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Türkçe - İngilizce

sıklık sırası: 5264

ELEMENT = (element nedir; element ne demek; element İngilizcesi) Kimyasal yöntemlerle ayrıştırılamayan veya bileşim yoluyla elde edilemeyen madde.

ELEMENT = (element nedir; element ne demek; element İngilizcesi) 1. Birincil parçalardan herhangi biri veya bir şeyin ögeleri. 2. Aynı cins atomlardan yapılmış ve daha basit maddelere parçalanamayan basit bir madde.

ELEMENT = (element nedir; element ne demek; element İngilizcesi) bk. eleman.

ELEMENT = (element nedir; element ne demek; element İngilizcesi) Tek tip atomlardan oluşan ve kimyasal yollarla daha basit maddelere ayrıştırılamayan madde.

ELEMENT nasıl okunur, okunuşu /'elimınt/ isim


İngilizce - Türkçe

sıklık sırası: 1342


ELEMENT = ['elimınt] noun
1 öğe, unsur, eleman
İngilizce örnek : The problem involves a number of different elements.
Türkçe çevirisi : Problem, birçok farklı unsurları içeriyor.
2 element
İngilizce örnek : Oxygen, hydrogen, carbon and potassium are all elements.
Türkçe çevirisi : Oksijen, hidrojen, karbon ve potasyum hepsi (birer) elementtir.
* the elements = hava; kötü hava (koşulları)
İngilizce örnek : A small boat in a storm is at the mercy of the elements.
Türkçe çevirisi : Fırtınadaki küçük bir tekne, havanın merhametine kalmıştır.
* the four elements = dört temel öğe: toprak, su, ateş, hava

ELEMENT = (element nedir; element Türkçesi) 1. Birincil parçalardan herhangi biri veya bir şeyin ögeleri. 2. Aynı cins atomlardan yapılmış ve daha basit maddelere parçalanamayan basit bir madde.

ELEMENT = (element nedir; element Türkçesi) Belli bir yer ve zamanda, atmosferin fiziksel özelliklerini tanımlayan koşul veya özelliklerden birisi. Bulutluk, yağış, nem vs. gibi.

