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İngilizce - Türkçe

sıklık sırası: 5074

ana kullanım 1


FIX = [fiks] verb
1 saptamak, belirlemek, düzenlemek * eşanlamlı : settle, establish, arrange, determine, define, appoint
İngilizce örnek : Can we fix a date for dinner now?
Türkçe çevirisi : Şimdi yemek için bir tarih belirleyebilir miyiz?
İngilizce örnek : The date of the next meeting has been fixed for Friday.
Türkçe çevirisi : Gelecek toplantının tarihi cuma olarak belirlendi.
2 tutturmak, iliştirmek, takmak * eşanlamlı : attach, rivet, tie, fasten, connect, join, bind, pin
İngilizce örnek : The number plate is fixed to the car.
Türkçe çevirisi : Plaka arabaya takılıdır.
3 (on) (zihnini) vermek
4 (on) gözlerini dikmek, kararlaştırmak
5 kon. ile ilgilenmek, icabına bakmak
6 onarmak, tamir etmek * eşanlamlı : mend, repair
İngilizce örnek : Her husband fixes things around the house.
Türkçe çevirisi : Kocası evde (ufak tefek) şeyleri tamir eder.
İngilizce örnek : I couldn't fix the car when it broke down.
Türkçe çevirisi : Arıza yapıca arabayı tamir edemedim.
İngilizce örnek : I'm going to fix the television tomorrow.
Türkçe çevirisi : Televizyonu yarın tamir edeceğim.
7 (yemek, içki) hazırlamak * eşanlamlı : prepare
İngilizce örnek : He fixed a cocktail for us.
Türkçe çevirisi : Bize bir kokteyl hazırladı.
* fix sb up (with sth) = birine bir şey ayarlamak
İngilizce örnek : Can you fix us up with a room?
Türkçe çevirisi : Bize bir oda ayarlar mısın?

ilgili sözler / related words

acoustic fix approach fix be in a fix can you fix this can you fix this flat tyre can you fix this zipper celestial fix coordination fix dme fix don't fix it elements of a fix error in fix false fix probability final approach fix find and fix enemy find and fix the enemy fix (up) fix a date fix a day fix a flat fix a game fix a jury fix a period fix a place up fix a price fix a problem fix a time fix a time limit fix assets advances given fix bayonet fix bayonets fix bed truck fix broken text fix database fix in advance fix it fix level fix on fix on a skewer fix on something fix one's attention on fix one's eyes on fix one's face fix one's hair fix oneself up fix over fix point constants fix point estimation fix prices fix program fix registry fix somebody a drink fix somebody up (with something) fix somebody up for the night fix somebody up with fix somebody up with a job fix somebody up with something fix somebody with a cold eye fix somebody with one's eye fix somebody's waggon fix somebody's wagon fix something fix something in somebody's mind fix something on fix something up fix something up (for somebody) fix the bayonet fix the blame on somebody fix the conditions fix the election fix the hearing date fix the judge fix the price fix the price of fix the purchase and sale price fix the race fix together fix unknown fix up fix up a quarrel fix up on fix upon fix wagon fix with bolts fix with nails fix with screws holding fix how long will it take to fix how long will it take to fix it I'd fix your wagon I'll fix your wagon I'm going to fix it i'd fix your wagon i'll fix your wagon i'm going to fix it if it ain't broke- don't fix it in a bad fix in a fix initial approach fix intermediate fix loran fix other tangible fix assets outer fix pci fix position fix program temporary fix quick fix radar fix radar fix point radio fix ras fix policy running fix sonic fix

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