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İngilizce - Türkçe

sıklık sırası: 5040

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DECAY = [di'key] verb
1 çürümek, bozulmak * eşanlamlı : rot, decompose, spoil, go bad, putrefy
İngilizce örnek : A dentist fills teeth that are decayed.
Türkçe çevirisi : Dişçi çürüyen dişi doldurur.
İngilizce örnek : In old age our powers decay.
Türkçe çevirisi : Yaşlılıkta gücümüz azalır.
2 yozlaşmak, bozulmak, kokuşmak * eşanlamlı : decline, deteriorate, wither, degenerate, wane, decrease * karşıtanlamlı : flourish
¤ noun
1 çürüme, bozulma * eşanlamlı : rot, decomposition, spoilage, putrefaction, gangrene
İngilizce örnek : The decay of the wood is due to a certain kind of insect.
Türkçe çevirisi : Ahşabın çürümesi, belli bir tür böcek yüzünden.
İngilizce örnek : Coal is formed the decay of vegetable matter.
Türkçe çevirisi : Kömür, bitkisel maddenin çürümesinden oluşur.
2 yozlaşma, bozulma * eşanlamlı : decline, deretioration, decadence, wasting, degeneration, collapse

ilgili sözler / related words

cause to decay chain decay current decay deadenylation-independent mrna decay deadenylation-mediated mrna decay decay chain decay characteristic decay constant decay constat decay curve decay curves decay electron decay factor decay family decay gammas decay hazard decay heat decay hf decay into decay law decay method decay modulus decay of radioactivity decay parent decay pathways decay product decay rate decay ratio decay resistance decay resistant decay scheme decay series decay theory decay time decay tree decay when pumping stops decay wood double beta decay dual beta decay early decay exponential decay exponential growth and decay fall into decay fermi decay first decay fission-product decay gammas fissure decay fungal decay gamma decay general decay incipent decay of beech incipient decay incipient decay of beech initial decay initial decay stage loath decay make decay mature decay mental decay multiple decay natural decay nonsense-mediated mrna decay nuclear decay period of decay pressure decay rate pressure decay test primary decay pulse decay radiation decay factor radioactive decay radioactive decay constant radioactive decay curve radioactive decay law radioactive decay product radioactive decay rate radioactive decay scheme radioactive decay series radyoactive decay rate of decay rate of decay of sound root decay sales decay scintillation decay scintillation decay time senile decay sign of decay smell of decay sound decay rate storage decay stress decay successive decay suffer decay thrust decay tooth decay vacuum decay test voltage decay wave decay weld decay wood free from decay

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