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İngilizce - Türkçe

sıklık sırası: 738

CONSIDER = [kın'sidı] verb
1 düşünüp taşınmak * eşanlamlı : think of, think about
İngilizce örnek : I considered going to live abroad.
Türkçe çevirisi : Yurtdışında yaşamaya gitmeyi düşündüm.
İngilizce örnek : I considered the matter carefully.
Türkçe çevirisi : Meseleyi dikkatle düşünüp taşındım.
İngilizce örnek : I'm considering looking for a new job.
Türkçe çevirisi : Yeni bir iş aramayı düşünüyorum.
İngilizce örnek : We sat down and considered what to do.
Türkçe çevirisi : Oturup ne yapmamız gerektiğini düşündük.
2 olduğunu düşünmek, saymak * eşanlamlı : regard * karşıtanlamlı : ignore, disregard
İngilizce örnek : I consider that he is a fool.
Türkçe çevirisi : Onun aptal olduğunu düşünüyorum.
İngilizce örnek : I consider your attitude very foolish.
Türkçe çevirisi : Tutumunu çok aptalca buluyorum.
İngilizce örnek : Most women consider him a handsome man.
Türkçe çevirisi : Çoğu kadın onu yakışıklı buluyor.
3 göz önünde tutmak * karşıtanlamlı : estimate, take into account, judge, look upon
İngilizce örnek : Actually my fridge is in quite good condition, considering its age.
Türkçe çevirisi : Aslında buzdolabım, yaşı göz önüne alındığında, gayet iyi durumda.

