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İngilizce - Türkçe

sıklık sırası: 45578

In linguistics, collocation refers to the way certain words tend to appear together more often than would be expected by chance. Collocations are combinations of words that frequently occur together and form a natural phrase, which is idiomatic and has a specific meaning.

Here are some examples of collocations:

Strong coffee: "Strong" and "coffee" form a collocation because they frequently occur together to describe coffee that has a rich and robust taste.
Catch a cold: "Catch" and "cold" form a collocation because they are often used together to describe someone becoming sick with a cold.
Heavy rain: "Heavy" and "rain" form a collocation because they often appear together to describe rain that is intense or pouring.
Make a decision: "Make" and "decision" form a collocation because they often appear together to describe the process of deciding something.
White lie: "White" and "lie" form a collocation because they often appear together to describe a small or harmless lie.
Collocations can be helpful in language learning because they provide a way to learn common phrases and expressions in context. Understanding and using collocations can make your language sound more natural and fluent.

adjective collocation = sıfat eşdizimi
collocation acquisition = eşdizim kazanımı
collocation analysis = eşdizim analizi
collocation awareness = eşdizim farkındalığı
collocation choice = eşdizim seçimi
collocation complexity = eşdizim karmaşıklığı
collocation dictionary = eşdizim sözlüğü
collocation error = eşdizim hatası
collocation extraction = eşdizim çıkarma
collocation frequency = eşdizim sıklığı
collocation knowledge = eşdizim bilgisi
collocation learning = eşdizim öğrenimi
collocation pattern = eşdizim kalıbı
collocation phrase = eşdizim ifadesi
collocation practice = eşdizim pratiği
collocation proficiency = eşdizim yetkinliği
collocation research = eşdizim araştırması
collocation usage = eşdizim kullanımı
collocation use = eşdizim kullanımı
collocation variation = eşdizim çeşitliliği
common collocation = yaygın eşdizim
English collocation = İngilizce eşdizim
fixed collocation = sabit eşdizim
frequent collocation = sık kullanılan eşdizim
idiomatic collocation = deyimsel eşdizim
natural collocation = doğal eşdizim
noun collocation = ad eşdizimi
strong collocation = güçlü eşdizim
verb collocation = eylem eşdizimi

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