ilgili sözler / related words

acoustic dissipative element active element additive inverse element advanced element aerial element ağır element air cleaner element air cleaner filter element alfa dengeleyici element algebraic element alloying element alpha stabilizing element alphabetic code element set alphanumeric code element set ametal element an element of political stability an element of risk an element of truth ana element ana element analizi ancillary element and element annual element antenna element anticoincidence element antitwist element application service element arch element architectural element arithmetic element arithmetical element array element artık element artificial radioactive element assault element association control service element astatic element asymmetric element atom numarası uranyumdan büyük element austenite forming element austenite stabilizing element az rastlanan element azrak element balanced element balanced-line logic element ballast element barrier element base element basic service element baş element battery element be in one's element be out of one's element belirteç element belt element bender element beta rating of a cartridge or element bimetallic element binary code element set binary element bitki gelişimi için mutlaka gerekli üç element bound element boundary element boundary element method boundary element methods bozunma ürünü element bre element breeder element building element burner element cancellable element carbide forming element character element chem ical element chemical biological and radiological element chemical element child element circuit element circumstantial element coarse control element code element code element set cognitive element coincidence element column element combat element combinational logic element command element common management information service element comparing element compensanting element compensating element competency element component element compound element compressed element compression element compulsory element conductive element connective element conservative element construction element constructional element contact boundary element contact element contact zone element control detecting element control element control fuel element control measuring element control power element cooling element copia element correction element cost element coupling element crankcase breather heater element cross connection element çift element çözünük element daily keying element damping element data element data element attribute data element chain data element dictionary data element directory data element name data set element data-transmitting element daughter element decision element decorative exterior cladding element defected fuel element delay element detectable element detecting element diagonal element differential element differential line element differential surface element differential volume element digit delay element discontinuous element discrete element discrete element method dispersion-type fuel element display display element display element dissolved element distinct element method distributed element diverting element doğal radyoaktif element dpe element driven element dual element dublin core metadata element set dublin core üstveri element seti dummy element early growth response element edge element electric heating element electrical element electropositive element elektropozitif element element analizi element at risk element based cost element breakdown element carrier element closure weld element çözümlemesi element diet element diyet element eşitlemesi element for addition element former element haritalaması element haritası element inscription element kutupları element management system element of element of a set element of arc length element of crime element of culture element of data element of distribution element of incentive element of integral element of matrix element of risk element of set element of stability element of the picture element of uncertainty element spacing elementary signaling element embarkation element embrittling element emergency response team advance element enhancer element equivalence element eser element eser halinde bulunan element evlat element exclusive-or element execution of an element exterior facade element fabric element facade element failed fuel element feel in one's element ferrit dengeleştirici element ferrite stabilizing element ferrite strengthening element fibriform vessel element filter element final control element final controlling element final controlling element son final controlling element with defined rest position fine control element finite element finite element analysis finite element method finite element model fire bar element fire support element first element flight element floating element follow-up element food element foreign element foundation element fresh fuel element front element fuel element fuel filter element function element furnace heating element fuse element cartridge fuze-setting element gama yapıcı element gamma forming element gamma stabilizing element gayri sabit element geomorphic element glucocorticoid response element grain refining element granular element greatest element guiding element hall element hareketli genetik element heat exchanger element heater element heating element heating element holder heating resistance element heavy element hermitian element high explosive element high-pressure element of the turbine holding element horizontal arch element html element ışıklı element ışın etkin element i'm out of my element ich element idempotent element identification of element identify element for multiplication identity element identity element for set union identity element of addition identity element of multiplication if-and-only-if element if-then element iki değerli element ikici dereceden iz element ikinci dereceden iz element image pickup element impurity element in one's element independent element indicator element indikatör element indirect acting element inert element infill element information element inherited element intermittent element internal filter element inverse element invertible element irradiation fuel element irreducible element isotopic element iz element iz element noksanlığı izci element izleyici element izotopik element joint fires element junction element kararsız element karbür oluşturucu element katışkı tutucu element key element kimyasal element konservatif element last element leading element least element left cancellable element left inverse element left invertible element lens element lexical element light cladding element light-receiving element line element linear element linear multiplex section protection configuration information model for the network element liquid column pressure element list element list element counter load-bearing element logic element logical data element logical element logistic support element low-pressure element lowest element lox recombination element luminous element lumped element lumped element isolator macro element maden benzeri element madeni olmayan element madensel element main control element main striking element majority element makro element maksimal element maneuvering element manmade element map element maximal element maximum element measuring element mental element message keying element metadata element metal olmayan element metalik element metallic element metalloid element metalloid element metalloidal element meteorological element meteorolojik element mineral element mineral element minimal element minimum element minor element mobile genetic element morfolojik element morphologic element morphological element movable element moving element multiple element gas container multiplex element multiplication inverse element multiplicative identity element multiplicative inverse element nadir element nand element nato training group staff element natural radioactive element negation element negative of an element negative-resistance element network element neutral element nilpotent element nominal element noncircuit element nonlinear element nonload-bearing element nonloadbearing element nonmetallic element nonstandard element nonstructural element nonswitched connection element nor element not an element of not element not-and element not-if-then element nuclear fuel element numeric code element set nutritional element objective element occasional element oil filter element one element open element glow plug operation staff element optional element or element ostenit dengeleştirici element out of one's element out one's element overland element packet element panel element parachute element parameter storage element error parasitic element parent element passive element pfp staff element physical data element picture element pivot element pointing element policy element position-finding element positioning element precast building element predicting element prefabricated concrete element prefabricated element pressure imposing element primary air cleaner element primary element probability element program element program element monitor pump element radiating element radio-active metallic element radioactive element radioactive metallic element radioactive tracer element raditing element (of aerial) radyoaktif element radyoaktif metalik element random element in time series rare earth element rare-earth element reconnaissance element rectifying element reducible element reference input element reflector element regulating element reinforced concrete element reliable transfer service element remote operations service element remote operations service element protocol required element research and development program element residual element resistance element resistance heating element resistive element resistor element resonant element retinal element right cancellable element right identity element right inverse element right invertible element ring with unit element rolling element rolling element bearing root element rotating element current meter row element rubber element rubber element kit safety element scavenger element scavenging element seaborne element secondary air cleaner element secondary element security element

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