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İngilizce - Türkçe

sıklık sırası: 3495

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BLOW = [blou] verb
blew [blu: ], blown [bloun]
1 (rüzgâr) esmek
İngilizce örnek : The wind was blowing gently.
Türkçe çevirisi : Rüzgâr hafifçe (ılgıt ılgıt) esiyordu.
İngilizce örnek : The wind is blowing offshore.
Türkçe çevirisi : Rüzgâr kıyıdan denize doğru esiyor.
2 üflemek
İngilizce örnek : He blew the dust away.
Türkçe çevirisi : Tozu üfledi.
İngilizce örnek : The wind blew away the fog.
Türkçe çevirisi : Rüzgâr sisi dağıttı.
3 çalmak; öttürmek * eşanlamlı : whistle, sound
İngilizce örnek : The referee saw a foul, and blew his whistle.
Türkçe çevirisi : Hakem faulü gördü ve düdüğünü çaldı.
4 (sigorta, ampul) atmak, yanmak
İngilizce örnek : The fuse has blown.
Türkçe çevirisi : Sigorta attı.
¤ noun
1 darbe, vuruş * eşanlamlı : hit, slap, thump, knock, stroke
İngilizce örnek : The man cut the bough in two with one blow.
Türkçe çevirisi : Adam bir vuruşta dalı ikiye kesti.
İngilizce örnek : The victim was killed by a blow to the back of the head.
Türkçe çevirisi : Kurban enseye bir darbe ile öldürülmüş.
2 talihsizlik, darbe, şok * eşanlamlı : misfortune, shock, calamity, tragedy
* blow down = devirmek, yere yatırmak
İngilizce örnek : The wind blew the tree down.
Türkçe çevirisi : Rüzgâr ağacı devirdi.
* blow in = çıkagelmek
* blow off = uçurmak
İngilizce örnek : Suddenly the wind almost blew her off her feet.
Türkçe çevirisi : Birdenbire rüzgâr onun ayaklarını yerden kesti.
* blow out = üfleyerek söndürmek
İngilizce örnek : She blew out all the candles on the birthday cake.
Türkçe çevirisi : Doğum gününde bütün mumları üfleyerek söndürdü.
* blow over = geçmek, dinmek
İngilizce örnek : The storm will soon blow over.
Türkçe çevirisi : Fırtına yakında diner.
* blow up = 1 havaya uçurmak
İngilizce örnek : The engineers blew the old dam up.
Türkçe çevirisi : Mühendisler barajı havaya uçurdular.
2 (fotoğraf) büyültmek
3 kızmak, tepesi atmak
İngilizce örnek : She blew up when he said he'd forgotten the keys.
Türkçe çevirisi : Adam anahtarları unuttuğunu söyleyince kadının tepesi attı.

ilgili sözler / related words

a big blow a blow on a whistle a blow on the chin a hard blow a secret foe gives a sudden blow a solid blow air blow arc blow at a blow at a single blow at one blow be dealt a blow begin to blow from the northeast bessemer blow blow a blizzard blow a gale blow a gasket blow a horn blow a kiss blow a raspberry blow a whistle blow about blow air line blow an egg blow away blow away the cobwebs blow back blow back-operated weapon blow bending blow bottle blow box blow bubbles blow by blow by blow blow cock blow down blow down pit blow down tank blow down valve blow downs blow dryer blow eyleminin geçmiş zaman ortacı blow eyleminin ikinci hali blow eyleminin üçüncü hali blow fan blow fly blow for full time blow for half-time blow forming blow from the north blow gently blow glass blow great gunes blow great guns blow gun blow head blow his stack blow hole blow hot and cold blow hot and cold about blow in blow in place blow into blow into a passion blow iron blow it blow it! blow it! oh blow! blow joint blow kisses blow lightly blow like a grampus blow me down! blow me! blow mold blow molding blow mould blow nozzles blow off blow off energy blow off pipe blow off steam blow off the floor blow off the steam blow off valve blow on blow on something blow one's brain out blow one's brains out blow one's breath blow one's breath upon blow one's cap blow one's cool blow one's cover blow one's mind blow one's nose blow one's own horn blow one's own trumpet blow one's stack blow one's top blow out blow out liquid from one's mouth blow out of proportion blow out one's brains blow out panels blow out port blow out somebody's brain blow out somebody's brains blow over blow pipe blow plate blow pressure blow sky-high blow somebody a kiss blow somebody away blow somebody up blow somebody's brains out blow somebody's cover blow somebody's mind blow something out blow something out of all proportion blow something to bits blow something to kingdom come blow something up blow squeeze casting blow table blow tank blow taps blow the bugle blow the cobwebs away blow the expenses blow the fuse blow the fuses blow the gaff blow the lid off blow the lid off (something) blow the trumpet blow the whistle blow the whistle (on somebody or something) blow the whistle on blow through blow through turbo blow through unit blow time blow to kingdom come blow to pieces blow to smithereens blow to terrorism blow torch blow tube blow up blow up (something) blow up a bomb blow up a tyre blow up in somebody's face blow up in somebody's face (for something) blow up tank blow upon blow upon one's yoghurt before eating it blow with bellows blow with the fist blow with the inside of the glove blow with the open glove blow your nose body blow burin blow technique catch somebody a blow continuous blow down core blow counter blow deal a blow deal a blow at somebody deal a blow at something deal somebody a blow deal somebody/something a blow deal something a blow death blow decisive blow direct blow don't blow a gasket don't blow your cool don't blow your cover don't blow your stack elastic blow extrusion blow molding extrusion blow moulding fetch somebody a blow final blow first blow floating blow for a bugle to blow foul blow free blow air conditioner gentle blow give a sharp blow give somebody a blow go blow go for a blow hammer blow have two strings to one's blow inflict a heavy blow inflict a heavy blow (on) inflict a heavy blow on injection blow moulding is there any blow of oil or water from indicator valves? it was a blow to his pride knock-down blow knockout blow land a blow land a blow somewhere leading-off blow let's blow let's blow this joint let's blow this popsicle stand level a blow at somebody line blow local blow low blow make blow up make like the wind and blow make something blow making on blow pipe nasty blow penetration per blow pivot blow plant a blow please blow in here please blow into this puff and blow receive a blow repeated blow test retarded blow back return a blow with interest shampoo and blow dry please sheep blow fly solid blow stop blow straight blow strike a blow strike a blow at suck-and blow process sword blow violent blow with a sharp blow with a single blow without striking a blow

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