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İngilizce - Türkçe

sıklık sırası: 1201

ad / noun 6 – computing

EMPLOYMENT = [im'ploymınt] noun
iş, istihdam, çalıştırma, iş verme * eşanlamlı : occupation, job, work, business, profession, appointment * karşıtanlamlı : unemployment
İngilizce örnek : He was looking for employment.
Türkçe çevirisi : İş arıyordu.
İngilizce örnek : If he is looking for a job, why doesn't he go to an employment agency?
Türkçe çevirisi : İş arıyorsa neden iş bulma kurumuna gitmiyor?
İngilizce örnek : Many country people without jobs are coming to the city to look for employment.
Türkçe çevirisi : İşsiz birçok köylü, iş aramak için şehire geliyor.

Full-time employment - A job that requires a person to work a standard number of hours per week.
Part-time employment - A job that requires a person to work fewer hours than a full-time job.
Gainful employment - Work that provides a salary or income.
Seasonal employment - Jobs that are available only during certain times of the year.
Permanent employment - A job that has no set end date; long-term work.
Temporary employment - A job that lasts for a limited period.
Casual employment - Work that is irregular and not guaranteed.
Remote employment - Working from a location other than a traditional office, often from home.
Unemployment rate - The percentage of the labor force that is unemployed.
Employment contract - A legally binding agreement between an employer and an employee.
Employment opportunity - A chance for someone to get a job.
Employment agency - A company that helps people find jobs and employers find workers.
Employment benefits - Additional advantages provided by an employer beyond salary, such as health insurance or retirement plans.
Employment rate - The percentage of the working-age population that is employed.
Employment law - Legal rules and regulations related to the rights and duties of employers and employees.
Employment tribunal - A legal body that resolves disputes between employers and employees.
Youth employment - Jobs held by young people, often referring to those just entering the workforce.
Skilled employment - Jobs that require specialized training or education.
Manual employment - Work that involves physical labor.
White-collar employment - Professional or office jobs, typically performed in an administrative or managerial capacity.
Blue-collar employment - Manual labor jobs, often involving skilled or unskilled work.
Self-employment - Working for oneself rather than for an employer.
Employment status - The classification of an individual's work arrangement, such as full-time, part-time, or self-employed.
Employment sector - A specific area of the economy where people work, such as healthcare, education, or manufacturing.
Employment opportunities - Various job openings or chances for employment.
Employment history - A record of a person's past jobs and work experiences.
Employment rights - The entitlements and protections afforded to workers under the law.
Employment trends - Patterns or changes observed over time in the job market.
Employment gap - A period during which a person is not working, often found on a resume.
Employment visa - A type of visa that allows a foreign national to work in a specific country.
Employment interview - A meeting between a job applicant and potential employer to discuss suitability for a position.
Employment equity - Policies and practices designed to ensure fairness in hiring and advancement opportunities.
Employment turnover - The rate at which employees leave and are replaced within an organization.
Employment discrimination - Unfair treatment of individuals based on factors such as race, gender, age, or disability.
Employment authorization - Permission granted to an individual to work legally in a particular country.
Employment gap - A period of time when someone is not employed between jobs or for other reasons.
Employment outlook - Predictions or forecasts about job opportunities in various industries.
Employment references - People who can vouch for a job applicant's skills, qualifications, and character.
Employment statistics - Data related to the number of people employed, unemployed, and the overall labor force.
Employment potential - The likelihood that someone will find work based on their skills, experience, and qualifications.
Employment opportunities - Different job roles or positions available in the market.
Employment incentives - Benefits or rewards offered to attract and retain employees.
Employment environment - The conditions and atmosphere in which people work.
Employment challenges - Difficulties or obstacles faced by job seekers or employers.
Employment strategies - Plans or approaches used to recruit, hire, and retain employees.
Employment integration - The process of incorporating newcomers into the workforce, especially immigrants or refugees.
Employment satisfaction - The level of contentment or fulfillment an individual feels in their job.
Employment transition - A change from one job or career path to another.
Employment qualifications - Skills, education, and experience required for a particular job.
Employment eligibility - Meeting the criteria set by an employer to be considered for a job.
Employment barriers - Factors that hinder individuals from obtaining or maintaining employment.
Employment legislation - Laws enacted by governments to regulate the relationship between employers and employees.
Employment opportunities - Different career paths or job openings available to individuals.
