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Türkçe - İngilizce


İngilizce - Türkçe

sıklık sırası: 212

FAR = [fa: ] adjective
uzak * eşanlamlı : removed, distant, remote, faraway * karşıtanlamlı : near, close
İngilizce örnek : Go to the far end of the room.
Türkçe çevirisi : Odanın (en) uzak ucuna git.
İngilizce örnek : It's too far to walk. You should take a taxi.
Türkçe çevirisi : Yürüyerek gidilemeyecek kadar uzak. Taksi tutsan iyi olur.
İngilizce örnek : The train station isn't far away from here.
Türkçe çevirisi : Tren istasyonu buradan uzak değil.
¤ adverb
1 uzakta, uzağa * eşanlamlı : afar, a long way
İngilizce örnek : He has driven far.
Türkçe çevirisi : Uzağa sürdü. (Arabasını sürerek uzaklaştı.)
İngilizce örnek : My memory doesn’t go back so far.
Türkçe çevirisi : Hafızam o kadar geri gitmiyor.
2 epeyce, bir hayli, çok * eşanlamlı : greatly, considerably, much, very much, extremely
* as far as = 1 kadarı
İngilizce örnek : We walked as far as Cumhuriyet Street.
Türkçe çevirisi : Cumhuriyet Caddesine kadar yürüdük.
2 kadarıyla
İngilizce örnek : She arrived on a Saturday as far as I can remember.
Türkçe çevirisi : Hatırladığım kadarıyla bir cumartesi günü geldi.
* by far = kat kat, büyük bir farkla
İngilizce örnek : He is by far the richest man here.
Türkçe çevirisi : Açık farkla buradaki en zengin adam.
* far from = 1 -den ziyade
2 -in yerine
* far better = çok daha iyi
* far sighted = Aİ. 1 hipermetrop
2 öngörülü, ileriyi görür
İngilizce örnek : That is a far sighted decision.
Türkçe çevirisi : Bu, öngörülü (uzağı gören) bir karar.
* how far = ne kadar uzak, nereye kadar
İngilizce örnek : How far is the beach?
Türkçe çevirisi : Plaj ne kadar uzakta?
İngilizce örnek : How far does your field extend?
Türkçe çevirisi : Tarlan nereye kadar uzanıyor?
İngilizce örnek : How far is your hotel from the station?
Türkçe çevirisi : Otelin istasyondan ne kadar uzakta?
* so far = 1 şimdiye dek
İngilizce örnek : The plan is going well so far.
Türkçe çevirisi : Plan şu ana kadar iyi gidiyor.
İngilizce örnek : No evidence has been found so far.
Türkçe çevirisi : Şu ana kadar hiçbir kanıt bulunamadı.
2 bir yere kadar

