaklıklarında fazla bir fark yoktur.

FRONT = The boundary between two air masses with different properties, such as temperature or humidity.

ilgili sözler / related words

active front steering adaptive front light system antartic front antiimperialist front appear suddenly in front of apply to front arab determination front arctic front aseismic front at the front axle-box front cover azerbaijani popular front party back to front battery front battle front be placed in front of be sent to the front line behind the front bent front support bevelling the front edge of teeth body front body front panel body front pillar brake cylinder front cover bring in front of text bring to front bring to the front camshaft front bearing can't see one's hand in front of one's face change of front circle in front of the slope cold front cold front above the surface cold front at the surface cold front squall column outher front come to the front counter front crack front crankshaft front crankshaft front seal cut-in front dead front dead in front delta front delta front setting direct or with front processing stubble drill door sill panel front double universal propeller shaft for front wheel drive in front of one elliot type front axle employers' front end scraper front enemy front engine front cover engine front horizontal engine front mounting engine front vertical epicyclic front axle differential epicyclical front axle differential equatorial front false front flame front flank front fracture front frame rear spring front hanger freezing front french front door lock fright front wheel cylinder from the front front accounting assistant front accounting personnel front air front alignment service front and rear audio/video inputs front apron front area front armament front armour front audio/video jacks front axle front axle anchorage front axle assembly yoke front axle beam front axle bearing front axle bearing blocks front axle box slide front axle casing front axle components front axle cross member front axle crossmember front axle drive front axle driveshaft front axle final drive front axle member front axle stay front axle steering knuckle front axle suspension front axle tube front axle weight front bands front beam front bearing front bearing cup front bearing pedestal front bench front bender front blade front board front body lower service part front body structural elements front bottom roller front bow front brake front brake (of a bicycle) front brake calliper front brake tube front bumper front bumper (center) front bumper beam front bumper buffer plate front bumper end plate front bumper face bar front bumper reinforcement beam front bumper replacement front burner front carrier roller front cashier front casing front center front clip front closure front cockpit front companies front company front connection front console front contact front control front control arm front control unit front controls front course front court front courtesy light front cover front cover of cylinder front crankshaft seal front curtain front curve front cushioning front damper front damper housing front dash front de liberation quebecois front delivery spreader front derailleur front desk front desk clerk front differential front differential filler plug front disc brake rotor runout front distance ring front door front door check strap front door control front door glass channel front door index front door lift mechanism front door molding front door panel/skin front door trim panel front doors/door components/central locking system front drive front drive half shafts front drive shaft front driveshaft installer front edge front element front elevation front elevation drawing front end front end alignment front end and rear loader front end blind spots front end computer front end fee front end loader front end of the nuclear fuel cycle front end processor front end sheet metal front engine front engine lug front engine pad front engine pad bolt front engine pad nut front engine splash guard front engined front entrance front exhaust pipe front exhaust pipe divide front exhaust system front facade front face front facing child restraint system front façade front feed front feed roller front fender front fender mounting hole front final drive front flier front floor front floor hatch front floor pan front focal distance front focal length front focal plane front fog front fog lamp front for front fork front frame front garden front gate front glass windshield front grating front grill front grille front gunner front gunner's position front guttural front hall front head front header front headlight front headlining front heat front height differential front hip pocket front housing front housing wheel front hub front hub assy front idler front idler wheel front inlet front insulation front intake front journal front knife front left front leg front leg forward front lens front levelling gauge front license plate front lift front lift arm front light front lighting front line front line area assembly front line assembly area front line pay front line player front line troops front linkage sensor front lip tile front loader front loading front loading washer front locking device front lower cross-member front lower pillar trim front luggage carrier front main accumulator front man front margin front matter front matters front member front message front mid-engine rear-wheel drive front mould front mounting front mudguard front mute front nodal point front number plate front of a depression front of a vault front of book front of house front of house attendant front of the neck front of the shank front of turnout front office front office manager front on front on to front organisation front organization front oscillation bushing front overhang front page front panel front panel audio/video input front part front part of the abdomen front partition front passenger's door lock actuator front passenger's door wire harness front passengers airbag assembly front pillar front pillar inner lower front pillar inner upper front pillar stiffener front pilot front pin bolt front pipe front plane front plate front player front pocket front porch front pouch front pressure regulator front projection front projection television front propeller shaft front protection front pump front push front quarter panel front radial cooler front reinforcement front retarder control solenoid front retarder supply solenoid front right front ring front roll center front roller front roller suction front roof service part front room front row front rubber front rubber mounting front runner front scale with margin stop (of a typewriter) front screen projection front seat front seat adjustment lever front seat belt front seat belt end front seat heating front section front sector front series front shock absorber cylinder tube front shock absorber piston front shovel front side front side back plate front side bulkhead front side door assembly front side edge front side frame front side impact protection front side marker lamp front side member front side molding front side outrigger front side window front sight front sight of a gun front silencer front sill service part front sill trim panel front skater front skid front slider front soaring front spar front splash guard front splash protector front splitter front spoiler front spring front spring anchorage front spring bracket front spring silencer front stairs front stay front step front stick front stop position front straight front strap front support front support (of an engine) front support point front surface mirror front suspension front suspension lower arm and bushing front suspension unit jounce bumper front thunderstorm front timing plate front tipper front tire clearance front to back front toe front toe inspection/adjustment front tooth front top roller front towing eye front tractor front tray front tread front tunnel console front turn signal lamp front turn signal light front type eye glasses front tyre front universal joint front upper ball joint front upper link front upper pillar trim front valve package front vault front vertical stay front vice front view front vowel front vowel series front wall front wall downcomers front wall drain front wall header front wall risers front wheel front wheel alignment front wheel arm bolster front wheel bearing front wheel bearing kit front wheel brake front wheel drive front wheel drive car front wheel house front wheel hub front wheel hub and half shaft front wheel inlet valve front wheel position front wheel pulse wheel front wheel sensor front wheel set front wheel spindle front wheel spindle bearing housing front wheel suspension front wheel suspension link front wheel swing axle front wheel tire clearance front wheels front window runners front windshield front wing front wobble front work light front yard front yoke front zone frost front furnace front wall generator front end go in front go off from the front go to the front go to the front of gold front gust front have the front to have you got any in the front head and front head front heated front seat high front support hing front face vault home front hotel front desk personnel house with a front garden I can't see my hand in front of my face I'd like a room at the front I'd like it cut short at the front I'm reading only the front page i can't see my hand in front of my face i'd like a room at the front i'd like it cut short at the front i'm reading only the front page

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