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İngilizce - Türkçe

sıklık sırası: 1210


ATTACK = [ı'tek] verb
1 saldırmak, basmak, hücum etmek * eşanlamlı : assault, assail, beset, raid, invade * karşıtanlamlı : withdraw, retreat
İngilizce örnek : They attacked the enemy.
Türkçe çevirisi : Düşmana saldırdılar.
2 eleştirmek, kınamak, çatmak * eşanlamlı : criticize, abuse, blame * karşıtanlamlı : praise, endorse
İngilizce örnek : The Prime Minister often attacks the press when they write against him.
Türkçe çevirisi : Kendisi aleyhine yazdığı zaman başbakan çoğu zaman basına çatar.
¤ noun
1 saldırı * eşanlamlı : assault, raid, charge, onslaught * karşıtanlamlı : defence, withdrawal, retreat
İngilizce örnek : The army's attack on the enemy was successful.
Türkçe çevirisi : Ordunun düşmana saldırısı başarılı oldu.
2 nöbet, kriz
İngilizce örnek : I had an attack of fever.
Türkçe çevirisi : Ateş nöbetim tuttu. (Ateşim çıktı.)

ilgili sözler / related words

a big-scale attack a fatal heart attack a jealousy attack a minor heart attack a passenger has had a heart attack a slight heart attack absolute angle of attack accidental attack acid attack acute asthma attack advance to attack advanced attack helicopter aerial attack air attack air attack altitude air attack exercise an attack on analytical attack anginal attack angle of attack antisubmarine air search attack unit anxiety attack approaching to attack armed attack armed robbery attack arson attack assassination and physical attack to the president assembly for attack asthma attack asynchronous attack attack aircraft attack aircraft carrier attack altitude attack and containment attack angle attack area attack assessment attack block attack blok attack bomber attack cargo ship attack carrier striking forces attack condition alpha attack condition bravo attack each other with bayonets attack echelon attack fiercely attack force attack formation attack from above attack from below attack from the rear attack game attack group attack heading attack helicopter attack in minority attack in numerical superiority attack in waves attack infestation attack is the best form of defence attack level attack line attack mechanism attack of hysteria attack of nerves attack on attack on preparation attack on schistosomes attack on tumor blood supply attack order attack origin attack pattern attack planes attack plotter attack polishing attack position attack preceded by a feint attack rate attack sector attack size attack somebody attack somebody at the weak point attack speed attack submarine diesel fuelled attack submarine nuclear fuelled attack suddenly attack systems attack time attack timing attack tire attack transport attack vector attack wave attack with a drawn knife attack with bombs attack with interchanging positions attack zone avert armed attack axis of attack azimuth of attack bayonet attack be under attack beat off an attack beat off the attack begin to attack biological attack bomb attack bombing attack brute force attack brute-force attack build up an attack by frontal attack carotid-ophthalmic ischemic attack casualty attack catalytic attack cause to attack causing to attack centre attack cerebrovascular attack chemical attack chemical attack report chloride attack chosen-plaintext attack ciphertext-only attack come under attack common attack pattern enumeration and classification composed attack composite attack compound attack or compound parry concerted attack contain the attack converging attack coordinated air attack coordinated attack cost to attack cough attack counter attack counter attack or counterattack cover from air attack critical angle of attack cross court attack cross-court attack cryptanalytical attack cut off attack cyber attack day light attack day time bombing attack deep attack deliberate attack denial of service attack denial-of-service attack deposit attack developing attack dictionary attack die of heart attack direct attack direction of attack disposed to attack distributed denial of service attack distributed denial-of- service attack dive attack dive bombing attack diversionary attack divided air attack diving attack echelon of attack electronic attack electrophilic attack enemy air attack enveloping attack exhaustive attack false attack fast attack boat fast attack craft fault attack feint attack fierce attack fighter bomber attack fighter-bomber attack fighter-bomber/ground attack aircrafts first hand attack first serious attack first-tempo attack flank attack flanking attack follow forces attack follow on forces attack frontal attack full-scale attack fungal attack fungus attack general attack generalized attack detection model give somebody a heart attack gliding attack grain boundary attack grand mal attack grenade attack ground attack ground attack aircraft harassing attack hasty attack have a heart attack have an attack of asthma have somebody attack somebody have somebody attack something head-on attack heart attack hearth attack holding attack hybrid attack hysteric attack impingement attack initial attack insect attack intelligence requirements for attack interdendritic attack ischemic attack joint attack force knife line attack known-plaintext attack landing attack large scale attack largescale attack launch a counter attack launch a vicious attack launch into a verbal attack launch under attack let attack limited attack limited objective attack line of attack liquid-metal attack local counter attack low attack low flying attack low level attack main attack main attack army major attack make an attack man in the middle attack man-in-the-middle attack mass attack massed air attack mechanized attack membrane attack complex miniature fragment attack minimum attack altitude minor heart attack missile attack mount an attack multipurpose attack helicopter my father is having a heart attack nbc attack night attack nuclear attack submarine nucleophylic attack off-target attack on-target attack one pass attack one-pass attack outflanking attack panic attack parasitic attack petit mal attack phase of the attack piecemeal attack pincer attack plan of attack player receiving opponent's attack preemptive attack preparation of attack pretend as if about attack probbing attack probing attack proceed to attack proceed to the attack progressive attack promising attack prone to attack psychomotor attack quick attack quick attack detach radiological attack rear attack relating to attack relay attack relief attack renewed attack repel an attack repellents for canine attack replay attack repulse an attack retaliatory attack search and attack priority search attack unit second hand attack secondary attack secondary attack rate set-play attack setback attack sexual attack shore-to-shore attack short range attack missile short-range attack missile simple attack slided attack smurf attack sneak attack software attack sonar attack plotter specialized attack helicopter spoiling attack spray attack spring to the attack stern attack strategic air attack subject to frost attack submerged attack successive attack sudden attack suicide attack sulphate attack supporting attack surprise attack surprise dosage attack tail attack tear drop attack terror attack terrorist attack the attack in numerical superiority the last savage attack time of attack tonic-clonic attack total dosage attack toxic attack toxic chemical attack toxic chemical biological or nuclear attack toxic chemical- biological or nuclear attack toxic chemical, biological or nuclear attack transient ischemic attack transmitter attack time turn a matter into an attack on personalities twilight attack under attack under-deposit attack underwater attack unexpected attack uniform attack virus attack we feared they might attack weapon of attack worm attack your husband is having an epilepsy attack zone of attack

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