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İngilizce - Türkçe

sıklık sırası: 952

FEAR = [fiı] noun
korku * eşanlamlı : fright, horror, terror, cowardice, timidity, alarm * karşıtanlamlı : boldness
İngilizce örnek : I have a fear of flying.
Türkçe çevirisi : Uçuş korkum var.
İngilizce örnek : He's trembling with fear.
Türkçe çevirisi : Korkudan titriyor.
¤ verb
1 korkmak, ürkmek, çekinmek * eşanlamlı : be afraid of, dread, be frightened of, apprehend
İngilizce örnek : Ahmet never fears to tell the truth.
Türkçe çevirisi : Ahmet gerçeği söylemekten asla korkmaz.
İngilizce örnek : Hundreds are feared to have been killed in the hurricane.
Türkçe çevirisi : Kasırgada yüzlerce kişinin can vermiş olmasından korkuluyor.
2 (for) endişe etmek, telaşlanmak * eşanlamlı : woory, be anxious
İngilizce örnek : Her husband is mentally unbalanced, sometimes I fear for her safety.
Türkçe çevirisi : Kocası zihinsel olarak dengesiz, bazen onun güvenliğinden endişe ediyorum.
* I fear = korkarım, korkarım ki

ilgili sözler / related words

assailed by fear be half-dead with fear be in fear be in fear of be in mortal fear be overcome by fear be overtaken by fear be paralysed with fear be petrified with fear be possessed by fear be seized with fear be struck with great fear be taken with fear better pass a danger once, than be always in fear bodily fear chill of fear cower in fear cowering in fear devoured by fear do right and fear no man fear competition fear for fear for one's life fear gives wings fear god fear in children fear of an examination fear of crime fear of death fear of death is worse than death itself fear of failure fear of god fear of reading fear of strangers fear of success fear of the west fear rooted him to the ground fear swept over him fear the greeks bearing gifts fear the worst for no reason feeling of fear filled with fear fools rush in where angels fear to tread for fear for fear of for fear of losing it for fear that free-floating fear go in fear of go in fear of one's life go pale from fear green with fear groundless fear have fear have no fear on that score he that has nothing need fear to lose nothing he that is down need fear no fall I fear i fear ill with fear in fear and trembling in fear and trepidation in fear of in fear of one's life in fear that instil a fear of failure into somebody instill a fear of failure into somebody irrational fear live in fear of mortal fear never fear no fear no fear of not a trace of fear not to fear pale with fear pity and fear possessed of fear put the fear of god into somebody quiver with fear rush in where angels fear to tread shiver with fear show fear stand in fear of start with fear strike fear taken with fear the fear of god the fear of the last judgement the most fear there is no medicine for fear there is not much fear of that threat with the intention of causing fear and panic in public through fear tremble with fear unfounded fear of persecution well-founded fear well-founded fear of persecution who fears to suffer, suffers from fear with fear of death with no fear of without fear and favour without fear or favor without fear or favour

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