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İngilizce - Türkçe

sıklık sırası: 31353

ad / noun 3 – military

BOTTLENECK = ['botlnek] noun
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Traffic Bottleneck: A point on a road where traffic slows down or comes to a standstill due to congestion or other factors.
Production Bottleneck: A stage in a manufacturing process where production is limited or delayed, often due to a lack of resources or inefficiencies.
Supply Chain Bottleneck: A point in a supply chain where the flow of goods or materials is impeded, causing delays or disruptions.
Logistics Bottleneck: A situation in which the movement and distribution of goods face obstacles or delays.
Technology Bottleneck: A constraint in a technological system that limits its performance or capacity.
Data Bottleneck: A situation where data processing or transfer is slowed down or restricted, often due to network or hardware limitations.
Network Bottleneck: A point in a computer network where data transfer is restricted, leading to reduced network performance.
Financial Bottleneck: A situation where a lack of funds or financial constraints hinders progress or growth.
Communication Bottleneck: A point in a communication process where information flow is impeded, leading to misunderstandings or delays.
Resource Bottleneck: A shortage or limitation of essential resources that hampers a project or operation.
Human Resource Bottleneck: A situation where a lack of skilled personnel or staffing issues affects productivity or performance.
Infrastructure Bottleneck: A limitation in the physical or technological infrastructure that hinders development or progress.
Data Transfer Bottleneck: A situation in which data transfer between devices or systems is slowed down due to various factors.
Traffic Jam Bottleneck: A severe traffic congestion situation where vehicles are almost at a standstill.
Software Bottleneck: A limitation within a software program or system that affects its overall performance.
Economic Bottleneck: A condition in an economy where certain factors limit growth or stability.
Educational Bottleneck: A barrier or limitation in the education system that affects learning outcomes.
Healthcare Bottleneck: A point in the healthcare system where access to care is restricted, causing delays or inadequate treatment.
Energy Bottleneck: A situation where the supply of energy resources falls short of demand, causing shortages or price increases.
Manufacturing Bottleneck: A stage in the manufacturing process where delays or limitations occur, impacting production efficiency.
Security Bottleneck: A point in a security system where vulnerabilities or weaknesses exist, potentially leading to breaches.
Innovation Bottleneck: A constraint that hinders the development or implementation of new ideas or technologies.
Talent Bottleneck: A situation where an organization struggles to attract or retain skilled and talented individuals.
Environmental Bottleneck: A critical point in environmental conservation efforts where progress is hindered.
Project Bottleneck: A phase in a project where progress is slowed or stalled due to various issues.
Pipeline Bottleneck: A point in an oil or gas pipeline system where flow is restricted, affecting distribution.
Customer Service Bottleneck: A situation in which customer service processes are overwhelmed or inefficient, leading to poor service.
Legal Bottleneck: A point in a legal process where delays or complications arise, often due to legal constraints.
Market Bottleneck: A situation in which limited demand or competition constraints affect market growth.
Shipping Bottleneck: A point in the shipping and transportation industry where delays or issues occur.
International Trade Bottleneck: A barrier or issue in international trade that hampers the flow of goods and services.
Infrastructure Investment Bottleneck: A constraint in investing in infrastructure projects, limiting development.
Project Management Bottleneck: A phase in project management where issues or constraints impact progress.
Government Regulation Bottleneck: A point where government regulations impede business operations or growth.
Resource Allocation Bottleneck: A situation where resources are not allocated efficiently, affecting outcomes.
Education Funding Bottleneck: A lack of funding in the education system that restricts resources for schools and students.
Healthcare Capacity Bottleneck: A point in healthcare where the capacity to provide care is insufficient for demand.
Traffic Flow Bottleneck: A point on a road where traffic slows due to narrow lanes or other design factors.
Inventory Bottleneck: A situation where a company's inventory management leads to shortages or overstock.
Manufacturing Capacity Bottleneck: A limitation in a factory's capacity to produce goods efficiently.
Business Expansion Bottleneck: A phase in a company's growth where expansion is hindered by various factors.
Supply Chain Management Bottleneck: A constraint in managing a supply chain that affects overall efficiency.
Project Funding Bottleneck: A lack of funding or financial issues that impact project execution.
Research and Development Bottleneck: A constraint in the research and development process that slows innovation.
Resource Management Bottleneck: Inefficient management of resources that affects project outcomes.
Education Access Bottleneck: A barrier that limits access to quality education for certain populations.
E-commerce Logistics Bottleneck: A point in the e-commerce supply chain where delivery is delayed or problematic.
Retail Inventory Bottleneck: A situation where a retailer struggles with inventory management, affecting sales.
Urban Infrastructure Bottleneck: A limitation in the infrastructure of a city that affects its livability and development.
Legal Process Bottleneck: A point in a legal proceeding where delays or complications occur, often in court cases.

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