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Türkçe - İngilizce

ana kullanım

bark = aile [öz Türkçe - eski terim]

bark = apartman [öz Türkçe - eski terim]

bark = familya [öz Türkçe - eski terim]


İngilizce - Türkçe

sıklık sırası: 6361


BARK = [ba: k] verb
İngilizce örnek : Dogs bark at strangers.
Türkçe çevirisi : Köpekler yabancılara havlarlar.
İngilizce örnek : Her puppy wagged its tail and barked happily.
Türkçe çevirisi : Onun yavru köpeği kuyruğunu salladı ve mutlu bir şekilde havladı.
İngilizce örnek : My neighbour's dog barks at my cat.
Türkçe çevirisi : Komşumun köpeği kedime havlıyor.
¤ noun
1 havlama
2 ağaç kabuğu
İngilizce örnek : Why are you peeling the bark of that tree?
Türkçe çevirisi : Neden o ağacın kabuğunu soyuyorsun?

ilgili sözler / related words

canella bark tree cascarilla bark tree cassia bark tree cembra fir bark beetle china bark chinchona bark chine bark tree cinchona bark circulation bark clove bark tree coarse bark common ash bark beetle cork bark fir cylindrical bark bettles diameter inside bark diameter outside bark dita bark do not keep a dog and bark yourself dothichiza bark necrosis and dieback edible inner bark elm bark beetle ev bark ev bark sahibi fig tree bark beetle fir bark beetle fir bark louse flacky bark flaked bark flaky bark flat bark beetles form a bark formation of bark forming a bark grow bark growing bark having bark hickory bark bettle his bark is worse than bis bite his bark is worse than his bite iki katlı bark including bark ingrown bark inner bark inside bark lace bark pine large european elm bark beetle large fruit bark beetle lima bark lime bark little pine tree bark bettle measured over bark measured under bark measured with bark measured without bark mimosa bark nine bark oak bark oak bark beetle olive bark beetle one's bark is worse than one's bite outer bark outside bark over bark peach bark beetle peeled bark percentage of bark peruvian bark pine bark adelges pine bark aphid pine bark beetle pistachio bark beetle put not thy hand between the bark and the tree quihin bark quinine bark red bark cypress river bark rootstock bark sassy bark tree scaly bark scaly bark of citrus shield bark side bark graft silk bark oak silver bark silver fir bark beetle six-toothed spruce bark beetle small ash bark beetle small european elm bark beetle small fruit bark beetle small pine tree bark beetle smaller european elm bark beetle smooth bark sun scorch of bark taning bark tanner's bark tanning bark thickness of bark trapped bark under bark usable bark wastage in bark why keep a dog and bark yourself willow bark winter's bark with bark without bark

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