Consider carefully: To think about something in a thorough and deliberate manner.
Consider briefly: To briefly think about or take into account something.
Consider deeply: To contemplate or ponder something at length, often involving profound reflection.
Consider briefly: To briefly contemplate or reflect on something without delving deeply into it.
Consider thoughtfully: To think about something in a careful and considerate manner, taking various factors into account.
Consider thoroughly: To examine or analyze something comprehensively, leaving no aspect unexplored.
Consider seriously: To regard something with gravity or importance, indicating sincere attention or concern.
Consider lightly: To think about something casually or without much depth.
Consider with caution: To approach something thoughtfully, being mindful of potential risks or consequences.
Consider with skepticism: To regard something with doubt or disbelief, questioning its validity or credibility.
Consider with optimism: To view something with hope or positivity, anticipating favorable outcomes.
Consider with pessimism: To approach something with a negative outlook, expecting unfavorable results.
Consider with enthusiasm: To think about something with excitement or eagerness, showing genuine interest.
Consider with indifference: To think about something without much emotional investment or attachment.
Consider with reservation: To approach something cautiously or hesitantly, expressing doubt or uncertainty.
Consider with empathy: To contemplate something from another person's perspective, showing understanding or compassion.
Consider with objectivity: To evaluate something impartially, without bias or personal preferences influencing judgment.
Consider with subjectivity: To assess something based on personal feelings, opinions, or biases.
Consider with sympathy: To think about something with compassion or understanding, acknowledging another person's feelings or situation.
Consider with empathy: To contemplate something from another person's perspective, showing understanding or compassion.
Consider with objectivity: To evaluate something impartially, without bias or personal preferences influencing judgment.
Consider with subjectivity: To assess something based on personal feelings, opinions, or biases.
Consider with sympathy: To think about something with compassion or understanding, acknowledging another person's feelings or situation.
Consider the implications: To think about the potential consequences or effects of a decision, action, or situation.
Consider the alternatives: To think about different options or choices before making a decision.
Consider the possibilities: To explore various potential outcomes or scenarios.
Consider the consequences: To think about the results or effects of a particular action or decision.
Consider the ramifications: To think about the broader impacts or consequences of a choice or course of action.
Consider the risks: To evaluate the potential dangers or uncertainties associated with a decision or action.
Consider the benefits: To weigh the advantages or positive aspects of a particular choice or course of action.
Consider the drawbacks: To evaluate the disadvantages or negative aspects of a decision or action.
Consider the advantages: To think about the benefits or favorable outcomes of a particular choice or course of action.
Consider the disadvantages: To evaluate the shortcomings or negative consequences of a decision or action.
Consider the merits: To assess the strengths or qualities of a particular option or argument.
Consider the flaws: To examine the weaknesses or shortcomings of a particular option or argument.
Consider the factors: To take into account the various elements or circumstances relevant to a decision or situation.
Consider the variables: To think about the different factors or conditions that may influence an outcome.
Consider the context: To take into consideration the surrounding circumstances or background information.
Consider the environment: To think about the setting or conditions in which something occurs or exists.
Consider the timing: To think about the appropriate or opportune moment for something to happen or be done.
Consider the audience: To think about the intended recipients or observers of a message, action, or event.
Consider the stakeholders: To think about the individuals or groups affected by a decision or action.
Consider the implications: To think about the potential consequences or effects of a decision, action, or situation.
Consider the alternatives: To think about different options or choices before making a decision.
Consider the possibilities: To explore various potential outcomes or scenarios.
Consider the consequences: To think about the results or effects of a particular action or decision.
Consider the ramifications: To think about the broader impacts or consequences of a choice or course of action.
Consider the risks: To evaluate the potential dangers or uncertainties associated with a decision or action.
Consider the benefits: To weigh the advantages or positive aspects of a particular choice or course of action.
Consider the drawbacks: To evaluate the disadvantages or negative aspects of a decision or action.
Consider the advantages: To think about the benefits or favorable outcomes of a particular choice or course of action.
Consider the disadvantages: To evaluate the shortcomings or negative consequences of a decision or action.
Consider the merits: To assess the strengths or qualities of a particular option or argument.
Consider the flaws: To examine the weaknesses or shortcomings of a particular option or argument.
Consider the factors: To take into account the various elements or circumstances relevant to a decision or situation.
Consider the variables: To think about the different factors or conditions that may influence an outcome.
Consider the context: To take into consideration the surrounding circumstances or background information.
Consider the environment: To think about the setting or conditions in which something occurs or exists.
Consider the timing: To think about the appropriate or opportune moment for something to happen or be done.
Consider the audience: To think about the intended recipients or observers of a message, action, or event.
Consider the stakeholders: To think about the individuals or groups affected by a decision or action.
Consider the budget: To think about the financial resources available for a particular project, activity, or purchase.
Consider the timeframe: To think about the duration or time period within which something must be accomplished or completed.
Consider the scope: To think about the extent or range of a particular project, task, or endeavor.
Consider the requirements: To think about the necessary conditions or specifications for a particular outcome or achievement.
Consider the constraints: To think about the limitations or restrictions that may impact a decision or course of action.
Consider the objectives: To think about the goals or aims that need to be achieved within a particular context or situation.
Consider the challenges: To think about the difficulties or obstacles that may arise during the course of a project or endeavor.
Consider the opportunities: To think about the favorable circumstances or chances for advancement or success.
Consider the implications: To think about the potential consequences or effects of a decision, action, or situation.
Consider the alternatives: To think about different options or choices before making a decision.
Consider the possibilities: To explore various potential outcomes or scenarios.
Consider the consequences: To think about the results or effects of a particular action or decision.
Consider the ramifications: To think about the broader impacts or consequences of a choice or course of action.
Consider the risks: To evaluate the potential dangers or uncertainties associated with a decision or action.
Consider the benefits: To weigh the advantages or positive aspects of a particular choice or course of action.
Consider the drawbacks: To evaluate the disadvantages or negative aspects of a decision or action.
Consider the advantages: To think about the benefits or favorable outcomes of a particular choice or course of action.
Consider the disadvantages: To evaluate the shortcomings or negative consequences of a decision or action.
Consider the merits: To assess the strengths or qualities of a particular option or argument.
Consider the flaws: To examine the weaknesses or shortcomings of a particular option or argument.
Consider the factors: To take into account the various elements or circumstances relevant to a decision or situation.
Consider the variables: To think about the different factors or conditions that may influence an outcome.
Consider the context: To take into consideration the surrounding circumstances or background information.
Consider the environment: To think about the setting or conditions in which something occurs or exists.
Consider the timing: To think about the appropriate or opportune moment for something to happen or be done.
Consider the audience: To think about the intended recipients or observers of a message, action, or event.
Consider the stakeholders: To think about the individuals or groups affected by a decision or action.
Consider the budget: To think about the financial resources available for a particular project, activity, or purchase.
Consider the timeframe: To think about the duration or time period within which something must be accomplished or completed.
Consider the scope: To think about the extent or range of a particular project, task, or endeavor.
Consider the requirements: To think about the necessary conditions or specifications for a particular outcome or achievement.
Consider the constraints: To think about the limitations or restrictions that may impact a decision or course of action.
Consider the objectives: To think about the goals or aims that need to be achieved within a particular context or situation.
Consider the challenges: To think about the difficulties or obstacles that may arise during the course of a project or endeavor.
Consider the opportunities: To think about the favorable circumstances or chances for advancement or success.
Consider the feedback: To think about the input or opinions provided by others regarding a decision, action, or situation.
Consider the implications: To think about the potential consequences or effects of a decision, action, or situation.
Consider the alternatives: To think about different options or choices before making a decision.
Consider the possibilities: To explore various potential outcomes or scenarios.

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