ilgili sözler / related words

a far amount a far cry a far cry from a far cry from something açılır far adaptif far düzeni after searching near and far akıllı far sistemi although physically far apart ana far ankastre far apple does not fall far from the tree are the beaches far from here arka far army forces far east as far afield as as far as as far as ... is concerned as far as anyone knows as far as can be seen as far as cologne as far as he is concerned as far as I am concerned as far as I can remember as far as I can see as far as I have heard as far as I know as far as I observe as far as I understand as far as I'm concerned as far as in me lain as far as in me lies as far as in one lies as far as is known as far as istanbul as far as it goes as far as lies with me as far as money is concerned as far as one knows as far as possible as far as somebody is concerned as far as that goes as far as that's concerned as far as the eye can reach as far as the eye can see as far as the eye could reach as far as this is concerned as far as to as far as we can ascertain from the knowledge as far as we know as far as we understand from as far away as as far back as asetilen far at the far end at the far end of the street atom far atone far available far be far apart be far away be far from be far from home be far from one be far from one another be far out be far superior to be far superior to somebody be far too big for be few and far between bear far being far away better by far birleşik far kolu blue are the hills that are far away by far carry a thing too far carry something too far carry the joke too far carry things too far carry too far come from far and wide cut the outlay far çakan far çift far çift zenon far çok kısa radyo far dairevi radyo far date stretches far back to değiştirilebilir ampüllü far sistemleri department of european, american and far eastern countries dış far dışa açılır far dikdörtgen ön far direksiyon kolonu far işaret komütatörü döner far döner radio far döner radyo far dörtlü far economic commission for asia and the far east eligible far elipsoid far even as far as exophoria at far extend as far as extending as far as fair and softly goes far in a day far 3kpc arm far above far açık uyarısı far açıklığı far açılma-kapanma uyarı lambası far afield far ambush far ampulu far ampulü far anahtarı far and away far and away the best far and near far and wide far anil wide far anten far apart far as anyone knows far away far away in space far away in the darkness far ayar aleti far ayar aygıtı far ayar cihazı far ayar motoru far ayar ünitesi far ayar vidaları far ayar vidası far ayarı far aydınlatma sistemi far aynası far back inside far be it from me far be it from me to do something far behind far below far below zero far better far between far beyond far birimi far camı far camı halkası far camı yüzü far camı/cam mercekler far camları far cry far cry from far cry from something far çemberi tespit vidası far different from the far distant fisheries far dots far düğmesi far east far eastern far end far end crosstalk far end echo far famed far field far field region far flaşörü far from far from completed far from doing this far from eye, far from heart far from government control far from it far from it! far from rich far from the bustle of daily life far from the madding crowd far from the truth far goal post far gone far göstergesi far göstergesi duyu far gövdesi far greater than far grubu far huzme ayarlayıcısı far huzmesi far huzmesi yükseklik kontrolü far huzmesinin parıltısı far ışığı kontrol lambası far ışığını ayarlamak far ışık ayarlayıcısı far infra-red far infrared far infrared radiation far into far into the night far istiyorum far kısa far far kiti far kolu far kontrol lambası far korkuluğu far koruyucu far koruyucusu far kumandası far less than far menzil ayarı far menzil ayarı motoru far menzil ayarlayıcısı far menzil kontrolü far mesnedi far mesnedi tespit mili far more far more likely far more than you can imagine far north far off far out far paneli far point far point of accommodation far post far range shot far reaching headlamp far reflektörü far region far röleleri far rölesi far selektörü far sınıfı veya aydınlatma alanı far sileceği far silecek kiti far silecek kolu far silecek lastiği far silecek motoru far siperi far siperliği far south far söndü far sözcüğünün en üstünlük derecesi far sözcüğünün üstünlük derecesi far svici far takma elemanı far tası far temizleme aleti far temizleme sistemi far tespit soketi far too expensive far too high far too many far too much far turn far ucu far ultraviolet far up far uyarı lambası far ünitesi kapağı far vision far west far yıkama düzeni far yıkama sistemi far yıkayıcısı far yıkayıcısı kiti far yönlendirmesi far yuvası far yükseklik (seviye) ayarı far yükseklik ayar anahtarı few and far few and far between from far gaz deşarjlı far düzeni gaze far out gelişmiş ön far sistemi geniş huzmeli far get as far as gizli far go as far as go as far as to say go far go far afield go far ahead go so far as to go so far as to say something go so far as to threaten go too far going far going far back in time gömük far görülür-işitilir sinyalli radyo far göz kamaştırıcı far göz kamaştırmayan far gray far disease grup far halojen far halojenli far he lives not far from where it happened he that travels far knows much hemiramphus far her yöne çalışan radyo far homofokal far how far how far are we from the center of town how far away is it how far can you run how far do you deliver how far does this bus go how far from the bus is it how far is how far is … from here how far is istanbul from ankara how far is it how far is it to the nearest bank how far is it to the nearest chemist how far is new zealand from australia how far is our hotel from the station how far is the city centre from here how far is the next petrol station how far is the village how far out can we swim I am far from believing it I didn't realize this was so far away I know how far it is I will go so far as to say I wouldn't trust him as far as I could throw him ışıklı far i am far from believing it i didn't realize this was so far away i know how far it is i will go so far as to say i wouldn't trust him as far as i could throw him in as far as in so far in so far as in the far right inik far international military tribunal ort he far east is far from clear is it far is it far from here is it far to the last stop is it very far it would make no sense to come this far and not to stop at it's a far cry from what I expected it's a far cry from what i expected it's a far cry to it's a little far kapalı far kapalı sistem far kısa (huzmeli) far kısa far kısa far anahtarı kısa far ışığı kısa huzmeli far kısa ve uzun huzmeli far kısılmış far kompozit far konsollu far küçük far left too far behind living far from home living far from one's home lunar far side chart make one's money go far make room far meydan yakını far mf far multi fokal far müşterek far kontrolü no, as far as I know not far not far away not that far actually osilasyonlu far otomatik elektronik far huzmesi seçici eleman otomatik far düzeni otomatik far kısma otomatik far kontrolü otomatik far seviyesi ön far ön far ikaz göstergesi paddle far out parabolik far parabolik reflektörlü far paraboloit far parlak ışıklı far proceed from the near to the far prove to be far push one's luck too far push something too far radyo far radyo far cihazları radyo far tanıma range far regard something as far away ripe far sabit far sağ far section for africa, america and the far east serbest formlu far she is far on in her time shoot wide of the far post siperli far siste far görünümü sisteki far görünümü so close and yet so far so far so far and no farther so far as so far as anyone knows so far as I am concerned so far as I know so far as it goes so far as one can do so far as possible so far as somebody is concerned so far as to so far forth so far from so far seen so far so good so near and yet so far soft pace goes far sol far spaced far apart spread far and wide still a far cry tailored far somebody take something too far tanıtma far sinyali taşıt far ayarlama cihazı ten dollars don't go far that far that is going too far that went far to convince me the apple never falls far from the tree the far east the far end of the world the grand bazaar is too far this far south thus far too far advanced uyarlanabilen ön far sistemi uzun / kısa far uzun far uzun huzmeli far uzun huzmeli far gösterge lambası uzun huzmeli far ikazı uzun huzmeli far lambası uzun hüzmeli far kontrol düzeni uzun menzilli radyo far very far from wait far want far somebody work far into the night xenon far yaklaşma far açısı yan far ampulü yardımcı far mesnedi yarı otomatik far ışık butonu yedek far yekpare far yelpaze şeklinde yayın yapan ve meydan kenarında bulunan radyo far you carry things too far you've gone one step too far yöneltilmiş far sistemi z sinyali veren far

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