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İngilizce - Türkçe

sıklık sırası: 3210

ad / noun 04 – commerce

ad / noun 09 – library

ad / noun 10 – advertising

ad / noun 11 – technical

CIRCULATION = [sö: kyu'leyşın] noun
1 dolaşım; tedavül
İngilizce örnek : This medicine will help your blood circulation.
Türkçe çevirisi : Bu ilaç kan dolaşımınıza yardımcı olur.
İngilizce örnek : The old coins have been withdrawn from circulation.
Türkçe çevirisi : Eski madeni paralar tedavülden kaldırıldı.
2 tiraj

CIRCULATION = (circulation nedir; circulation Türkçesi) Kapalı, belirli bir alan veya hacim boyunca/içinde sıvı veya gazın hareketi veya akışı. Meteorolojide ise, nispeten kalıcı olan basınç sistemleriyle beraber hava parsellerinin atmosfer içerisinde hareket etmesidir. Okyanus bilimi anlamında ise, geniş alan ve uzun bir yol kat eden su akıntıları anlaşılır.

1. The movement of blood through the body's blood vessels, including the arteries, veins, and capillaries.
2. The movement of air or other substances through a closed system, such as the circulation of air in a building or the circulation of water in a pool.
3. The distribution or dissemination of information, news, or publications, such as the circulation of a newspaper or magazine.
4. The flow or movement of money, goods, or other commodities, such as the circulation of currency or the circulation of goods in a market.
5. The act of moving in a circular or repeated pattern, such as the circulation of traffic around a roundabout.
6. The process of returning used items to a system for reuse, such as the circulation of library books or the circulation of reusable containers.
7. The act of going around or visiting a place or area, such as the circulation of a salesperson in a particular territory or the circulation of a bus on a route.
8. The state of being in circulation, such as the circulation of a rumor or a piece of art in a museum.

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