Employment disparities - Differences in job opportunities, wages, or treatment based on factors like race, gender, or socioeconomic status.
Employment resources - Tools, services, or programs designed to help people find and secure jobs.
Employment vacancies - Job openings or positions that need to be filled by employers.
Employment qualifications - Requirements or criteria set by employers for job applicants.
Employment outreach - Efforts by organizations to reach potential job seekers or underserved communities.
Employment incentives - Rewards or benefits offered to employees to motivate performance or loyalty.
Employment initiatives - Programs or projects aimed at creating jobs or improving the labor market.
Employment challenges - Issues or problems faced by individuals or organizations in the job market.
Employment flexibility - The ability to adapt to changing work conditions, such as flexible hours or remote work options.
Employment preferences - Personal choices or priorities individuals have regarding job roles, industries, or work environments.
Employment outlook - Predictions or expectations about future job growth or industry trends.
Employment regulations - Rules or guidelines established by governments to protect workers' rights and ensure fair labor practices.
Employment opportunities - Various job openings or career paths available in different sectors.
Employment turnover - The rate at which employees leave an organization and are replaced.
Employment incentives - Motivational rewards or benefits provided by employers to attract and retain talent.
Employment trends - Patterns or shifts observed in the labor market over time.
Employment solutions - Strategies or approaches aimed at addressing labor market challenges or issues.
Employment disparities - Differences or inequalities in job opportunities, wages, or treatment among various groups.
Employment requirements - Conditions or qualifications individuals must meet to be considered for a job.
Employment outreach - Initiatives or programs aimed at connecting employers with potential job seekers.
Employment stability - The likelihood that a job will provide consistent income and security.
Employment initiatives - Projects or programs designed to promote job creation or workforce development.
Employment challenges - Difficulties or obstacles faced by individuals seeking employment or organizations hiring workers.
Employment diversity - The presence of individuals from different backgrounds, cultures, or demographics within the workforce.
Employment incentives - Benefits or rewards offered to employees to encourage performance, loyalty, or retention.
Employment regulations - Laws or policies governing the relationship between employers and employees.
Employment opportunities - Various job roles, positions, or career paths available to individuals.
Employment trends - Patterns, shifts, or changes observed in the labor market over time.
Employment strategies - Approaches or methods used by organizations to recruit, hire, and retain talent.
Employment qualifications - Skills, education, experience, or certifications required for specific jobs or roles.
Employment incentives - Rewards, benefits, or perks offered by employers to attract, motivate, or retain employees.
Employment challenges - Obstacles, difficulties, or issues faced by job seekers, employers, or the labor market.
Employment disparities - Inequalities or differences in job opportunities, wages, or treatment among various groups or populations.
Employment resources - Tools, services, programs, or supports available to help individuals find, secure, or maintain employment.
Employment opportunities - Available job roles, positions, or openings in various industries or sectors.
Employment turnover - The rate at which employees leave an organization and are replaced by new hires.
Employment regulations - Rules, laws, or guidelines established by governments or regulatory bodies to govern labor practices and protect workers' rights.
Employment incentives - Motivational rewards, benefits, or incentives provided by employers to encourage performance, loyalty, or engagement.
Employment trends - Patterns, shifts, or developments observed in the labor market, industries, or job sectors over time.
Employment strategies - Plans, approaches, or tactics employed by organizations to attract, recruit, hire, train, and retain talent.
Employment disparities - Differences, gaps, or inequalities in job opportunities, wages, or treatment experienced by various groups, demographics, or populations.
Employment qualifications - Skills, credentials, certifications, or experiences required for specific jobs, roles, or positions within an organization or industry.
Employment resources - Services, supports, tools, programs, or networks available to assist individuals in their job search, career development, or employment goals.
Employment opportunities - Various job roles, positions, or career paths available in specific industries, sectors, or regions.
Employment turnover - The frequency or rate at which employees leave their current jobs, positions, or roles and are replaced by new hires within an organization or industry.
Employment regulations - Laws, policies, rules, or standards established by governments, regulatory bodies, or organizations to govern and oversee labor practices, workplace conditions, and worker rights.
Employment incentives - Benefits, rewards, perks, or compensations offered by employers to attract, motivate, retain, or engage employees, often designed to enhance job satisfaction, performance, loyalty, or productivity.

