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İngilizce - Türkçe

sıklık sırası: 5874

ad / noun 5 – law

DENIAL = [di'nayıl] noun
inkâr, yalanlama
İngilizce örnek : He made a complete denial of the accusation against him but the judge didn't believe him.
Türkçe çevirisi : Kendisine karşı suçlamayı tamamen yalanladı ama yargıç ona inanmadı.

1. Refusal to accept the truth: Denial can refer to a psychological defense mechanism in which a person refuses to accept or acknowledge an unpleasant or painful reality.
2. Rejection of a request or demand: Denial can refer to the act of refusing to grant a request or meet a demand, such as denying a loan application or denying entry to a club.
3. Disavowal of responsibility or guilt: Denial can refer to the act of disavowing responsibility or guilt for a particular action or situation, such as denying responsibility for a mistake or denying involvement in a crime.
4. Negation or contradiction of a statement or claim: Denial can refer to the act of negating or contradicting a statement or claim, such as denying the truth of a rumor or denying the validity of a scientific theory.
5. Withholding or blocking access to something: Denial can refer to the act of withholding or blocking access to something, such as denying access to a website or denying entry to a building.
6. Failure to acknowledge or recognize someone or something: Denial can refer to the failure to acknowledge or recognize someone or

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