ilgili sözler / related words

above full employment equilibrium access to employment age and employment aid to employment amphibious vehicle employment plan association for employment in industry and trade average employment basic employment be in search of employment be in somebody's employment be without home or employment bring offers of employment into touch with applications for employment casual employment causal employment certificate of employment chain employment civil employment clandestine employment classical theory of employment company's employment policy conditions of employment contract of employment create employment department of combating unregistered employment department of employment incentives directorate-general for employment social affairs and equal opportunities disabled employment quota system discharge from employment discrimination in employment employment acquis employment agencies employment agency employment and social affairs employment application employment as a sailor employment authority employment barrier employment bureau employment capacity employment centers employment certificate employment committee employment community initiative employment contract employment counseling employment counselors employment date employment department employment discrimination employment effects employment elasticity employment exchange employment experience employment forecasting employment friendly growth employment full employment function employment gap employment growth employment guidelines employment history employment in informal sector employment incentives employment injuries employment injuries insurance employment institution employment insurance employment interview employment interviewing employment licence employment market employment multiplier employment of aa employment of foreign nationals act employment of labour employment of smoke screen employment of snipers employment office employment officer employment opportunities employment or severance agreement employment performance employment policy employment problem employment promotion measure employment protection employment protection legislation employment qualifications employment rate employment ratio employment reconnaissance employment record employment record point employment records employment register employment relationship employment rights employment risk employment security employment service employment service agency employment services employment services institution employment social policy health and consumer affairs council employment stabilization employment status employment tax withholding employment termination employment tests employment theory employment title employment under labour contract employment volume equal employment opportunity equilibrium employment european employment services european employment strategy female employment fighting undocumented employment find employment fixed term employment contract fixed-term employment contract flexible employment foreign trade and employment free choice of employment freelance employment contract full employment full employment balance full employment budget full employment budget deficit full employment budget surplus full employment deficit full employment equilibrium full employment level full employment output full employment policies full employment surplus full-time employment full-time employment contract gainful employment guaranteed employment hours of employment illegal employment in employment in search of employment in somebody's employment informal employment initial employment insurance holder employment report intention of taking up gainful employment joint employment review labour force and employment level of employment liberal employment regime loss of employment marginal employment ministry of employment mobile employment multiannual programme for employment national employment strategy natural employment surplus nonfarm employment change nonresidential urban employment areas nonstandard employment nuclear weapon employment time occasional employment offer of employment offices and other employment centers on-call employment out of employment output employment lag over employment overfull employment part-time employment past employment period of employment permanent committee for employment permanent employment place of employment preferential employment promotion of employment proof of employment provincial directorates of labour and employment agency public employment office public employment service registered employment regular employment right to employment safeguard the continuity of employment seasonal employment sectoral employment multiplier security of employment seek employment sheltered employment sideline employment simultaneous employment in two countries standard employment state of employment statement of employment static employment summer employment supplementary employment tactical employment tactical nuclear weapon employment take up employment temporary employment temporary employment relation terminate somebody's employment termination of employment terms and conditions of employment terms of employment theory of employment tripartite conference on the employment problems turkish employment agency turkish employment and employee recruitment agency turkish employment institution turkish employment organisation undeclared employment unregistered employment unregistered employment control system validity of employment and unemployment data voluntary employment wage earning employment wage-earning employment weapon system employment concept without employment wives-effect of husbands employment on women employment yükleme subayı employment

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